
Showing posts from August, 2012

Video Card Problem?

i have 2006 mac pro 1.1 radeon x1900. figured out how make bootable dvd of windows 7 64bit installation dvd , ran bootcamp. i'm running os x 10.6.8 , says there not bootcamp files available. ran program thinking i'd use installation disks anyway. well, windows appears load fine when final setup , reboots of windows several pixelated "pink ribbons" running vertically on screen. gets worse there installer continues run , can pretty make out saying. bsod , mac reboots itself. i've tried safe mode, tried command prompt comes screen says there problem , need reinstall windows. can never past screen that's garbled pretty anyway. i'm curious if there way around or if there conflict x1900 video card. if knows i'd appreciate feedback. thanks.   try running benchmark card in os x , see if ok. x1900 unique in bios running windows resides in 1,1 boot firmware. (it can't run

T-Mobile to Restrict Unlimited Customers Using Up to 2,000 GB of Data Per Month

​ t-mobile ceo john legere has announced u.s. carrier begin taking action against customers unlimited 4g lte data plans deliberately violate company's terms , conditions masking excessive tethering usage smartphone data. t-mobile notes less 1% of customers using apps or other methods blow past smartphone mobile hotspot allotment, included free every simple choice plan capped @ 7gb per month. carrier says that, in cases, these customers using 2tb (2,000 gb) of data per month. quote here's what's happening: when customers buy our unlimited 4g lte plan smartphones include fixed amount of lte used tethering (using "smartphone mobile hotspot" feature), @ no cost, occasions when broadband may not convenient or available. if customers hit high-speed tethering limit, tethering speeds slow down. if customer needs more lte tethering, can add-on more. simple. however, these violators going out of way kinds

Questions RE 4K external display driven off macbook pro

im relative n00b here please gentle quite techy though, not embarrassing myself much! have 2014 13" macbook pro, adore. esp retina display. screen real-estate starting hinder me work (im network engineer, having many apps open @ once key). so, consequently, have been looking external display options. samsung u28e590d frontrunner (3840x2160 "4k ultra hd"). have questions before purchase no amount of reading seems allow me de-tangle, , in fact, seem confusing myself deeper go! here questions, , appreciated guru's on forum: questions: 1/ my mbp graphics card supports (from apple marketing specs) "up 2560 1600 pixels on 2 external displays".... new samsung has more pixels [3840x2160], , not in "nice", ie. 2x multiple of either, happens here? scaling guess. handled monitor? or mbp os? notice blurry text etc result? clean, crisp lines / text important me. scaling introduce noticeable lag? 2/ how feed monitor: hdmi

Malware experience.

hi friend of mine gave mac book daughters , ended downloading mac keeper (the 1 robot). our spent morning cleaning computer. right beside listening while doing stuff. basically, mac keeper asking install flash plugin, @ google home page not requires flash. seemed needed flash installed infiltrate computer. no browser open every other software running slow. believe deleted flash , not know else after hour computer fine.   projectmanager101 said: ↑ hi friend of mine gave mac book daughters , ended downloading mac keeper (the 1 robot). our spent morning cleaning computer. right beside listening while doing stuff. basically, mac keeper asking install flash plugin, @ google home page not requires flash. seemed needed flash installed infiltrate computer. no browser open every other software running slow. believe deleted flash , not know else after hour co

Perfect Backlight for an iMac?

hey guys! wanted ask - of here use backlight imac? planning 1 27inch can't decide one! :/ - can place behind screen, gives nice soothing halo! expensive. have cheaper ideas ?   ok - i'm game! purpose light shining full-time on of imac? don't around behind computer enough need special that. find work in dollar store, or like. had holiday lights hanging around screen last winter, that's not want, either.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

MacStories Review of new MacBook

Image have had base model month - agree of findings in review. absolutely love upside while not experiencing of downside. --- my favorite mac: new 12″ retina macbook after 3 weeks new macbook, can declare favorite mac, , none of details left of tech press wailing , gnashing teeth have been problem. 1 port? minor annoyance @ worst. performance? works great need do. keyboard? absolutely love , can’t imagine switching back. in hindsight, regret have spending money on ipad air 2. hardware history since there no way avoid comparing new macbook other macs, let me give short history of mac hardware lineage. in 2004, bought powerbook g4, turned out 1 of last powerpc laptops apple made. bought 1 of first white plastic macbooks once switch intel happened, ended selling relatively friend son leaving college , wanted mac. replaced black macbook. around 2007 or 2008 bought 24" imac.

