There must be some way to defeat iCloud Keychain

i've researched heavily , can't life of me figure out. problem simple:

have lastpass. lastpass great! however, have bunch of saved passwords in icloud keychain when relying on password management. no matter do, icloud keychain passwords autofill in browser, requiring me manually overwrite them using lastpass widget. chrome set not auto-fill apparently keychain trumps chrome.

minor nuisance in effect, it's unsettling cannot remove these passwords keychain. launch keychain access, delete internet passwords login keychain (i've tried deleting them group, deleting 1 @ time, etc.), , short time thereafter well, until @ point passwords re-sync cloud , internet passwords back. you'd think deleting them, deleting them icloud but, well, no, apparently not.

tried disabling icloud keychain. total cluster*#(%. suddenly, of os x apps seemingly incapable of storing login credentials. tried deleting login keychain, repopulates icloud.

guess, put: how heck flush of passwords icloud keychain? , why bloody difficult?

if have not done this, open system preferences->icloud , uncheck keychain item.

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