i’m diehard apple fan; means i’ve got quite number of gadgets charge via lightning usb cable. found – iphone 5s charger – was broken, because use phone lot, when it’s charging. oem chargers not meant moved around lot while in use, , that’s fact.
however, love using phone while it’s charging, set out find lightning cable durable, , didn’t tangle much. bought bunch of cables try out, including k-blemfi certified cable. needless say, out of other cables bought, 1 lived expectations. 6.5 feet long more twice long original cable provided phone.
i’m chronically heavy user, need charge phone often, , charging cable under lot of stress because use phone while it’s charging. however, lightning cable behaves , feels same way ever since took out of box on 3 months ago; there has been no deterioration, no tangling, no nothing. perfect lightning cable charge iphone. it’s been glorious. can feel premium quality went making.
, it’s totally mfi certified, because in weeks of using it, i’ve never gotten compatibility error , it’s never gotten hot or undercharged phone. lightning cable god sent!
love color, because 5s gold, , think black color of charger pretty contrasting color. think i’m going buy more of these gifts apple fanatic friends; they’ll love me because these cables amazing.
k-ble has found loyal customer.
thank posting link text. macrumors seems not understand, ref links going page country might not have same product. click on amazon.com links here , direct me amazon.de there no such product. can never see product itself.
looks quite interesting , 2m long enough.
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