
Showing posts from July, 2013

Make applications running invisibly

is there anyway hide application dock still running in background??   if developer of application, know can sure. if aren't developer don't know of way. might possible.   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Sim-Free v. T-Mobile/Verizon Unlocked

this first iphone cycle not sticking at&t , considering purchasing iphone outright however, need assistance in deciding unlocked version of phone get. there advantage besides different cellular bands sim-free phone receives versus purchasing t-mobile/verizon branded phone via or else should take consideration? should point out not have plans international travel @ time. pointers/advice/ect appreciated in helping me make decision. thanks!   what carrier going with? why not go them, may sort of incentive.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applica

Beta 7: SystemUIServer crashes when showing VPN status in menu bar

since installing beta 7, systemuiserver crashes repeatedly when enabling checkbox "show vpn status in menu bar" in network settings. working fine until beta 6. if (like me) stuck in systemuiserver crash loop (which means having flashing menu bar sporadically showing wifi, volume etc) , unable remove checkbox, i've found workaround. open terminal , enter following: defaults write menuextras -array "" log out , log in again. that's bug. i've filed radar 22359433.   this fixed in beta 8.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional

MDD Dual 1.42 Cooling

i've noticed seems lot of folks pile fans mdds. has been opinion stock mdd cooling design efficient, main(big) case fan positioned right next cpu heatsink , having direct front-to-back path airflow. dual 1.42 bought had been afflicted "fanitis" , had bunch of fans piled in it. think these hindered airflow, weren't secured laying around in case(two stacked in secondary ata bay). made 1 heck of racket-much more reputably loud stock mdd. using computer last night , got fed it, pulled fans , took down stock cooling. granted, i'm not running overly hot gpu, still have hottest-running factory cpu(and corresponding copper heatsink). spent while last night in leopard both cores pegged near 100% of time. cpu card never went on 120ºf, me plenty cool-especially given it's more in need of repaste. ran cooler did fans piled in there. after shut down, checked heatsink , cool touch. sits, computer has wd 500gb ata hdd, , had older ibm des

USPTO Invalidates One of Apple's iPhone Design Patents in Apple vs. Samsung Lawsuit

​ foss patents reported tonight central reexamination division of united states patent , trademark office has reexamined 1 of key iphone design patents in apple vs. samsung lawsuit . validity of 1 of patents ( 618,677 ) has received non-final rejection: quote the problem d'677 patent faces here uspto has determined (for now) patent "is not entitled benefit of filing date" of 2 previous apple design patent applications because design @ issue not disclosed in earlier applications. result, prior art eligible now, , against background of additional prior art, uspto believes patent shouldn't have been granted. click expand... apple awarded over $1 billion original lawsuit, amount has been reduced substantially $548 million in damages. aside particular design patent, apple still has other claims have not been reduced or invalidated previous decision. samsung most recently denied latest appeal atte

Nearby suggestions in Search

hello everyone, i've been using ios 9 beta while , runs on iphone 6. since beta 5, feels incredibly smooth. in fact, feels more stable ios 8.3 felt me. anyway, have question new search should providing. , that's suggestions locations nearby. i've seen pictures , of course announcement of ios 9 showed off how these suggestions given. far, haven't noticed them @ all. see screenshot reference (it's dutch way). can see, shows contact suggestions, app suggestions , news. no 'nearby'. might have missed something, possible it's limited specific countries? wouldn't surprised this, maybe there's option have missed (though did check kind of stuff out already). it's not way. somehow calendar app won't add events mail. i've made examples sending mail date , 1 of other mail accounts. , nothing added calendar. strangely enough didn't either ios 8 (with top bar in mail when date detected). seems f

Second-guessing the AW design

a few things bother me aw design... * digital crown + side button combination lacks minimalism has worked apple (compare single front-facing button on iphone) * if you're going have wart protruding side , justify existence because it's traditional, why not @ least place in traditional location (the center edge)? displacing penalizes left-handed wearers, , violates otherwise perfect symmetry of watch. taking step back, can't suspect modern device doesn't require wart in first place * torque effect: pressing side button means have either stabilize watch pressing against opposite side, or press until one's skin provides more resistance against band one's finger against button fun, wondered how have been better. i'm posting came can learn other forum members i've overlooked, because know apple have considered many designs before settling on 1 did. imagine rounded watch face rather rectangular one, touch-sensitive edge. havi