Apple Watch vs Rolex

this weekend, uncle visiting maryland , after spent few minutes helping aunt log in icloud on new iphone, conversation turned apple watch. time noticed wearing rolex. started compare features. mentioned had looked @ $600-ish diving watches , i'd looked @ $2500+ used rolex watches before picking apple watch. me bottom line don't dive , more money, watches don't notify me of events on phone. volunteered $5,000 rolex didn't provide features either. let know aw pricing runs $350 $17000. don't think run out , buy apple watch "edition" or thought hear comment rolex owner shortcomings of rolex versus apple watch. conversation included speculation on electronic media (a local fox station) how apple watch sales results "disappointing." let know aw had sold better iphone when first came out , there lot of shallow haters in press. while regrettable apple decided bury aw sales in "other" category in financial resu

Legit AT&T Unlocking iOS9 iPhone 5S

i have iphone 5s, running on ios9 beta public software, , completed online unlock request at&t (i modified current contract at&t , canceled 1 of existing lines on account, , have iphone 5s want unlock use internationally). when attempt restore 5s using itunes ( message: "there problem downloading software iphone 5s. requested resource not found." attempted self-troubleshoot using suggested actions listed on, still no resolution/ message mean cannot unlock 5s because it's on beta, or because there's else wrong going on?   try going restore mode holding home , power button down until see connect-to-itunes icon.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone M

Bizarre sound problem with iMovie 9

i'm working on "silent movie" project i'm dragging piano music clips (from garage band > itunes) onto timeline , attaching them video clips. since it's silent, i've detached , deleted audio of video clips. going fine until 1 of music clips went silent. worked when first dragged in, of sudden went silent. deleted clip , grabbed , dragged new copy of same clip. new copy didn't sound, either. tried third time , wasn't charm. i've tried import new sound clip in scene, , 1 not work, either! thing is, other sound clips there before problem started still work. can't new ones import sound. ideas out there? thanks.   i've had same. solution worked create new project. copy , paste video clips , add sound.   Forums Macs Mac Basic

Siri Suggestion not working in Spotlight!

i've enabled options in setting->gerneral->spotlight search, , enabled loaction service spotlight search , still got totally nothing, blank page when got totally left... used give me apps , contact suggestion in beta 2 , 3. nothing in 4!!   solly said: ↑ i've enabled options in setting->gerneral->spotlight search, , enabled loaction service spotlight search , still got totally nothing, blank page when got totally left... used give me apps , contact suggestion in beta 2 , 3. nothing in 4!! click expand... same me...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desk

Carrier Any TMobile Employees Here?

so, iphone 5s shot (bent, , screen pulling away body). don't want purchase new phone 6s presumably around corner. had been toying switching at&t t-mobile few months back, didn't pull trigger reason or (i'm in nyc, should have coverage). now, thinking i'd go t-mobile, 6 t-mobile jump plan , switch out 6s in fall. sadly, see t-moblle has changed plans since i've last looked. wanting 2 lines of unlimited lte data $100. that's no longer listed 1 of plans on site. employees here (or recent customers) know if can still provide in store incentive me switch carriers? yes, can go hit store myself , see, wanted know if has had luck trying since t-mobile changed plans couple of weeks back. thanks, anthony   anthonycm said: ↑ so, iphone 5s shot (bent, , screen pulling away body). don't want purchase new phone 6s presumably arou

