iCloud Photo Library Confusion - Delete photos from phone but keep on mac

i've been scouring web find simple answer can't quite, apologies if has been asked million times/resolved elsewhere.

have icloud photo library enabled across devices (running latest ios 8/yosemite). want able delete photo iphone have stay in photos library on mac (and icloud). tried importing them connecting phone computer doesn't seem have worked. when delete photo on phone disappears mac's photo library.

know can use image capture grab photos , keep them in own area outside apple photos, seems there must real way this. ideally i'd love delete photos phone without having them removed icloud. simple turning off icloud photo library on phone? appreciated.

unfortunately how icloud photo library designed - keep same version of library on devices , changes (including deletion of photos/videos) synced across.

@ most, turn off icloud photo library on iphone , manual imports photos iphone mac , manually sync albums mac iphone keep on iphone. lose automatic uploads , ability sync edits on icloud way...

wish there better management system well. when 1 has on 60,000 items on icloud library, makes no sense keep of on iphone well. have loved see option sync albums icloud instead of everything.

http://www.apple.com/feedback/ ;)

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