
Showing posts from March, 2011

Anyone having issues with the Otterbox Commuter for the 6+ being too small?

i ordered admiral blue otterbox commuter 6+ on amazon , had issues outer plastic shell being small fit phone in rubber shell. if 1 or 2 mm larger, think fine. had amazon replace twice , cases experiencing same defect. ended returning full refund. reviewers on amazon plastic broke when attempting put together, nobody noted unusually small size experienced. wanted reach out here see if i'm not alone.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Carrier Will AT&T move upgrade dates if they're close to a iPhone release?

back when 4s released, upgrade date 3 weeks after launch. knew when event happening, when checked (just it) eligibility when orders available, date had changed. not sure if random or not, happened. upgrade date sept 21st, , 6s backordered crazy. have of at&t customers had success in past having them move date couple of weeks? have feeling they're going "you eligible....for at&t next". not want hear. anyway, getting feedback before call later. wasting time calling? can that?   yeah mine says same thing far upgrade date goes "this line may eligible 2 year service plan on 9/21..." i'm thinking/hoping once sept , after event announced upgrade may become available. last upgraded in 2013 on 5s launch day hoping doing 6s plus launch won't issue. hanging onto grandfathered udp dear life.   Forums

Fluctuating Volume across entire system

hi everyone, have weird problem. i've found multiple forum , discussion threads on issue dating 2010. without apparent reason or trigger point, volume on mid-2010 mac pro started fluctuating on it's own. there no observable factor affects or triggers volume fluctuation. i've tried deleting itunes plist files, done pram reset, complete power cycle including ups. nothing seems able resolve it. it's become extremely frustrating creative work revolves around having edit audio well. 1 has come viable solution these past 5 years? mid-2010 mac pro mac os 10.5.5 256gb ssd 64gb ram audio output: line out   any more details, or examples? mean volume fluctuating?   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPho

Still looking for that true RED sports band!

have seen many alike bands apple sport ones, red call theirs rose, pink, mango....similar apple sport version color. has found band same build original apple sport, in true red color? erice   same me!!!   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Macbook Pro won't stay connected to internet

i'm utilizing verizon mifi internet. have macbook pro connected wirelessly , have time capsule connected computer via ethernet cable. have internet sharing turned on , works. connect of devices time capsule , switch have connected time capsule works on house. love it. problem having few hours of being connected computer disconnect mifi. have go computer , manually reconnect it. have tried different computer same effect. there setting or step missing cause this? have googled , thing find uncheck wake network access box. didn't help.   sounds issue mifi, if same thing on different computer.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud

Resolved! Moved to a new home, internet speed is very slow.

we moved new home. modem downstairs inside closet because that's wirings at. comcast told me modem/connection goes 30 feet or so. moved 2900 square foot home. when upstairs internet speed slow , many times won't load page. downstairs den/office is. upgraded 150mbps costing me 50.00 more month. honest, don't want keep paying if can't have provision. told me purchase time capsule. have no problem doing there other options? have extreme (older version) , it's not working quite well. @ our old home, worked great!   get express , chain extreme upstairs. ken rockwell has paper on how set great internet.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computer

Question about memory

rcently mac become slow. slow. gets little twirly rainbow scrolling webpage. or typing. in activity monitor says have have 450 mb free memory... normal? , can - except add on more?   anrbjotk said: ↑ rcently mac become slow. slow. gets little twirly rainbow scrolling webpage. or typing. in activity monitor says have have 450 mb free memory... normal? , can - except add on more? click expand... os x utilise ram possible best performance. don't worry that. there's different issue. try checking hdd smart data ensure it's not corrupted. other 'passed' means need new hdd. you can download smart utility here. if smart utility comes clean, try verifying volume in disk utility. if there issues, you'll need repair through recovery partition (please quote if need assistance). if disk utility comes ok (basically, no red writing), can try

Purchasing an iPhone 6

i have iphone 5s. iphone 6 don't monthly contracts , purchase phones outright. best way or best place buy iphone 6 @ reduced price once iphone 6s released? thanks! excellent place purchase phones. find seller great reviews , @ photos justify cost. swappa checks imei # before allowing ad posted live. i'm going post mint iphone 6 16gb at&t in week if you're interested.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How do new customers to a carrier preorder iphone?

i'll jumping ship iphone iphone 6s. wife , have contract phones , no carrier contract. i'm wanting buy iphone me , wife , go at&t our provider. question is... once phones officially announced , preorders can placed, how go doing since don't have contract carrier?   xman1102 said: ↑ i'll jumping ship iphone iphone 6s. wife , have contract phones , no carrier contract. i'm wanting buy iphone me , wife , go at&t our provider. question is... once phones officially announced , preorders can placed, how go doing since don't have contract carrier? click expand... i don't know how works in , at&t. here in canada , rogers, rogers site have pre-order/reserve section new phone. , when nearest location gets them in call down list of people pick up. (since seems limited supply.) assume able set new accounts @ pick up.

iTunes no longer syncs via wifi?

ever since recent itunes 12.2 , 12.2.1 updates, phone no longer syncs via wifi used to. need have plugged in everytime now. else having issue?   no one?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

AM Matches incorrect songs - force Upload Workaround

so far apple music , streaming there albums not available. have several favorite albums/artists add itunes find apple music making mess of things them. won't fix real large libraries , intended add occasional album. specific example: kingdom come, kingdom come (self-titled album). though album doesn't exist in apple music, when add album itunes, finds matches several songs , uploads rest. issue songs not correct album versions , instead remixes or strange versions never heard of, , contain respective album art entire albums inconsistent. workaround now: delete songs apple music. on windows pc take original mp3 files , edit id3 tags using program mp3tag (can run in wine on osx ), adding suffix of (u) other suffixes work thinking u stand uploaded. here example: filename: 01 - living out of touch.mp3 old title: living out of touch new title: living out of touch (u) drag album/songs itunes , fail match (doesn't suffix ) , uplo

Which MBPro

heya, i'm torn on mbpro get. starting uni , looking doing programming , running few vms on mbpro. abit of light gaming. first time mac buyer , advice great. retina macbook pro 2015 13" i5 2.7ghz/256gb ssd/8gb ram or retina macbook pro 2014 15" i7 2.2ghz/256gb ssd/16gb ram (base model) 15" slight more ex @ 15% more 13" i'm willing stretch if it's worth it. or should put money , upgrade ram on 13" instead? thanks.   kwmun said: ↑ looking doing programming , running a few vms on mbpro. abit of light gaming click expand... the 15" give better performance running multiple vms due quad core processor , superior gpu. i'd opt model given usage. 13" main advantage bit more portable smaller size., aside think 15" better option - $.02   Forums

Variation of Fcc legal symbols

recently had to visit apple store ipad repair. upon receiving replacement unit, found out of ordinary. safety labels @ huge, while i'm sure it's genuine, i'm still bit surprised. know korea , china phones have different symbols @ first time seeing in hk. model number remains unchanged a1489. else seen or using ipad huge symbols?   wow that's weird! had check mini 2 after reading this! it's smaller kind lol   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Locked iPhone 5 service

hey! know what's best online unlocking service iphone 5. suggestions?   dimario said: ↑ hey! know what's best online unlocking service iphone 5. suggestions? click expand... 「小龍茶館」: (probably speaks english not sure. japanese guy living in hkg) worst: totally unreliable , if unlock count on minimum 2 months no communication them status   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Bluetooth "Unavailable" in Beta 3?

i have spring 15 rmbp , bluetooth says "unavailable" - experiencing this?   it did me on first boot, closed lid put rmbp sleep , when opened again it worked since.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Music links from the tumblr page

can links on tumblr page here open in itunes? there's link listen zane's interview eminem, nothing happens when click on - goes radio tab in itunes. on page, there link pitchfork's curator page (at bottom): doesn't seem work either - although there page on there in new section. thought saw links earlier dj pages interesting see if exist anywhere.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Epic lumberjack - Last chance to survive [GAME][ARCADE][FREE]

hello, represent our app: epic lumberjack app icon: app store link: supported devices: iphone, ipad ios version: 8.3 , higher description: epic lumberjack? - hardcore game - fast gameplay - lots of fun game tells woodcutter, in woods during bombing. survive? can answer question! how use: hold left or right run. don't stop! screenshots: ---------- ---------- ---------- app store link: big request: sure write disadvantages have found, helpful know.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple

Internet usage meter (Yosemite friendly)

hello - traveling place (spanish island in europe) internet usage limited. have never had learn how skype or email or surfing consumes. going important trip. looking cheap or free internet usage software track usage. prefer software tracks each day , cumulative too. yosemite friendly paramount. ' looking find information how bandwidth skype or email, surfing, etc consume. articles useful too. looking forward hearing few of you! cheers neil   schmoofee said: ↑ i looking find information how bandwidth skype or email, surfing, etc consume. articles useful too. click expand... bandwidth+ can obtained through app store , works great!   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Softw