Deadline and Start Date in Reminders

some apps (like goodtask, daily notes, calendars 5) allow set date , time deadline , date , time reminder. once these tasks synced , show in reminders, have both dates. in these cases see field in task info ("datum" on image). when set task directly in reminders, there's 1 date can enter. shows under "toon - op een dag". there way, in reminders, enter second date? set deadline , start date task?   attached files: schermafbeelding 2015-07-14 om 08.53.26.png file size: 125.9 kb views: 23 Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional A

iPad Ipad Only Recognizes Cable After Restart

i'm having weird issue ipad recognizes cable plugged in after being turned off , on while cable plugged in. if cable unplugged , reinserted, doesn't recognize it's plugged in. goes both cables attached outlet pc/itunes. itunes works fine long restart device recognizes cable, otherwise doesn't recognize device. i've tried cleaning dock port, full restore, , have tried 3 different cables including official apple cable 2 non-apple cables. it's updated ios 8.4. i'd appreciate advice, since warranty expired. thank you.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can't follow any of my old threads after XenForo

way, way back, used old search function found in forums follow threads had ever posted in. string went this: after xenforo change, trick doesn't work anymore. can't follow of threads i've ever posted in now. how search string or use new software continue left off? appreciated...   seems can recreate using advanced search doesn't appear can simple url if fill out name , check off thread results - display want?   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications

purple line on my display MBpro15

i got purple line on display, unit mac book pro 15 bought new july 2014 (mid 2014) should do?   contact apple? it's defect they'll replace screen if lcd @ fault. you're still within 1 year warranty period.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

SSD Capacity

hi guys, hoping can clear query have in regards ssd. have 240gb owc mercury extreme pro 6g ssd main hard drive, on have apps installed on. however, when on mac , storage, puzzles me information displayed, unable upload screenshot of information in question. in wording section, free storage on ssd stated 203.94 gb of 238.84 gb. furthermore, when on graphics, shows green (apps) section 203.94 , white (free) section shown 34.92 gb. @ loss why why ssd showing conflicing information, know have not installed 203.94 gb worth of apps. appreciated.   attached files: screen shot 2015-06-23 @ 21.47.33.png file size: 80.2 kb views: 55 looks glitch me.   Forums Macs

iOS9 Bluetooth Notifications

today noticed ios9 b1 appears have notification option bluetooth devices. car systems support , , notifications occur while in car come on car radio notifications. appear in same manner messages can appear on car bluetooth systems. 1 can turn these on/off within bluetooth settings area specific bluetooth device supports it.   further review shows notification feature goes earlier ios9. difference in 9 seems defaults on, before, @ least in 8, defaulted off.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Who here enjoy building their own PC computers?

honestly love building own computers! create custom pcs myself , artistry involved in it. else?   i used when younger, it's extremely time consuming endeavour. ask technology available, it's easier buy upgrade.   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Install problem: Core Storage Error

i've tried troubleshoot forum posts on yosemite , workarounds aren't helping using terminal , diskutil commands. upgrade 10.11 following error on install: "this core storage operation not allowed on sparse logical volume group" run in , found way around el cap upgrades?   mod note: please stop pointless bickering, take breath , review rules before posting again.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Fantastical 2 Updated - Apple Watch Support Added

here quick review read new fantastical 2 update adds apple watch support. thoughts far: • great addition, fantastical glance better built in glance • there no calendar view in fantastical watch app itself. built in calendar pretty limited, far more restricted. • siri integration spotty first few times tried it. added recurring every other week timed event location "pick foo @ bar other thursday @ 7pm" , worked!   really nice.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Had it with IOS8 on iPad3

i have totally had ios8 on ipad3. maybe part of problem rmbp yosemite. thing works flawlessly. so, of course expect ipad lateset version of ios on work flawlessly. since day put on, has had 1 issue after another, numerous go here. again. problem 1 specific site. play crossword @ washington post. let's not go how spend spare time. it. reason, can't game anymore. way game works when click on game icon launch it, sponser ad video comes first, , have watch half of before can skip on it. game supposed load. game atrocious implementation company called arkadium, don't think that's issue. problem when point, , skip on ad, , process goes launch actual app, 404 error, not found. i've cleared website data, reset network, rebooted ipad, no avail. have idea heck problem is? , not happen on mac. works charm there. contrast different between 2 devices. can sing praises of mac day long. incredible device. ipad never quite that, close. until apple f