Usb-c to digital apple connector issues

hello have got new macbook 12" love. brought 1 of usb-c digital out. has hdmi, usb-c , and usb out. have issue running more 1 adapter or suppose run one? wanted plug tv watch film , charge @ same time?   as far know, adapter made allow simoutaneously, i.e., it's possible charge macbook , hook tv @ same time.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Disable Proactive?

just thinking along lines of disabling features don't want save little battery. how disable proactive?   turn off related siri unless siri should able disable proactive. plus, need turn off suggested app.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Music seems to offer localized content, how to disable the feature?

greetings, using apple music in household, have disabled our spotify premium subscription , using apple music free 3 months , consider using after trial has ended. far quite pleased apple music, visuals of service , album art there has been quirk ui, playlists , service in general , hope resolved before trial over. 1 thing can't wrap on heads around service seems localize content? live in norway , when search disney soundtracks displayed norwegian editions of soundtracks? have original / international / english editions gone? aren't 5 years old have originals thank much.. have else noticed things this? why apple localize music content , search results this? not listing of disney soundtracks in other language other norwegian norwegian users @ all?   i think can see they've gotten rights in country. different countries have different licensing rules , agreements , not. don't s

Charged for Apple Music Already

i have family subscription apple music, , got charged today 14.99.... trial supposed 3 months. else experiencing this?   search forum, been discussed before. signed twice different ids on same device.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Bluetooth Audio Volume Bug?

hi all, i've been having strange issue mac , bluetooth audio. have bose speakers paired bluetooth audio receiver (the homespot audio receiver exact). i've noticed on both yosemite , el capitan developer beta volume becomes mute on first bar , can't hear audio until second bar. , i've made sure audio isn't quiet or on first bar... literally becomes mute. same issue occurs other bluetooth headphones. i've tried nvram, smc reset , clean install issue persists. knows if bug in 10.10+ or hardware issue?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Resolved to get it back?

i checked "reduce transparency" while running pb3; installed pb4, , unchecked it...and nothing changed. idea how can 'force' transparency on?? not urgent (but, guess, urgent enough me post )....   did restart device? changes require restart.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Read it later

i can no longer save macrumors in read later app on ipad since revamp of there website. else having problem.   i use pocket   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Using iMac with a broken hard drive as a monitor for Mac mini

i have 2012 27" broken hard drive , small crack in upper left corner. when took service center told me repair hard drive have remove screen , cause screen break , have tore place too. made not cost effective fix computer, bought new mac mini. i'm trying find out if can use broken imac monitor new mac mini. information have seen on connecting 2 requires me switch display mode on imac, can't do. there way use imac monitor?   haven’t tried it, maybe this?   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Airport Extreme or Express

can tell me difference between airport express , airport extreme. looking simple wifi router. assume dumb question...sorry   an airport express basic wireless router. advantages small size large signal range. disadvantage 1 ethernet port (if use lot of ethernet), , no 802.11ac support. airport extreme more powerful router. "tall" model has better wifi range, , 802.11ac support. has more ethernet ports. is, hover, twice price of express.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Finder major problems show and open files

i can't find here, first time think i'm 1 problem. finder on os x 10.11 public beta (15a215h) has major problems. when open finder , existing folder takes ages show content. open kind of file or moving/copy desktop. use terminal "killall finder" helps moment. all-in-all finder unstable here. in icloud drive files shown. when use ios 9 pb app thank goodness files still there. os x 10.11 has finder problem show files. open or save 3rd party app doesn't work correct. disk utility run/check ok , no problems. reinstall beta again app store without success on this. other people here finder problem or maybe idea fix this? in advance.   which mac have...? running on hdd...?   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11)

has had issues trying login site? seems hang , show beachball of doom. no ideas why paypal.   do happen have silverlight installed , have given permission (or blanket permission every site) access plug-in? can check in safari preferences > security > internet plug-ins. recommend setting silverlight access ask or block.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Pixelmator for iOS Updated With Dynamic Touch, Repair Tool Improvements

