Dead/flickering screen on MacBook

i have macbook 5,2 use on daily basis work, read email etc. few weeks ago screen started flickering , turning off @ high brightness levels. screen turn on holding down reduce-brightness key holding down increase-brightness key. however, if set brightness high flicker , turn off again.

problem has gotten worse on time: screen stay on 10 seconds @ lowest brightness setting. have macbook hooked external monitor now, usb mouse , keyboard, i'm using type post.

when started happening searched , found out inverter replacement repair. ordered replacement inverter , performed repair. took 3 hours using this guide. however, problem persists.

should try next? replace inverter cable? replace screen? there services out there can diagnose problem cheap/free?

edit: it's problem backlight, or power supply backlight, because if shine flashlight @ screen can see image still there.

given appearance of flickering see, fact i've replaced inverter, , after bit more research, i'm 100% convinced actual fluorescent bulb inside lcd panel has died as seen in youtube video.

if search "macbook ccfl" on ebay, there's seller selling bulbs $9 each. i've heard difficult repair, , it's common break bulb. i'd order @ least two. otherwise, order replacement lcd assembly bulb inside $70.

i'm looking @ either $20 repair 5 hours of time or $70 repair 2 hours of time. new screen assembly seems way go. if decide repair i'll try remember update thread. if you're interested, pm me remind me.

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