Downloaded music keeps disappearing from my iPhone

yesterday approximately 5,000 songs disappeared music app on iphone 6 plus. listening downloaded song, while surfing facebook, , song stopped. when went music app restart it, entire library , playlists gone. not downloaded songs, ones added music not downloaded. settings app reported there no songs on iphone, yet available memory did not increase. had wifi off @ work, , resetting iphone did not solve problem. music app still had me signed in, "for you" section still showed suggestions.

when got home, turned wifi on, , music app showed playlists , songs added music, nothing "made available offline use". began downloading songs, takes forever. opened itunes on mac, , took @ said on iphone, , realized music app downloading duplicate songs, apparently couldn't see songs still on iphone.

in frustration, wiped iphone (full reset), started scratch. first reinstalled apps, , set everything. opened music app, again showed songs , playlists in music, none downloaded. selected "purchased music" playlist, 3,100 songs, , let run night while iphone plugged in. in morning had downloaded 1,800 songs, , had failed download great many songs saying no longer available, or couldn't downloaded @ time.

turned off wifi when went work, , iphone kept trying download songs though have preferences set not download music or apps on cellular data. ran battery down, , continued interrupt me alerts couldn't download song.

iphone resumed downloading songs when returned home , turned wifi on. took nap , happy see had downloaded remaining songs. settings app indicated had downloaded 20+ videos. went video section of music app, showing ones available on iphone, , deleted of them.

examined 1 artist app had downloaded 4 albums. first 1 missing songs, had display entire album, , tagged make songs available offline use.

on 2,000 downloaded songs disappeared iphone. wtf !!!!!!!!!!

settings app showed 544 songs on iphone. itunes on mac showed 12 songs on iphone. signed out of music app, signed in, , shows 12 songs on iphone. settings app shows 13 songs on iphone.

frustrated experience. apple fanboy, , cannot believe happening.

i feel pain enough enough.

if made apple music i'd thoroughly ashamed of myself.

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