
Showing posts from June, 2013

iPhone 6 not responding to

is else having issues iphone not responding touch? mine started few weeks ago , seems getting progressively worse it's random when occurs. way correct situation hit power button shut screen off. i've reset setting , restored phone brand new. thoughts before take in apple? seems software issue more hardware?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

AVAssetWriter depreciated code, now what?

i have 2 hard drives in mac. 1 runs 10.7 daily work editing videos , such , won't upgrade drive, needs stay 10.7. other drive runs 10.10 use programming / xcode date. added avfoundation framework app export .mp4 videos , works great on 10.10, not 10.7 want use it. after scanning code 10.7 compliant except method introduced in 10.9 quote [avassetwriter finishwritingwithcompletionhandler:^] click expand... it replaced code depreciated of 10.9 quote [avassetwriter finishwriting] click expand... i tried add finishedwriting method no longer method exists , red error expected. can fixed can use on 10.7? there way bring in older avfoundation framework solve issue?   have set deployment target of 10.7? @ i'd expect possible warning instance method deprecated.   Forums

New Apple Cases?

will there new cases or keep silicone , leather versions? love deep green leather.   that depends if new phones fit on old cases. 2 weeks or , know sure.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Thinking about getting mom and iPad Air 2 for her birthday, but is now a bad time to buy one?

.   just bought ipad air 2 target...16gb wifi space gray $399...that's price anyways "if" new ipad air 3 comes out...and isn't sure thing right now.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Iphone 5s with no sim as an ipod?

ive got iphone 5s gave me, blacklisted , has no sim card, wondering if theres anyway can work ipod? can't activate without sim card, there anyway around that? can acquire sim thats not attached plan , activate that? appreciated   it blacklisted because stolen, or owner didn't finish paying before quit service. form of stolen. drop off @ nearest carrier store , move on life.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPad Mini retina as a long term test device

it looks ipad mini 2 (retina) being axed. supports ios9, no touch id. i'm looking input on using long term test device. focus business apps, , don't think it'll support apple pay or ibeacon. business apps include retail , don't want have buy device while. new primary test device it'll 1 that'll go past ios6. can think of reason shouldn't one?   please more specific. how long "long term"? kinds of apps intend produce? decides kind of apps make? i.e. contract developer takes orders clients, or apps chosen entirely you? example, if of apps might make benefit touch id, or other features mini 2 lacks, you'll end needing device test if decide pursue kind of app within "long term" time window. "it's tough make predictions, future." -- yogi berra.   Forums

AirPort Extreme or Asus RT-AC68P?

i want upgrade router 2010 airport extreme. have narrowed decision down these 2 priced , both wireless ac. there reason still go newest airport extreme on asus, other ease of use imac? looking best performance , range. seems asus has better specs , more customization options. run 2 computers hard wired, 2 apple tvs, 1 macbook air, 1 ipad, , 2 smartphones. older airport extreme, have trouble getting signal outside on deck on opposite end of house router. i've read, seems asus has better range. advice?   the reason imo go airport extreme if intend use external drive time machine backups, since officially supported apple purpose. otherwise, correct, asus more full featured , has better performance. can compare performance of 2 in reviews @ smallnetbuilder .   Forums Macs Mac Ac

Handoff Issue

not sure if me handoff between mba (el capitan) , iphone 6 (ios 9)is non existent else have issue, , or fix?   zaquinho17 said: ↑ not sure if me handoff between mba (el capitan) , iphone 6 (ios 9)is non existent else have issue, , or fix? click expand... i've been having same problem entire dp. works fine between ipad mini , iphone 6+ (between ios) no luck between el capitan , ios..   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New Sony Phone 3rd August

this interesting...   with note 5 , moto better step big of phones make on radar. better have available in markets no carrier exclusives time around.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

VPN connects fine from Network Preferences, but not menu bar?

i have vpn setup @ house. ive been using week , decided convienent have menu bar icon it, know when connected, disconnect , reconnect. yay! however, can connect network preferences, disconnect menu bar, , 10 seconds later select connect menu bar, , says server not available. ???? can go network preferences , connect , fine. connects instantly. missing something? y u no work!?   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