​ pixelmator iphone , ipad today updated version 2.0.2, adding first major new features since app expanded iphone in may. 2.0.2 update brings dynamic touch, new feature of app's retouch tools. dynamic touch, users can adjust stroke size of retouch tools without needing open brush settings menu faster image corrections. dynamic touch detects surface area of finger that's in contact screen , changes brush size accordingly. if paint tip of finger, brush thinner, while painting full finger on screen make brush thicker. today's update brings pixelmator mac repair tool algorithm ios, makes removing unwanted images photograph or image quicker , more precise. according app's release notes, repair tool 5 times faster. quote "there numerous ways repair area of image, did lot of testing on mac pro optimize algorithm of our repair tool," said simonas bastys, lead developer of pixelmator team. "we

Not getting text notification sound

hey guys have mystery on 5s , hoping 1 can figure out.when text message notification sound on text's except brother.i text message not notification sound..i did notification sound him until 2 weeks ago...remember sound every text him.....thanks   any chance applied different notification sound brother?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Rod Serling died 40 years ago today

one of greatest screenwriters in history , perhaps best writer television writer ever. i’ve alway appreciated skill word , forward-looking social conscience. airborne trooper in wwii resonates me, too. people of age know twilight zone (probably knows serling’s oft-imitated , lampooned clipped diction, if don't know it's origin.) many people forget won 6 or 7 emmy’s non-tz productions, too. in 1950s , 60s highly regarded writer in business. unfortunately, later excursions such night gallery not of quality of earlier work, because had less creative control in post-tz years. lifetime 4 pack-a-day smoker, rod serling 50 years old when died. interview interesting in of issues mentions still debated today.   he quite interesting man , let's not forget contribution original planet of ape movies.   Forums

After I turned off the computer and turned it back again the different language keyboard layout is g

is gone. can type in qwerty. how can bring back?   anyone?   Forums Macs macOS OS X Mavericks (10.9) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Xcode Assistance with Coding

hi all, trying figure out how extension html file. i'm new coding , xcode , trying create app have enough experience in coding understand goes , why. problem i'm facing need add extension html file; example (index.html?lc=uk) instead of (index.html). i've created interface , other information required can't seem part work. coding i'm using on viewcontroller.m is; code: [super viewdidload]; nsstring *path = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:@"index" oftype:@"html" indirectory:@"354"]; nsurl *url = [nsurl fileurlwithpath:path]; nsurlrequest *request = [nsurlrequest requestwithurl:url]; [webview loadrequest:request]; i've tried adding (pathforresource) @"index.html?lc=uk" when test app doesn't work , gives me error. can give me idea on need do? kind regards, seb   sebbiedesigns sai

Constantly getting this error on my iPhone since the forum update.

anywhere else, on site, since move new forum software, i've been getting constantly. every time go reply. problem forum or phone? ideas on how fix if latter?   have tried closing out tabs (including private ones, if any) , clearing out safari cache/data see if might help? perhaps resetting network settings on phone if doesn't work reason?   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How to delete icloud alias?

messing around phone settings , inadvertently created account alias icloud account. prompt create triggered tapping button turn on notes. shows in mail 'icloud'. know can turn off mail under icloud settings how permanently delete alias? tried in on mail preferences there no option delete. please! ps - address seems tied icloud account now, notice says 0 of 3 aliases used. there way delete or unlink it?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Music has an overlooked selling point...

...compared spotify, tidal, rdio, etc. not music streaming integrated right default music player, it's integrated music you've bought right itunes . there's no need switch , forth when want listen local music imported itunes , when want listen music stream. it's in main default music playing app. not *only* that, while spotify can sync local files, can't stream files saved on computer. apple music uploads local files icloud (similar match), random vgm that's not sale can still streamed library. other competitor can google play music, far understand, , taken best advantage of on android (since it's not integrated system on ios). thought i'd point out (please correct me if i'm wrong - don't use rdio or tidal, spotify (which major pain))   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple

Photos folder hierarchy and Search

i've upgraded photos on mac, not icloud photo library yet, need more free amount of storage want sure before doing , waiting big upload. on mac organisation in photos better in iphoto. have hierarchy of albums, folders travel, music , wildlife, , albums within photos in. syncing these photos, iphone through itunes, loses folder hierarchy , flat structure of albums within top level folders. can confirm if still case if switch icloud photo library , sync via method? second issue... in mac photos app, if search, looks @ (i think), faces, album names, filenames, locations etc. same search in ios photos seems search album names , locations   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Profe

