Forum main page change (using Stylish / stylesheets)
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i forum change in general, have worked on it.
front page bugged me though, decided see it. here results, changes main , category pages. there not many color changes here more layout. (all changes done strictly css.)
here screenshot can see looks like.
used "stylish" browser plugin/extension make easy turn on , off (available safari, firefox, , chrome). should able use in browser custom style sheet if want.
instructions implement (click each spoiler button show information)
desktop browsers using stylish:
screenshots installing (below) may different depending on browser/os version.
- install extension vladimir sobolev's site.
- click stylish extension icon in toolbar
- click on manage
- click on edit [1]
- change "title" descriptive understand [2]
- copy text below code box , paste "css" box [3]
- set "applies to:" items "domain" [4] , "" [5]
- click on save style [6]
- your done.
- install add-on following links on site.
- click stylish add-on icon in toolbar
- click on "write new style"
- click on "for…"
- add "name" descriptive understand [1]
- copy text below code box, place cursor on line 4, , paste code box [2]
- click on save [3]
- your done.
- install extension following links on site.
- click stylish add-on icon in toolbar
- click on word "forums" of "write style for: ..." (a tooltip pop before click)
- change "enter name" descriptive understand [1]
- copy text below code box , paste "code" box [2]
- set "applies to:" items "urls on domain" [3] , "" [4]
- click on save [5]
- your done.
desktop browsers using other extension: (for inserting css)
insert code below appropriate place , select correct domain apply to.
using custom style sheet within browser: (no extensions)
(not recommended users, because cannot make changes or turn on/off without restarting browser usually.)
[safari , firefox same except files located]
- create new text file following code
code:@namespace url(; @-moz-document domain("") { /* put new code here */ }
- copy text below code box, , paste file made (delete 'new code here' line when paste)
- save file following file location , name matches browser/os (different versions may have different file paths)
- firefox:
code:firefox-windows: c:\users\[login_name]\appdata\roaming\mozilla\firefox\profiles\[random_text].default\chrome\usercontent.css firefox-mac: ~/library/application support/firefox/profiles/[random_text].default/chrome/usercontent.css firefox-linux: ~/.mozilla/firefox/[random_text].default/chrome/usercontent.css
- safari:
- save anything_you_want.css, , place anywhere_you_want
- in safari go preferences > advanced
- from drop-down selector next "style sheet:" choose 'other…', navigate saved file , click 'choose'.
mobile browsers partial workaround:
for mobile devices there partial workaround allow see looks like. have use bookmarklet (to load css file remote server) after page loaded. used custom styles method outlined on this page @
save bookmarklet browser: mr-custom
doesn't seem can make bookmarklet links within xenforo, go this page bookmarklet.
has been moderately tested browsers on macs, here code copy stylish or otherwise:
edit: fixed code should override items when loaded external style sheet or other extension/method.
edit 2: fixed code work after recent site tweak changed few items were.
edit 3: fixed display items correctly after forum reorganization (aug. 2015).
enjoy!code:.node.level_1:not(.node_12) .node.level_2 { width: 100% !important; /* make sections full width, except archives */ } body:not(.node12) .nodelist.sectionmain>.node.level_2 { width: 100% !important; /* make category page sections full width */ } body:not(.node12) .mr_nodeiconwrapper, .node .linknodeinfo .nodeicon { display: none !important; /* hide unneccesary big block icon/graphic/text */ } body:not(.node12) .node .nodetext, body:not(.node12) .node .subforumlist { margin-left: 0 !important; /* shift text on nodeiconwrapper */ } .level_1 .level_2 .categoryforumnodeinfo > .subforumlist > .nodetitle { display: none !important; /* hide nonessential category item listing after nodeiconwrapper hidden */ } .subforumlist::before, .subforumlist::after { border: 0 !important; /* hide up-arrow/triangle forum groups */ } body:not(.node12) .node .subforumlist { border-top: 0 !important; /* remove top border */ padding: 5px 9px !important; /* remove space above , below subforumlist's */ } body:not(.node12) .node .nodetext { min-height: 40px !important; /* allow smaller 72px */ padding: 8px 10px !important; /* padding single rows make things nicer */ } body:not(.node12) .node .nodetext .nodetitle { height: auto !important; /* allow smaller 72px */ } body:not(.node12) .nodelist .categoryforumnodeinfo, body:not(.node12) .nodelist .forumnodeinfo, body:not(.node12) .nodelist .linknodeinfo { border-bottom-width: 1px !important; /* reduce bottom border width */ margin-top: -1px !important; /* hide doubled border between items */ border-width: 1px 0 !important; /* hide side borders blends nicer */ } .node .subforumlist li.category ol { display: inherit !important; /* show new sub-forums of sub-forums on front page*/ } body:not(.node12) .node.level_2 .nodetitle>a::before { display: inline-block !important; font-family: fontawesome, icomoon !important; speak: none; font-style: normal !important; font-weight: normal !important; font-variant: normal !important; font-size: 1.25em !important; text-transform: none !important; content: "\f07b" !important; color: #949dab; /* important sections changed below, leave regular avoid conflict */ margin-right: 10px !important; padding: 2px 5px 2px 2px !important; /* ----- better font rendering ----- */ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased !important; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale !important; } /* ----- following rules match icon colors category ----- */ .node_27 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before, .node27 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before { color: rgb(77, 108, 153) !important; } /* news , article */ .node_103 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before, .node103 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before { color: rgb(117, 88, 122) !important; } /* iphone, ios, etc */ .node_187 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before, .node187 