27" screen recommendation

i have dell u2713h want second screen little possible without compromising on quality much model recommend sit side-by-side dell? don't care if chassis different (or i'd of same). use research, lectures, , media.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Playlist download issue

so today decided download 1 of playlists created few weeks offline listening on iphone 6. downloading got popup saying "looks item no longer available" , none of other songs on playlist downloaded. sucks. song it? way find out select each track on playlist see failed play. thing had 20 tracks (it 13th 1 failed). problem why doesn't popup state exact track that's not available anymore? or better when tracks deleted on maybe email notification nice. , yes did submit feedback apple on this.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

5,1 to 4,1 question

i tried putting 5,1 boot drive in 4,1 no success booting (somewhat suspected). upgrading 4,1 firmware 5,1 sufficient work or there lot more involved? i'm trying avoid installing os scratch.   should have been fine. when changed 3,1 5,1 (flashed 4,1) took ssd out of old mp , put in new one, repaired permissions , bob became fathers brother. os x that, windows on other hand **** bed   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Logitech Debuts new 'Logi BLOK' Protective Case, Shell and Keyboard Case for iPad

earlier month logitech announced plans sell many of products under new "logi" brand name, , of today, company debuting first line of products carry logi label, lineup of ipad cases. logitech introducing 3 logi products ipad, of come in bright colors , offer drop protection apple's tablet: logi blok protective shell, logi blok protective case, , logi blok protective keyboard case. ​ quote "the ipad powerful device. people have dropped , damaged - or afraid drop , damage - ipad, typically don't use full potential," said michele hermann, vice president of mobility @ logitech. "until now, protecting ipad drops meant covering bulky case took away beauty , mobility of ipad. our designers worked material experts protect sensitive parts of ipad without adding bulk associate ultra-protective cases. logi blok family of cases no longer have choose between protecting ipad , having beautiful case

GMail: Delete instead of Archive?

when clicking on gmail message, can replace "archive" button "delete"?   i'd know too...   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Adding songs directly to a playlist from the search/album/artist page

hi everyone! have been searching answer this, can't seem find appropriate. while manually recreating playlists spotify apple music have noticed can't add songs playlist directly artist page, nor direct search results. makes tiresome process add songs need go way "view song" , or actual album, before can add playlist. keep in mind can add music, that's not want. use music whole albums love, , playlists specific collections of favourite songs. hence don't want individual songs in music, albums. example of problem: there no "add playlist" option. if go album itself, there no problem adding song: else have issue? david   yes, once add single song playlist, added "my music", apparently don't want. in search results, "add playlist" option appears if add song "my music" , wait couple of seconds before pressing 3 d

Unable to Access iCloud Music Library?!?!

well it's been 2 hour since encountered problem, , it's not first time happened me before... took whole day reconnected, , did on it's own wasted time finding solution. i'm issue , don't wanna waste time trying working , syncing across devices, there solution?   !!!!bummmmpp!!!!   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

OS X Yosemite Partition from El Cap

how install os x yosemite on partition os el capitan dp2? downloaded app store installer app doesn't open on el capitan. options?   put on thumb drive , boot it. alternatively, use internet recovery (command + option + r on boot) install os shipped mac , upgrade yosemite there.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Video Player for iPad Air 2

hello, i'm finding solid video player ipad air 2. need these features: - "open with..." able videos other apps , vice versa - support icloud drive , dropbox - ability stream media wd mycloud - dlna - subtitles - itunes file sharing , support imazing - airplay, , airplay ability stream wd mycloud tv using apple tv 3 - ability show info videos thanks. lukas   infuse pro?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Drastically worsedned battery life all of a sudden

hello everyone, got ml aw 2 months ago , loving far. take off charger @ 5 , have never seen battery % go below 50 when put on @ 9 pm or so. today, noticed battery% down 7 around 6 pm. have not done different. software date. ideas?   i had 1 day last week also. did perhaps let battery run low yesterday? not low you're seeing today, lower usual?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Need More Activity Types

that's 1 place workout app severely lacking. went on hike yesterday had select "outdoor walk". workout app said burned 280-ish calories while mapmyrun, recording hike workout, said burned 900 calories, closer accurate off-road, two-hour hike. don't understand why have rower, elliptical , stair stepper not simple hike.   i haven't received watch yet, i'm worried too. frequent activities running, walking, roller skating, , hiking, , doubting they'd have support latter two.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

I hope El Capitan fixes the boot process

i hope new os x fixes yosemite boot issue... don't know you, both macs on yosemite boot black screen progress bar after apple logo , chime... looks crappy   super tomtendo said: ↑ i hope new os x fixes yosemite boot issue... don't know you, both macs on yosemite boot black screen progress bar after apple logo , chime... looks crappy click expand... i don't believe that's issue, that's new boot screen.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Image retention on Thunderbolt Display

yesterday working in illustrator on thunderbolt display , when moved canvas noticed faint shadow on grey background. ran checkerboard retention test, , after 2 min (!?) showed retention. have never heard image retention on thunderbolt display. normal?   image persistence in ips led display normal , image should dissipate after few minutes. if taking longer 5-10 minutes panel may bad. checker board test 3 minutes, full grey screen 1-2 minutes. try not @ screen more few seconds during test. after 1-2 minutes of grey screen take @ display. should not able make out checkerboard shadowing @ time. if can make out shadow panel may defective. how long have had display? if it's under year old repair can done under apple limited warranty @ no cost you. if display on year old , don't have applecare looking @ $850-$900 replace panel.   Forums

Do NOT understand "calorie goal"?!

i not understand whole "calorie goal" thing. have no idea should set at. know when first set watch provided initial goal/number. had no idea meant -- can't remember -- , stupidly , randomly changed it. there way back, @ least point of reference? asking number? watch never asked me if wanted lose weight or maintain, (i'm happy maintain) in world basing default calorie goal at?! calorie goal set at? , how did arrive @ that? or clarity appreciated! thank you!   mine asks me if want change every week , suggests new number based on previous weeks activity. if want change @ other time, force press move screen , bring change number   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch N

Symptoms of a graphic card failure ?

as wrote imac dying/dead. cannot hardware test phase pressing d i'm wondering if symptoms might "prove" it's graphic cards having gone west. right imac 27 (late 2009) boots chime, apple logo, spinning gear stops , i'm left imac apple logo , faint noise of hdd doing business. have discovered can ping , connect via ftp , files there. login screen never comes up. since warning signs of failure freezes of gui save mouse pointer freely moving wonder if it's graphics components. apple try fix since guarantee long expired or need throw away ?   the exact same thing happened me..... mine 2011 27" imac....   Forums Macs Desktops iMac

Sudden and unexplained battery drain on iPhone 6

until few days ago still @ 75-80% @ end of day of light usage iphone 6. now, i'm down <50% 2-3pm. location services off or set "while using app". background refresh off completely. far can remember, haven't changed settings. nor have updated ios (i'm running 8.3). ideas?   badlydrawnboy said: ↑ until few days ago still @ 75-80% @ end of day of light usage iphone 6. now, i'm down <50% 2-3pm. location services off or set "while using app". background refresh off completely. far can remember, haven't changed settings. nor have updated ios (i'm running 8.3). ideas? click expand... are using phone more in area has weak signal? cause battery drain.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Can I Simply Add an HDD to an Existing SSD Boot Drive?

i have completed project upgrade innards of mid-2010 imac new hdd , new ssd. os installed on ssd, want make fusion drive hdd. when try follow terminal instructions create 1 drive, cannot unmount ssd (presumably running os x). can add hdd same volume on ssd, or have go through pain of booting external drive? thanks!   you have boot external, create fusion drive, format both ssd , hdd , need reinstall fusion. tbh there wont real world benefits of fusion on deciding keep os , apps on ssd , data on hdd. fusion mean more complications , potential problems (as have discovered), treats both drives single volume failures mean have serious problems. advice run them seperate drives.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10)

"The LGBT Community is a threat to children's safety."- Child Molester Josh Duggar

said admitted child molester josh duggar. family values, yo! ****ing sickening. these so-called christian parents allow daughters molested son , nothing year while earn living lecturing on family values. disgusting family. other thing left when campaign start? quote jim bob duggar waited more year after son, josh, confessed sexually molesting several female minors before contacting police, in touch magazine reporting exclusively, based on information contained in official police report. what’s more, jim bob informed elders of church joshua’s actions , waited 3 months before contacting authorities. explosive new information contained in springdale, ark., police report obtained in touch magazine. click expand... quote jim bob told police in 2006 when josh returned home in 2003, jim bob, accompanied of church elders, took josh arkansas state trooper, jim hutchens.

No USB-C on Pro

i have 13" pro (2014) , ordered rmacbook supplement ... announcement of force trackpad , new 15" why wouldn't apple add @ least 1 usb-c port on these new pro's don't need double on adapters .... doesn't need in 1 type port, use vga , or hubs etc ...   a huge reason why usb-c on rmb because port physically smaller , can fit on super-thin laptop. isn't issue on rmbp because laptop physically larger anyway fit other ports. @ point, people wouldn't want usb-c because require adapter use since no devices on market use port.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professiona

iPad I need some help with my iPad!!!

's guys! let me tell situation: bought kinda cable can connect ipad pen drive. need open pen drive's file needs app can recognize device. found ifile (an app) it.. it's not free , work boss told me search free... can guys me? please!   how app?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Servers' (NAS) Finder windows keep popping up at login

when add nas shares login items, can tick 'hide' prevent finder show folder window when mounted @ login/start-up. enabled 'hide', windows still pop @ every login. there way prevent ? ps: these qnap nas servers, smb , afp enabled, connected using afp (smb results 'file in use' errors during copying , moving files, known issue)   i tried long time ago. wasn't possible finder window.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Watch Faces

i love roman numeral watch face? know if there 3rd party watch faces available?   i doubt it.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPad Installing iOS 5.0.1 on iPad 2 from 4.3.3 (w/ SHSH blobs)

hi everyone, have ipad 2 (not ipad air 2. have old 1 a5). discontinuation of support ios native youtube app google, must use youtube's mobile site in lieu of app. unfortunately, mobile site doesn't seem work. audio, no video. impression problem resolved updating 5.0.1. not wish install ios 8, i'd working if @ possible. have blobs stored 4.3.3 , 5.0.1 (along aptickets 5.0.1). ipad current on 4.3.3. unfortunately, don't have blobs 5.1.1 that's out. wish i'd updated 5.1.1 in day, didn't around it. anyway, i'm having trouble installing 5.0.1. based on i've read @ various places on internet, should able use redsn0w install 5.0.1, given have both 4.x , 5.x blobs. however, doesn't seem work... (1) go 'restore' option under 'even more,' (2) select 5.0.1 ipsw, select 5.0.1 blob, (3) tells me put ipad dfu mode, (4) put ipad dfu mode, (5) redsn0w starts process "loading ibss," , (6) kicks out error

Songs not deleting in ios 8

hi run ios 8.3 on iphone 5s subscribe itunes match , hv uploaded 4000 songs. notice when switch airplane mode still see songs in playlists means stored locally well. prob when go manage storage don't see music store listed in manage storage list. before 8.3 entry music delete. how delete locally downloaded songs bur retain them in itunes match? in advance! hope can solve problem   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Tim Cook Joins Weibo as iPhone Sales Remain Strong in China

apple ceo tim cook has expanded social media presence creating account on chinese microblogging service weibo, has accumulated on 325,000 followers of writing. cook's first post on weibo reflects on current visit beijing announce new environmental initiatives in china , including new multi-year forestland program in partnership world wildlife fund. ​ "hello china! happy in beijing, announcing innovative new environmental programs," wrote cook, followed chinese translation of same message. last month, apple announced partnership sunpower corporation build two 20-megawatt solar power plants provide more enough energy power of apple's corporate offices , retail stores in china. coinciding cook's visit china week, market research firm idc has released new data smartphone market reveals apple largest smartphone vendor in china during first quarter of 2015. apple shipped 14.5 million smartphones in china during quarter 14.7% mar

Problem integrating NAS into existing network

hi folks. - i'm stumped! - posted in yosemite sub forum, thought i'd have punt here too. got nas , have following set up... mac pro running 10.10.3 connected via 5ghz wifi router. router allocating ip addresses via dhcp. works fine. other wifi clients on same network can see mac pro fine, can other clients directly connected router via ethernet. want add nas network connecting mac pro ethernet. need device on wifi network able access nas, , need nas able access internet i've connected nas 1 of ethernet ports on mac pro. i've gone sharing , selected share wifi internet connection correct ethernet port - turned internet sharing on - nothing... doesn't seem allowing dhcp server on router assign address ethernet port or nas. if disable wifi on mac pro - can connect nas server turn wifi on cant connect it. ideas anyone?   not clear setup is; n

I'm looking for a fullscren digital watch

i have googled , looked in apple store, can't find i'm looking for. maybe it's because doesn't exist, feels should... want fullscren display current time hh:mm:ss. no more, no less. preferably black background. ideas?   for wonders same thing: quartzclocks app i'm looking for.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Heart rate monitor accuracy

so i've conducted 2 weight training workouts , 2 outdoor runs , have come conclusion weight training (and imagine same holds true cross fit), aw sensor cannot lock on , provide real time, consistent , accurate heart rate due unnatural movements of body , constant jerking around of weights. also, heart rate during weight training fluctuates during sets , during rest sensor doesn't seem have time catch up. heart rate high during rest while low right after set. attribute fact heart rate takes moment catch actual heart rate due location of sensor on wrist whereas chest strap measuring chest , pulling data based of electrodes @ closest source. doesn't appear issue during runs noticed real time, accurate readings attribute fluidity of movement, consistency of heart rate , ability heart rate sensor lock on , maintain solid connection. also, research , data apple has done reflects workout choices in workout app whereas no data exists monitor weight traini

Exchange accounts in El Cap

well-documented it's not possible set new exchange accounts in el capitan; , mail doesn't work exchange accounts either. big bug apple not have fixed gm, right? right? there's no workaround yet far can see - posting here in hope there 1 might have missed?   for exchange 2010 services, mail / calendar don't work. i've tried lot of workarounds, no luck. pretty sure has authentication services via os.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Music Festival Bringing Pharrell, One Direction, and More to London

apple today announced 2015 apple music festival lineup next month, free concert series bring pharrell, 1 direction, florence + machine, , more london's roundhouse. revamped version of previous itunes festival, 2015 version see scaled-down lineup ten dates september 19-28, down usual 30 nights extending throughout month. ​ quote apple broadcast performances music fans around world free, can viewed live , on-demand on apple music. apple music festival lets fans closer favorite performers coverage on beats 1? alongside backstage news , footage straight artists on apple music connect. "we wanted special music fans year," said eddy cue, apple's senior vice president of internet software , services. "the apple music festival greatest hits set of ten unbelievable nights featuring of best performers on planet appearing live , interacting directly fans on connect , beats 1." click expand... w

When will the price drop for the 6

wondering when price current 6 drop. daughter wants upgrade 5c 6. keep putting off because know price 6 drop soon.   from buick 8 said: ↑ wondering when price current 6 drop. daughter wants upgrade 5c 6. keep putting off because know price 6 drop soon. click expand... i'm considering waiting same (if there nothing special aboutt 6s) after release of new 1 (pegged first 2 weeks of september)   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can you still pick and choose at KFC?

i believe have not gone kfc several years or perhaps on decade or maybe last visit in 90's. in days, used able pick , choose chicken pieces @ kfc when buying bucket of fried chicken prefer drumsticks, thighs, , wings. not fan of white breast meat. recently, went kfc , ordered bucket of fried chicken no white meat , cashier told me cannot that. so, asked cashier ask manager , manager okayed had strange on face if unusual or wrong request. wrong ask such request @ kfc nowadays?   they can prefer not because leaves them odd assortment. remember used have posted there charge white or dark. don't know if still have posted in drive through or not. quit going popeyes because white no.   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS

Any plans for Android to offer calls/texting integration with devices like OSX?

if so, when? android phone tablet/laptop/desktop etc   you can integrate number google voice on carriers. can use on android devices , laptop or desktop long install chrome , app.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Seeds Second iOS 8.4.1 Beta to Developers

​ apple today seeded second beta of ios 8.4.1 registered developers testing purposes, on 2 weeks after releasing first ios 8.4.1 beta , month after launching ios 8.4 new apple music service. today's beta, build 12h318, available via on air update , can downloaded apple developer center. no outward facing changes discovered in first ios 8.4.1 beta, , it's .1 update, it's includes minor bug fixes, security enhancements, , performance improvements designed prepare operating system upcoming retirement. ios 8.4.1 may 1 of last updates ios 8 apple working on successor, ios 9. ios 9 builds on many of features introduced ios 8 , adds new content , underlying performance improvements. ios 9 in beta testing , released in fall. article link: apple seeds second ios 8.4.1 beta developers   hope fixes apple music bugs, hard leave spotify behind current state of app.  

Broke a key of my macbook air

i cleaning macbook air keyboard , broke lock of 1 of keys. live in in india , here shops need replace whole keyboard. ordered 1 not backlit (i thought be). square one. there shops or websites can original replacement key thats backlit. full story so, cleaning under key; sticking out. tried put couldn't. newbie mistake. 1 of the clip on key broke and started come off each time pressed off centre . figured because of clip broke. i ordered new key from site. was earlier model. the new key worked alright day or tow , also started come off. got confused if scissors of new key aren't fitting or keyboard clips have messed up. can't hit on bottom side. if pops off in hand. tried exchange scissors key , work fine. funny thing old scissors work fine when used in spot. got no idea, whats faulty. scissors or keyboard itself, never had such problem cause type low pressure. i've typed without key popping off. god, apple such mess in i

Reading your emotions

hey, looking cool apps use on watch, , came across 1 reads emotions while watch tv. worth checking out! it's called mindr, think. see this:   seems it's rather more "cool app". take @ faq page: i'll pass.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Slow File Transfer Speed

i have 2012 mac mini use media server, have couchpotato installed can let run in background doing needs do. part of progress, cp setup move complete file (once downloaded) nas (neater mybook live 2tb), connected same lan (both mac mini , mbl connected via gig ethernet). when first started use mac mini, using original 500gb hdd , when observed file being moved cp (using istat menu), see transfer speeds around 2-3mbps , take ages move across, speed in fact slower actual download speed. have late 2013, mbp retina , using same program , process, file transfer @ around 40-50mbps (this on wifi connection), same router , nas. planning upgrade mac mini ssd, have done, yet same slow speeds remain. not sure can causing thought might have been down original hdd in mini. know other hardware capable have seen greater speeds mentioned above on mbp. ideas causing this? thanks adam   could switch or

El Capitan Developer Beta

wow! developer beta on el capitan insane! got play on base model macbook hour , ui transitions , swiping seamless , buttery smooth. also, keeping transparency on or off scaled resolution of 1400 x 900 didn't seem affect performance either. i'm impressed el capitan far , can't wait until final version released public! i'm tempted download beta on little macbook now. understand alex king feeling now!   i'm still getting ui lag when swapping spaces , on webpages after downloaded beta yesterday. it's better, not "buttery smooth."   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional A

What do you use your Mac Mini for?

i managed grab relatively inexpensive refurbished mac mini planning on using home media center/server. of not use mac mini main computer - kinds of things use for? i've seen articles this , they're either outdated, or don't go detail far how set these things up.   our mini works both home theater, our music hub, , backup our main imac. keep our music on mini in "music database" user file. our family transfers music whatever device want--my wife keeps music on ipad, while keep music on iphone. music in 1 place, can keep backup. few years ago when our imac out few days getting hard drive replace, mini served adequate replacement.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac mini iPhone Mac OS & System Software

Gmail and iCloud calendar help needed

hi guys! icloud account gmail address, of calendar info hooked through icloud. if log in directly through google calendar, events not there. i'd able use 1 email account use across variety of android/apple devices. thanks!   tim018 said: ↑ hi guys! icloud account gmail address, of calendar info hooked through icloud. if log in directly through google calendar, events not there. i'd able use 1 email account use across variety of android/apple devices. thanks! click expand... are logging google account through settings-->mail, contact calendars?   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTun

Songs with apple music

hello, need little help, i'm updating icloud music library new songs , albums, when check album of songs greyed out... can add them "my music" can't played... why happen?...   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

I thought battery threads were lame until…

since upgraded iphone 6 plus version 8.4, battery has dropped 30% in 1 hour. i've seen many posts on these threads regarding people complaining battery dropping, , guess thought ridiculous or not true. first time, i'm seeing myself. else have issue? photo gallery messed , have fix when home.   toddh said: ↑ since upgraded iphone 6 plus version 8.4, battery has dropped 30% in 1 hour. i've seen many posts on these threads regarding people complaining battery dropping, , guess thought ridiculous or not true. first time, i'm seeing myself. else have issue? photo gallery messed , have fix when home. click expand... i plugged iphone in mid-day first time in long time. i'm @ 40% assumed was/is amount i'm playing music , update , that. not panic until tomorrow , see how runs.   Forums