Cannot access newly created "Websites"

i want move older website hosting service home server running yosemite os x server. low traffic web site want keep active, see no sense in continuing host externally.

question 1) isp not block required ports, home web hosting should work fine, can dynamic ip address. currently, i’m using ddns service, don’t think work if attempt change nameservers. don’t know if cloudns solve or not. possible? can make recommendations on service (preferably free) can use allow me change nameserver records website point home server?

question 2) i’ve tried setup yosemite server serve web page, no luck. can’t figure out why. created web site within server webhost section, placed test index.html file in it, unable bring either locally or externally. "default" site comes expected, not new site. can point me walk through on how this? i’m not sure i’m missing, spent part of day searching web , youtube videos, still can't working.

far external access, i’ve port forwarded port 80 , 443 in airport , pointed fixed ip of os x server. i’ve done external port scan , ports open. i’ve used within server , confirmed ports opened through isp. there should no issue getting server.

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