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before { color: rgb(77, 108, 153) !important; } /* apple watch */ .node_7 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before, .node7 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before { color: rgb(173, 56, 38) !important; } /* macs */ .node_141 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before, .node141 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before { color: rgb(189, 112, 158) !important; } /* apple , apple services */ .node_57 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before, .node57 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before { color: rgb(189, 140, 26) !important; } /* special interests */ .node_21 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before, .node21 .node.level_2 .nodetitle a::before { color: rgb(108, 174, 32) !important; } /* mac community */ .node.level_2 .nodetitle, .node.level_2 .nodetitle { font-size: 12px !important; /* make items same size text */ color: rgb(21, 44, 78) !important; /* make text same color */ } body:not(.node12) .node .subforumlist li { margin: 4px 0 !important; } body:not(.node12) .node .forumnodeinfo .level-n, body:not(.node12) .node .categoryforumnodeinfo li.category .level-n, body:not(.node12) .maincontainer_nosidebar .node .categoryforumnodeinfo .level-n { margin-left: 15px !important; /* indent sub-forums have real forum above them in same category */ } /* --------------- start lastpost section --------------- */ /* --------- show last post info available --------- */ /* next rule: before comma main page, after category pages, hybrid pages */ .node.level_1:not(.node_12) .node .nodelastpost, body:not(.node12) .category_view .nodelist.sectionmain .node .nodelastpost, body:not(.node12) .forum_view .nodelist.sectionmain .node .nodelastpost { display: block !important; width: 45% !important; position: absolute !important; padding: 5px !important; margin: 0 !important; height: auto !important; font-size: 11px !important; line-height: normal !important; top: calc(50% - 19px) !important; /* 19px approximately half of current (based on font size) last post text block */ text-overflow: ellipsis !important; } .node .nodelastpost .lastthreadtitle { height: auto !important; } .node .nodelastpost a.avatar { display: none !important; /* not display avatar of user of latest post */ } span.lastthreadtitle>span { display: none !important; /* not display "latest:" text post title*/ } span.lastthreaduser:before { content: "by: " !important; color: inherit !important; } span.lastthreadmeta abbr { color: inherit !important; } .nodelastpost.secondarycontent .lastthreadtitle { color: rgb(46, 57, 72) !important; /* last post title link color */ font-weight: 600 !important; } .nodelastpost.secondarycontent .lastthreaduser { color: rgb(66, 82, 103) !important; /* last post user link color */ } /* ----- main page ----- */ .nodelist .node.level_1:not(.node_12) .categorystrip .nodetitle::after { content: "last post" !important; display: block !important; position: absolute !important; bottom: -10px !important; left: 55% !important; font-size: 13px !important; padding: 0 3px !important; color: inherit !important; } /* ----- category pages ----- */ .category_view .titlebar .titlebarwrapper::after { content: "last post" !important; display: inline !important; position: relative !important; float: right !important; bottom: 18px !important; width: 44% !important; font-size: 13px !important; padding: 0 5px !important; color: inherit !important; } /* ----- hybrid pages ----- */ body:not(.node12) .forum_view ol.nodelist.sectionmain::before { content: "last post" !important; display: block !important; position: relative !important; bottom: 1px !important; left: 55% !important; font-size: 13px !important; padding: 0 3px !important; margin-top: -20px !important; color: inherit !important; } .node.audentio_grid_md .nodelastpost .lastthreaddate:before { content: "" !important; /* clean pesky items (that affect items) css files */ } .node.audentio_grid_md .nodelastpost .lastthreadtitle, .node.audentio_grid_md .nodelastpost .lastthreaduser { display: inline !important; /* clean pesky items (that affect items) css files */ } /* --------------- end lastpost section --------------- */ body:not(.node12) .node.level_2 { padding: 0 5px !important; /* reduce vertical spacing between group items */ } body:not(.node12) ol.nodelist div.nodeinfo:not(.categorystrip) { background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(226,234,243,0) 0%, rgba(226,234,243,0.8) 5%, rgba(226,234,243,1) 50%, rgba(226,234,243,0.8) 95%, rgba(226,234,243,0) 100%) !important; } .nodelist .categorystrip { margin: 0 !important; height: 30px !important; /* reduce spacing around category text */ background-color: inherit !important; /* has same background color main page if changed */ border-bottom-width: 4px !important; } .nodelist .categorystrip .categorytext { line-height: 36px !important; /* shift text , reduce spacing around category text */ } .nodelist .categorystrip .nodetitle { font-size: 16px !important; /* reduce category font little */ } .category_view .titlebar { margin: 0 !important; padding: 10px 5px 0 !important; /* bump sides in */ } .category_view .titlebar .titlebarwrapper { height: 24px !important; /* shift text , reduce spacing around category text */ vertical-align: bottom !important; } .category_view .titlebar .titlebarwrapper h1 { font-size: 18px !important; /* reduce category font little */ } .category_view .nodelist.section { margin: 0 !important; /* rid of space above items */ } .node.level_1>.nodelist { margin-top: 1px !important; } .node_12 .nodestats { min-width: 70px !important; /* since not hiding drop-down sub-forum list within node want force little wider work double digit number*/ }
have replied , helped me in making post , code better, notably redheeler, grahamperrin, gwendolini, , angerdanger.
other notable layout tweak threads/posts:
pre-xenforo smilies
square avatars
hiding avatars
edited fix bookmarklet, fix code, add instructions, code fix, , more code fixes.
this seems nice compromise between new , old layout, , i'm digging having latest post column back. great work!
did know before beggining secondarycontent class existed latest post information, or pleasantly surprised find when began making changes?
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