Any common way protect Watch against Macbook?

got link band today first thing realize it's not compatible using macbook. have ideas or product suggestions can ease collision? other bands work perfectly, either soft or metal part off side wrist not pressing against macbook.   applewatchguy said: ↑ got link band today first thing realize it's not compatible using macbook. have ideas or product suggestions can ease collision? other bands work perfectly, either soft or metal part off side wrist not pressing against macbook. click expand... silly have bother this, i've taken habit of folding microfiber cloth fit next trackpad on left , rest hand on   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Note

Server 4.1 and users login

hello there, first thread in macrumours, i've been following couple months. i've updated mac mini os x yosemite , server 4.1 now, needed add couple of users, file sharing, did, users appear in computer users, login when computer starts, don't want happen, because it's intended them able share common folder. before update of users had appeared in did wrong? when checking permissions, available disk space went ˜300gb available 30gb available, can compromise server's performance. if of help, thankful! best regards, alexandre   alexnunof said: ↑ hello there, first thread in macrumours, i've been following couple months. i've updated mac mini os x yosemite , server 4.1 now, needed add couple of users, file sharing, did, users appear in computer users, login when computer starts,

WARNING: Baseus leather band recall

so excited 42mm baseus leather band come tomorrow. when got message seller. luckily, reimbursing me cost ship china. wanted warn not buy these things i'm sure there plenty of sellers don't care recall , still sell them. here's link item . quote dear customer, how you? hope going well! have sent item earlier , have been informed baseus today recall watch band apple watch. because found there's design defect in circumstance, band might loose , watch might fall. responsible seller, have inform , stop using band. when receive item, please not use item , return us. compensation, please open package , take small gift, should tpu case apple watch baring accident. please send case using economical method , please provide tracking number, or if it’s not available, please attached picture of receipt , issue full refund including return shipping costs. terribly sorry issue , forward hearing soon! kind regard cli

Service Battery warning?

i bought refurbished macbook pro 2010 ebay. works fine, seems when click on charging icon says "service battery" when on low battery. if happen charge it, message goes normal. when charged not see message until goes below level around 50%. have 400 cycles in laptop, should dont have worry about? edit: looked @ battery health, @ 77%   you don't have worry that. worst happen battery may die prematurely around 20% or less. or may continue work without problem.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New iBook Clamshell FW SE

i picked first ibook clamshell. i've been wanting 1 while , i'm loving it! it's 466mhz fw se model. 576mb ram, 20gig hd. hard drive bit noisy, plan upgrade ssd. it's running 10.4.11 right now. it's fine, lags little bit. want experiment linux, os9, panther , tiger , see best. it's possible might set boot 4.   nice, i've wanted clamshell se while now, since tangerine original died. tiger, couple optimizations can try disable spotlight , dashboard , makes bit more panther.   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Return or sale 1.3 rMB

i picked rmb april 27th. sg 1.3 256gb hard drive. small light , under featured needs. if happen live in metro detroit sell paid new plus 6% mi sales tax! otherwise, goes apple store! thought might able out fellow geek!   too light?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Eorzea Watch - for Final Fantasy XIV players

if play ffxiv, game has internal time - eorzea watch displays time, showing level 50 gathering nodes (mining , botany) , times can use them. , can nodes things. , has glance shows current mining , botany node current time.   cool little app, it's allowed past apple's rules on timekeeping apps.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can I delete old iPhoto Library after importing to Photo?