Thermal Paste, Should it be Cleaned & Replaced?

i have mid 2010 macbook pro, see specs below in signature. have had apart few times... clean, upgrade ram, , replace hdd ssd drive. thinking when used have desktops , remembered thermal paste got bad after few years. clean , replace thermal paste in macbook pro's? worth doing or waste? have not looked, sure hard , gunked up. if should of done already, please post tutorial if have one.   simple "is running hot?" have mac portables spaning close decade , have never needed repaste cpu/gpu. run cooler probably, effect usage no. dont fix isn't broken may apply. me reason reapply tim if system throttling under load, outside of it`s tinkering sake of. q-6   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro

iCloud Photo Library makes iPhone 6 less useable

ever since uploaded 320gb photo library, i've had poor performance photo related. when taking pictures, if tap area view photos took, sits there forever. have close camera app , launch photos. when viewing library, takes long time videos start playing. trying post picture facebook app makes app hang. seems overall experience using phone worse now. i'm not sure whether wait out , see if things improve in ios 9 or go ahead , stop using ipl. else experiencing this? (my library has been uploaded on month now).   experiencing exact same problem, 300gb icloud photo library. photos/camera on ios sluggish @ best on iphone 6plus   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iP

Space Black Stainless Steal Scratching

i @ apple store looking space black band , told "we had send our try on unit because got scratched up". has has received black stainless watch w/ link bracelet had same experience? ordered model , isn't scheduled arrive until july worries me i've heard this.   yea i'd love know how holds since buffing out stainless steel version not option. should more resistant scratches anecdotes appreciated   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Living with only 128 GB...

i got new macbook pro 13" retina w/ 128gb. love macbook 128gb how supposed live , not 75% full... have new 27" imac 5k 3tb fusion drive, 32 gb of ram , 4gb of video , quad-core i7 4.0 ghz. thing beast. wanted new macbook decided besides design sucks went macbook pro because has connections , things. thought hmmm can 256gb sdxc class 10 card , slip in there more memory. card , slot takes card half way. that's not going work... i'm going send back. feel have great laptop that's limited ***** small hd. how survive nice budget laptop isn't fancy netbook???   i purchased 128gb , understand can difficult. highly recommend picking jetdrive lite, fit flush (well, extremely small lip) side of macbook , pretty fast well, they're available in number of different sizes, picked 128gb one. they're rated max 95mb/s read , max 60mb/s write not bad.

Watch on "home screen"

or app screen or whatever call now. has else thought using "watch" since clock icon moves in real time? watch faces, complications , glances much, feel it? might use it. thought change wrist raise resume previous activity, app screen knew wasn't activity. iphone without slide unlock not fun? lol guess androids widgets , such? love of app screen , might rock day tomorrow if could.   attached files: image.jpg file size: 45.7 kb views: 21 and guess color/non black waste battery. efficient , not @ same time.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTune

MacBook Pro display doesn't turn on when HDMI is plugged in on cold boot

hey guys bought shiny new macbook pro 6 weeks ago 16 gb of ram, i7 processor, 512 gb flash storage , dedicated ati graphics. absolutely love thing bits 1 particular issue has been bugging me. have benq 27" display plugged in via hdmi , leave connected don't tend disconnect macbook pro desk @ moment. when cold boot os x, macbook pro display stays off , benq display turns on. way macbook pro display turn on either use "detect displays" or close , re-open lid. if reboot machine while it's on, works fine. power down again , turn on, same issue occurs. here's video demonstration: i've rang apple support multiple times on , it's escalated engineering , i've been waiting on week reply. i've chased around 3 times far , getting little frustrated i'm told not expected behaviour , have never heard of problem. appreciate ideas or