Logging battery parameters

i looking program automatically records battery parameters log file. had script on old mac cannot remember name. have tried 2 programs: bcmon: copied executable /usr/local/bin.and launchd script /library/launchdaemons/bcmon.plist said doesn't produce log in log directory. coconutbattery - nice program, set preferences log daily nothing shows in history unless manually add data. want track battery degradation on life of new mbp running yosemite. suggestions?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Resolved iMovie trimming video help please?

i feel absolute idiot posting this, i've updated new imovie , i'm stunned how counterintuitive (or how stupid am). i'm trying trim clip. being, import clip in, select want, , delete rest of stuff clip. want export clip. i've tried looking @ tutorials online though don't seem applicable. there aren't bars along left can 'move' clip or anything. i've got point i've selected want keep, , there's green horizontal bar along it. , bits don't want (when pressed delete) have red horizontal bar on it. there's video clip in library, green lines , red lines. want keep green bits. it's simple. i'm trying press delete, tried right-clicking, tried searching in menus. nothing seems working. whenever select clip, it's got yellow highlight option clip. when try press crop, wants crop image rather video. i've been desperately trying figure out 20 minutes , poor computer has been subjected plethora of colou

What can I do with these routers?

hi, i'm new here. want know can old airport a1264 router, , old 1999 airport graphite. i'll start off a1264. question 1: can use a1264 primary router, , hook webcam make wireless makeshift cctv. question 2: can use a1264 in car, , support own wifi, hotspot, can have free wifi (i guess). question 3: other fun things can a1264 "testing" purposes. i'm 12, turning 13, way. want interesting routers , iphone 6. apple products great i've read. , airport graphite: question 1: can still use wifi on iphone, , in hotel, or in car if plug in car battery? graphite outdated, ipad first generation? question 2: can graphite or a1264 raspberry pi a+? question 3: "fun" things can these 2 routers experimenting? thanks! a1264 airport graphite   what mean "free wifi"?.   Forums

Sport band better than expected

i thought sport band sorta "cheap" stainless steel apple watch, ordered milanese loop one, after buying 2 sport bands (black , white), i've been blown away how nice sport band looks , more importantly, how comfortable feels. i'm thinking of getting neon green 1 , if ever around releasing more colors, maybe picking dark blue , bright orange 1 well. bought leather loop on weekend haven't felt satisfied @ at all. it's going store.   i'm fan of sport band. have third party leather band , stainless link band, sport in use often.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV i

Does the 13' have all Capabilities as 15'?

is dual-screens supported on 13'? there 13' can't 15' can? (forget speed. talking capability). thanks.   legaleye3000 said: ↑ is dual-screens supported on 13'? there 13' can't 15' can? (forget speed. talking capability). thanks. click expand... well of course 13" can 15" can do, won't able support dual 4k on 13" because of hardware limitations.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless Faces Sync?

is possible apple forgot add feature? switched imac macbook pro. i've downloaded of photos icloud. no faces information included. know information out there iphone can find people add photos app.   dor said: ↑ is possible apple forgot add feature? switched imac macbook pro. i've downloaded of photos icloud. no faces information included. know information out there iphone can find people add photos app. click expand... yeah not included in icloud photo library. it´s terrible many people tag photos, , think it´s backup in icloud, realise it´s not case when setup new photos. 1 can hope apple realise how bad is, , implement asap. until recommend use faces heavily go faces , select + keyword tag each name poor backup. you´d still lose faces, @ least have keyword sort people by.   Forums

Lost MacBook Pro on train. Help!

i lost macbook pro yesterday after leaving on overground train in london. in blue duffer of st george bag. have been tracking via find iphone far it's been offline i've filled out enquiry form on tfl website. heard enter serial number online google serach indexing so: macbook pro (retina, 13-inch, late 2013) serial number: c02lkj8jfgyy   nothing can do. hand in. contact police in case gets handed in @ police station. keep fingers crossed feeling today.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Show off your OTHER wearable device!

please keep pics of other wearable devices. since of forum getting little redundant post size gate, scratch gate, shipping gate etc. thought fresh. post pic of wearing other wearable if own one, , maybe little bit it. , if still using it. i'll start. while waiting [ impatiently ] roll out of apple watch started looking @ other smart watches/trackers. settled on microsoft band ($199). albeit new (released fall 2014) had promising features , wealth of sensors make real interesting down road. seems work pretty fitness tracker , has nice smartwatch features also, although of them limited when connected iphone. show me caller id or contact name if it's stored in phone, few lines of incoming emails , text messages, notifications, weather, facebook notifications, twitter, uv exposure , heart rate , time! lol along other fitness related items. band not real aesthetically pleasing don't think looks bad imho. people wear scre

Reset Activity App

does know how reset activity app. much. put resolved when solved!   bump, wanna nknow   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Help importing to photos please

hi, i'm struggling photos import albums in way iphoto would. store photos in folders on hard drive , imported iphoto there (without copying). import them event same name parent folder , there drag , drop event different folders had set up, such 1 use syncing iphone , ipad, or screensavers etc. if import folder hard drive can't see it's imported them other recent imports. not create , event, or folder or anything. appear in year/collections/moments don't (and don't use on phone either) can never remember when photo taken, , in of folders have photos span several years. question how import photos appears event, or @ least folder mirrors folder on hard drive? found 1 work around create empty folder, import folder wanted, find these photos in last import folder , drag them new folder created. long winded way round, , no if want import multiple folders @ same time. example import folders "pets" , "cars" examp

Bootcamp vs. Virtualisation for PS, AI & FL (Windows 7)

hi, have adobe cs5.5 versions of photoshop, illustrator , flash windows 7 , wondering if should create bootcamp partition on rmbp 15" run these apps or can away using virtualisation software?   riskyshenanigan said: ↑ hi, have adobe cs5.5 versions of photoshop, illustrator , flash windows 7 , wondering if should create bootcamp partition on rmbp 15" run these apps or can away using virtualisation software? click expand... they'll run faster in bootcamp, can test virtualizing see if performance acceptable you. if needs aren't demanding, may fine virtualized environment.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCl

Embedded PDF in Word - legacy issues?

preface: nightmare scenario know there many better ways workflow in place have figure out bandaid time being. i'm designing indesign , exporting pdf. pdf ideally sent customers, end of story. have customers absolutely must have word docs i'd insert pdf word , send off. i'm not able test whether or not older versions of word have problems - stripping out pdf or throwing off format. know if older versions of word scramble inserted pdf?   you commended worrying customers way. people in shop have sent pdf files embedded in word documents more decade. unless customers running word 97 or such thing, not worry it.   Forums Special Interests Design and Graphics iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID

George Zimmerman Calls President Obama An 'Ignorant Baboon'

he must not have looked in mirror lately. people nailed him such racist douche nozzle amazing. george zimmerman ‏@therealgeorgez george zimmerman retweeted desert dog know how ended last moron hit me. give whirl cupcake. george zimmerman added,   does still care george zimmerman? dude turd. know.   Forums Mac Community Politics, Religion, Social Issues iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

macbook pro 2015 battery issue

i have macbook pro 2015 @ 79% , used final cut pro , compressor , battery drainned fast , installed app , battery @ 53% normal macbook drain battery @ rate can these app cause battery drain fast ? why fan make loud noise when installing app online ? saw battery drop in 1hr , 15   that isn't bad - 5 hours while using extensive tasks.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Using Apple Music in Keynote?

i can't seem find way use songs i've downloaded apple music in keynote presentation. know if possible?   unless can find tracks not copyrighted how use them? unless have way prove keynote presentation personal use can't legally use copyrighted material.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Upgrade 10.5.8 to Yosemite

i found old macbook pro has 10.5.8 installed , upgrade yosemite. what's fastest, hassle-free way so? created bootable yosemite installer (usb thumb drive), wouldn't work.   mgpg89 said: ↑ i created bootable yosemite installer (usb thumb drive), wouldn't work. click expand... what "wouldn't work" mean? computer have? not every macbook pro can run yosemite.   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Standing Ring

can explain this? ring isn't picking anything.   attached files: image.png file size: 187.1 kb views: 81 jonman mcfly said: ↑ can explain this? ring isn't picking anything. click expand... ...and have restarted iphone , watch?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 9 Beta 4 Text Tones

i didn't see issue anywhere. else have issue trying assign text tone system or contact? when try either system settings crashes or contact crashes , can't assign unique tone. bug report wanted see if else having issue on ios 9 beta 4. thanks.   yes it's beta bug, got wait till next update   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

MacBook Pro 13" 2014 or 2015

hi there, it's been while since i've posted on forums. remember asking lot of questions before buying first mac 5 or 6 years ago. lots of helpful folks around here have searched similar threads hoping more insight. looking new macbook, computer passing along old imac mom. using web browsing (with million tabs open though haha), watching videos, listening music, word processing, browser games, , light photo , video editing. know isn't heavy stuff want macbook last me @ least 5 years, since won't able upgrade on it. 5 macs i've bought in past (not me ) have been apple's refurb store. i've been happy them , intend purchase next 1 there. i'm trying decide between july 2014 or march 2015 rmbp refurbs both 8gb ram , 256gb ssd. 2014 1,359.00 (cad) , 2015 1,519.00 (cad). i'd 512 ssd don't think i'm comfortable forking on couple hundred too, i'm hoping 256 (+ external hard drive if necessary) suffice. tax 2015

CCC no trial extension?

for past 3 months i've been using ccc on trial version, , clicking 'extend trial' (or words effect) when trial over. there no 'extend trial' , shows 'quit', 'uninstall' , 'purchase'. has ccc been updated disable trial extension?   have no idea question. information after upgrade ei capitan 10.11 beta when opening ccc. version of ccc has not been thoroughly qualified against release of os x please visit news on updates ccc.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Carrier Unlimited AT&T iPad plan (domestic roaming & wi-fi hotspots)

i have unlimited at&t ipad plan. noticed come access variety of free wi-fi hotspots both domestic , international, though i've never used feature. has here , special these? how 1 go logging 1 verify have data plan if it's paid? reference: also, wondering if has roaming turned on, on plan, , if thing plan (us/domestic roaming). can't seem find answer anywhere this, i've kept roaming off. i've googled extensively , skills not par or information not out there/super obvious , i'm being n00b.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Use Macbook Pro as extended display.

hello all, have imac , macbook pro both mid 2011. bought thunderbolt cable, , i'm able use imac extended display using target display mode (cmd+f2), cannot use macbook pro in same manner. doesn't work. there other way use macbook pro extended display, using either: gigabit ethernet cable or thunderbolt cable? know can use screenrecycler , jollysfastvcn works on wifi network. i'd able use cabled connection if possible.   ne0the1 said: ↑ i know can use screenrecycler , jollysfastvcn works on wifi network. click expand... you can connect 2 macs thunderbolt cable , use fast network connection: screenrecycler ought work on (but i'd expect there still artefacts/lag c.f. target display mode)   Forums

New Look Here

wow, caught 66 year old surprise. looking memory problems chrome browser , found old stand (fsck -f) needed fix problem. had done perusing new theme or software here , thought @ corner store instead of @ forum. looks great!!!! kudos on choice of colors , larger format. nice. accepted username , password again though thought may need flashier password new digs. tcrowe   tcrowe said: ↑ wow, caught 66 year old surprise. looking memory problems chrome browser , found old stand (fsck -f) needed fix problem. had done perusing new theme or software here , thought @ corner store instead of @ forum. looks great!!!! kudos on choice of colors , larger format. nice. accepted username , password again though thought may need flashier password new digs. tcrowe click expand... thanks! , welcome   Forums

Use Apple Pay for iTunes/App Store?

i have iphone 6 credit-card ready apple pay. there way can use pay items in itunes store app or app store?   surprisingly, no.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Help a newer user optimize his PowerBook?

the model of ppc a1095 see guys using ppcs daily machines , modded , decked out icons , themes , such. . mine has been decently upgraded 1.5gb of memory , 160gb drive. have 10.5 on it. use tff have programs on old version of spotify , diablo 2. else can done make 1 more usable in 2015 way of optimizations or customizations. may asking much. don't know. i'm complete noob in ppc community. thanks!   two great threads here leopard optimisation: secrets pref pane indispensable speeding leopard - though don't alter settings @ random, make sure @ least vaguely understand mean.   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone

Side-by-side comparisons in Photos App for Mac OS X

is possible anymore? in aperture simple command-click , 2, 3, or more photos side side comparison. there way in photos?   currently there's no way that. 1 solution create album photos , use zoom slider.   Forums Special Interests Digital Photography iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

These DJ's are terrible

okay fine, didn't hear zane. julie wasn't annoying, ny guy (ebro?) on terrible. drops , station id's little on top. i'm not going negative - music decent - pop station. know it's first day, maybe i'm spoiled kcrw out here, damn, reminds me of reasons why don't listen radio. ebro talking on music, , singing along? wtf dude!? also, stop editing music! can't listen nas if you're gonna censor whole song.   did use shots fired/sirens sound effect? okay, julie wasn't bad. can't handle guy.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applicatio

rMB + OS X 10.10.4 is much smoother

i've had macbook retina 1.3 few days now, , feeling disappointed stuttering , general sluggishness of interface, after spotlight done indexing, first backup done running, etc. after installing 10.10.4 morning, system feels lot more responsive , no longer notice performance issues--everything smooth.   per apple's release notes (along testing others of beta), 10.10.4 maintenance release isn't designed remedy issues yosemite has running on retina screens. that's targeted next major os release, el capitan.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wi

Starting Fresh

hi guys, couple of quick questions need clarification on before go ahead. want fresh install yosemite 10.10.3 onto macbook pro (currently have (10.10.4). is possible? follow steps here: will wipe bootcamp partition or left untouched? is there anyway files boot camp drive? can drag them over? don't have external drive. thanks, dan   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Auto Playlist sync across multiple devices

hi, wondering if has been able confirm if new apple music streaming service allow auto playlist sync across multiple devices? eg build playlist on desktop, when log app on phone it's there..or if playlist remain device specific requiring manual sync? i'll honest that's 1 of things love spotify. it's management of locally stored files poor. hoping apple has nailed it! thanks!   i can answer own post, i've had opportunity try it. (on mac apple ignoring windows users time being) created playlist on itunes 12.2 on mac added song local library , song apple music. opened music app on iphone , there indeed auto sync across devices. colour me happy chappy   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services

Connect Macbook to Mac Pro via FW Target: will see optical drive?

hi there macrumors friends. switched out optical drive on mac pro 2nd hard drive, copy on data (it's older drive stuff on it), worked great. need authorize software though, that's calling install disc. have disc, , can put optical drive in of course. if connect macbook pro via fw in target mode, , load install disc that? mac pro see , recognize it? replies.   wouldn't easier try , find out instead of asking on internet forum waiting answer may never come. if reply validity of response has considered since random person on internet may or may not know talking about. thinking take 5 minutes top test , see. welcome.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch

Warranty Replacements in Store?

anyone know if apple stores have replacement watches warranty issues? think watch may need replaced don't want send off replacement.   xenaki said: ↑ anyone know if apple stores have replacement watches warranty issues? think watch may need replaced don't want send off replacement. click expand... much depends on watch have. have sports , ss no sb saw. each store may vary give them call first!   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone 5S Passcode setup

i noticed when setting new iphone 5s in passcode section accepts simple passcode method , there no option create longer , more complex passcode. therefore, tap on "don't setup passcode" or "setup passcode later" option , after setup has been completed, go passcode options , there disable simple passcode. don't know why apple has simple passcode option during setup phase of devices. there way setup longer passcode option during setup new iphone?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Suggestion on Free/$5 Action or Simulator Game ?

hello gamers, please suggest free/ within $5 price game in action or simulator kind of genre. in advance !   ignore... think popped in search , replied before realizing thread on ancient side...   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Wallpaper returns to default after reboot.

recently did clean install of yosemite on rmbp , have encountered issue. whatever wallpaper set , reboot, wallpaper changes default one. researched issue , checked out other threads , still haven't found fix. 1 member on here recommended deleting files user/library/caches/ and/oruser/library/caches/ no avail. have solution yosemite non sense!?   open system preferences. desktop , screen saver see if wallpaper shown. shown >   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Nexus 6 wifi calling?

hello, since couple of days t-mobile has release wifi calling nexus6!! have few questions. unlock at&t, play store phone work wifi calling? or need buy t-mobile? how activate it? have t-mobile on iphone 5 might change tu nexus ;d text go on wifi? in advance update not sure if should create thread same question sony z3!   also there way go old style forum? lol   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Resolved Search woes

on chrome @ least, if click magnifying glass near top right of forum content area search, slides open search field, doesn't give focus. why? have click again type search. search results include multiple entries same thread. downgrade previous version. 1 result per thread should returned, , if desired, add link "show more results thread". clicking pull new list shows messages / pages thread match.   the functionality there, it's bit hidden , maybe little broken in form. go here: , have full options.   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Appl