How long before Apple EOLs the Macbook Air?

the release of retina macbook , no upgrade macbook air's display seems show apple intends remove macbook air @ point in future how long before air goes end of life (eol)?

given release of new models of air in march 2015 broadwell chips , fact apple tends revise iterations once year can expect macbook air skylake processors around march 2016? add further 12 months sell through years model , see apple remove macbook air around end of 1q 2017?

apple , desire high margins want protect premium price can sell new retina macbook. in 12 months there chance second edition model apple reduces price of new macbook.

surely end of 2016 apple hard pushed still selling non retina macbook air @ point. consumers not tolerate low-res display on mac in 18 months time.

apple need replace current macbook air's entry price point of $900-$999 model. retina macbook computer 2017?

@ point have retina macbook , retina macbook pro simplified laptop range apples portable computers.

i can see them dropping 13-inch macbook pro (non-retina) before away air line.

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