i switched yosemite , let photo app import of iphoto images. have photos library (116.7 gb) , iphoto library (113.2 gb). can delete iphoto library without losing anything?   mrholder said: ↑ i switched yosemite , let photo app import of iphoto images. have photos library (116.7 gb) , iphoto library (113.2 gb). can delete iphoto library without losing anything? click expand... yes. old , new libraries refer same "phycal" files on hard drive , unless remove references files (i.e. both of libraries), lose no data. may go ahead , remove old iphoto library. when migrating photos, little or no data @ duplicated, keep in mind not gain full 113.2 gb because files still in photos library.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store

Apple, This is how you make a charge cable....

apple take note! despite claiming sell "premium" products ipad lightning charge cables junk. daughter has had 1 fail. in quest make tiny , minimalist have made cables weak. @ pictures show genuine nokia micro usb charge cable (made in china). difference got design right. nokia cable last years because has strain relief works , not made thin possible. nokia cables £3.99 buy. have read following page see how many unhappy customers have. …/…/md818zm/a/lightning-to-usb-cable-1m   attached files: 1.jpg file size: 53.6 kb views: 267 2.jpg file size: 57.6 kb views: 268 100% agree. lightening cables joke. i've gone out , b

Slow Store Connection

hey all, else noticing slowdown on apple's services? itunes , mac app store downloads excruciatingly slow. did speedtest verify wasn't network provider , got 150 , down. apple's support page hasn't reflected issues, figured i'd see if else having issues.   no issue here. app/music store?   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 9 PB Apple Music issue

i'm running latest pb on iphone 5s. last week when plugged itunes, afterwards noticed there no music stored locally on iphone. deleted! took me whole day normal , solve various issues icloud music library. yesterday plugged in again itunes , of music randomly deleted again. had go in , delete local music redl it. else have highly annoying issue?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Trying to update to Yosemite

i'm trying go 10.6.8 10.10.4. download seemed go well, when click on disc installer icon, this: please advise. thank you.   hmm looks may have downloaded yosemite update, rather update yosemite. have tried searching yosemite on mac app store , downloading through that? snow leopard has mas this'll easiest way.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Does Whatsapp Call feature works on the original iphone4?

anyone out there know if whatsapp call feature works on original iphone4 running ios 7.1 or option on original iphone 4s? cannot work. according whatsapp website supposed able use whatsapp call feature speak other whatsapp users in contacts. have heard. i) phone may need jailbroken. true? not seem true have non jailbroken iphone 4s running ios7.1 and running ios 8 can use both make whatsapp calls. ii)that can use installing whatsapp beta. - whatsapp beta developed whatsapp company. - tried installing whatsapp beta straight onto iphone 4s using link. downloaded got message. unable install. there further guidance installing whatsapp on iphone 4s using ios7.1? iii) needs activated. , needs achieved has whatsapp call feature, calling phone. have tried did not work. please advise. not udp or router issue have tested iphone 4s & iphone 5 & both work fine call feature on wirelss connection.  

Windows 7 (Bootcamp) Does Not Recognize Keyboard

anyone else having issues bootcamp , windows 7? when first booted windows 7 after installing el capitan, couldn't login because bluetooth keyboard not recognized (or password box not let me type in it). bluetooth mouse worked fine. dug out original hardwired keyboard , mouse , rebooted. mouse (plugged keyboard's usb slot) still works. password box still won't allow me type password. perplexing because i've never had problem logging windows/bootcamp before.   i had same issue. had redownload drivers apple's bootcamp support site, reinstall on windows 7, problem corrected after reboot windows.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks i

Broadway - Vulcano - SlingBox

which 1 suggest me ? broadway 2t, slingbox 500 (or 350) or vulcano blast (or lava) ? want see hd tv on imac's screen confused + , - every device. if own or can please feel free. connection speed 8 down / 0.8 mbps adsl. thanks.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Safari & None Secure Connections

hi all, has apple changed it's policy? work based website used visit on weekly basis not acessible on ios9, when try , access website following error: "safari cannot open page bacause not establish secure connection server" site worked ios 8.4 not ios 9 know simple answer ensure site secure allow website shown? loving ios 9 apart this! many aaron   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless