autolayout uiscrollview problem

hi @ all, have little problem autolayout, have custom uiview view, 1 of view called view_a, need add n scrollview in same position, 1 upon other, scrollview have content view inside n subview, write code:

 - (void) initproducts {      (int i=0; i<_collezioni.count;i++)     {                page  *collezione = [_collezioniobjectatindex:i];           uiscrollview *scrollview = [[uiscrollviewalloc] init];         [scrollview settag:100 + collezione._id];         [_productsviewaddsubview:scrollview];          uiview *scrollviewcontent = [[uiviewalloc] init];         [scrollviewcontent setbackgroundcolor:[uicolorredcolor]];         [scrollview addsubview:scrollviewcontent];          scrollview.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = no;         scrollviewcontent.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = no;          id views = @{                     @"scrollview": scrollview,                     @"scrollviewcontent": scrollviewcontent                     };         [_productsviewaddconstraints:[nslayoutconstraintconstraintswithvisualformat: @"h:|[scrollview]|"options:0metrics:nilviews:views]];         [_productsviewaddconstraints:[nslayoutconstraintconstraintswithvisualformat: @"v:|[scrollview]|"options:0metrics:nilviews:views]];          [_productsviewaddconstraints:[nslayoutconstraintconstraintswithvisualformat: @"h:|[scrollviewcontent]|"options:0metrics:nilviews:views]];         [_productsviewaddconstraints:[nslayoutconstraintconstraintswithvisualformat: @"v:|[scrollviewcontent]|"options:0metrics:nilviews:views]];                 nsmutabledictionary *dictprodotti = [nskeyedunarchiverunarchiveobjectwithdata:[_userobjectforkey:key_prodotti]];         nsmutablearray *prodotti = [dictprodotti objectforkey:[nsstringstringwithformat: @"%d",collezione._id]];          int count = 0;          (page *page in prodotti)         {              singleproduct *singleproduct = [[singleproductalloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(_productsview.frame.size.height  * count, 0,                                                                                            _productsview.frame.size.height,                                                                                            _productsview.frame.size.height - 40)];              [singleproduct settranslatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints:yes];             [singleproduct settag:100 + page._id];             [singleproduct setprodotto:page];             [singleproduct setdelegate:self];             [scrollviewcontent addsubview:singleproduct];              count++;          }  [scrollviewcontent setframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, _productsview.frame.size.height, _productsview.frame.size.height)];         [scrollview setcontentsize:cgsizemake(prodotti.count * _productsview.frame.size.height, _productsview.frame.size.height)];      } } 
the problem scrollview & scrollviewcontanto have frame = 0, inside isn't clickable, mistake?

in ios top view current view or 1 can click on.

why need views stacked this?

time have done such thing build single view controller contained 2 views. 1 of views hidden (by view on top of it) unless user selects item bar. did make top view hidden.

code use simple, "self.someview.hidden = yes;"

when user done underlying view simple unhide top view, "self.someview.hidden = no; touch response returns view.

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