Work + Gaming

hi guys, need upgrade old 2009 macbook, starting slow work ios developer. thing is, love gaming, doubt is:

1) buy new 1 m370x, seems run fine witcher 3 on low-mid;

2) buy 2014 version of base model (as it's same thing 2015) , ps4

arguments first option: games pc *much* cheaper in country (w3 pc it's r$99 , ps4 it's r$220), , i'll 512gb ssd.


i used mbp (specs below) gaming , happy while. after year or 2 graphics outdated graphic intense games. decided move gaming on ps4 , i'm happier. don't put stress on laptop costs 2k+ , games smooth @ 1080p , games awesome. buy refurbished 2014 , ps4. didn't mind paying 50$ ps+ , 40$ avg game because i'm happy quality of games , easy of use. @ "the last of us" , you'll see capabilities of ps4. there's no way mbp can pull off.

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