Graphics problem!

hello, i'm new forum, need guys..

hours ago, using mac when started doing that:

ideas of whats going on???


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  1. What is the Windows Registry?
    The Windows registry is a storage database of files and configurations that are used to run all software and hardware on your system. In many ways it is the “lifeblood” of your computer, since nothing can run without first accessing data within the registry. Over time, the registry will become bloated with errors and require maintenance in order to improve PC performance.

    How Can I Fix the Registry?
    Unfortunately the registry is an extremely complicated section of your system. Attempting to fix it manually is only recommended for folks who are computer experts. If you remove or uninstall the wrong registry entry or value, the entire system can collapse. This is why it is highly recommended to use a registry cleaner.

    If you want to know how to speed up Dell laptop and are encountering a slow PC, computer freezes, BSOD and other computer errors, instead of trying to manually fix your registry, download Advanced System Repair to automatically scan your system and repair registry problems in minutes. It will be able to diagnose and its optimization feature lets you pinpoint exactly how to boost system performance in no time.


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