trouble installing Yosemite from Mac OS X 10.9.5

hi all, have weird problem. actually, it's friends problem , i'm involved. since think it's easier understand point of view, i'm going write way!

trying use mac app store update 10.9.5 yosemite. logged app store. when click download/install button yosemite, message asking me log-in account. not problem, except friends id comes , can't seem change it. neither of have recollection of ever logging account on either of others computer, somehow happening. further difficulty app store won't let me log out or change id in field can use own id. appear logged own id in app store, when trying update, new problem happens. can't make sense of problem in way shape or form.

there part interesting, can't seem make connection current problem:
in communal living situation in november dsl connection slow-medium speed. there 10 of wanted upgrade yosemite, instead of taking 5-10 days download 5gb each person, 1 person downloaded , distributed it. 1 of culprits took advantage of having file, caveat: never used it, took file in transfer on usb stick never installed it. i'm checking "about mac" section , see i'm running 10.9.5 means never did use file. connection can make problem i'm having, doesn't make sense!

aside, if can me remember mac thinks installer file called, might me, too. think called "install mac osx" or something, i'm not sure.


go system preferences->icloud , logout. try going mac app store , logout , login again yourself.

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