Broke my 2012 mac mini ram slot

so foolishly broke 2012 mac mini ram slot when trying change ram. of course, warranty on well. contact mac support, cost $25. anyway, can tell me around how cost repair ram slot??   are ram slots soldered motherboard? if so, take new motherboard. advice: put 8gb dimm remaining -good- slot, , if boots, leave @ that...   Forums Macs Desktops Mac mini iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can't figure out disk utility *El Solvéd*

i have 2009 macbook 240gb ssd. dual boot snow leopard , el capitan, snow leopard main os , el capitan use play around with. gave el capitan 20gb partition though , has filled up. i've tried shrinking snow leopard partition expand 10.11 10.6 said needed newer os so. booted 10.11 , cannot figure out how resize hard drive partitions in new disk utility app. looks step back. can resize partitions?   turns out downloaded dev preview 3 update forgot install , resizing partitions re added in dev 2. so, eh.. *solved*   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLi

Ip5s screen issue - AppleCare

when press on right side of screen ;as in type etc) screen flexes. if starting peel off. apple care take care of it? besides 2 small nicks around outside bezel near volume buttons phone mint.   only know how bad is, , no 1 knows apple say. since it's 5(s), you're out of luck, knows, maybe you'll lucky.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Mac backup software recommendations?

i'm on mac pro desktop using yosemite (10.10.5). i'm looking simple backup software 1 thing: entire hard drive , update files modify. doesn't matter whether updates them automatically (hourly or daily) or required manually (with click of button). i'm not interested in multiple , constant backups time machine does. i've tried using it--not me. suggestions appreciated.   macillus2 said: ↑ i'm on mac pro desktop using yosemite (10.10.5). i'm looking simple backup software 1 thing: entire hard drive , update files modify. doesn't matter whether updates them automatically (hourly or daily) or required manually (with click of button). i'm not interested in multiple , constant backups time machine does . i've tried using it--not me. any suggestions appreciated. click expand... but you've described time machine. there&#

Airplay/Separate Display

have confusing issue airplay. want use tv second display via apple tv - principally can play video etc on tv while still being able use laptop display other work etc. have setup airplay use tv separate display - good. can't figure out how (or if it's possible) use tv own space/desktop. if drag a, example, chrome window, right, go across tv screen. display though doesn't show anywhere in mission control. normal/expected behaviour? ideally i'd able fullscreen video in chrome on laptop , switch on tv display. many thanks!   juniorc0 said: ↑ have confusing issue airplay. want use tv second display via apple tv - principally can play video etc on tv while still being able use laptop display other work etc. have setup airplay use tv separate display - good. can't figure out how (or if it's possible) use tv own space/desktop. if drag a,


i have 2014 base mba 11" , want proper, high res monitor built in speakers , ability have in both portrait , landscape mode, have hdmi , usb 3 connectivity. used writing, need sharp text using word, close "retina" quality possible. don't want spend more $500. please offer suggestions. tia!   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

syncing iBook titles across iDevices

i purchased book in epub format directly author , not through apple store. able book on ipad via itunes. on of idevices have "sync collections" turned on, , created new collection hold , similar books. collection synced across devices, book did not. store-purchased books sync across devices via icloud? there way sync titles purchased outside apple system across devices, or 1 limited non-apple purchases use itunes , wire (or wifi) titles separate devices?   camner said: ↑ on of idevices have "sync collections" turned on, , created new collection hold , similar books. click expand... you need open device in itunes, , in books settings select "sync books". "sync bookmarks, highlights, , collections across devices" syncs metadata not books themselves.   Forums

EA's Origin not working?

so after installing os x el capitan beta 1, haven't been able login origin, ea's game client. says "origin online unavailable" else have issue, , has been able resolve it? i've tried everything!!!   szymon sikora said: ↑ so after installing os x el capitan beta 1, haven't been able login origin, ea's game client. says "origin online unavailable" else have issue, , has been able resolve it? i've tried everything!!! click expand... been having issue since beta 1 well. had origin update few days ago, didn't change anything. updated beta 5 , issue remains.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Soft

Internet Time no longer works?

i have noticed mdd no longer set time/date on internet. have set manually. idea if apple time server still works?   the address apple time server has not changed since os 9. don't think have stopped working, because every mac made in last 15+ years not have it's time auto set.   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Help needed with app icon

so installed game icon seems low resolution. minor annoys crap out of me. supposed smooth looks when installed difference small want know if possible make icon better , if possible explaon me?   i replaced messages icon bitesms icon, process same. need find icon files (they'll pngs) in app folder location. edit them in photo editor (rename old ones .bak have copy) , save them. respring or reboot device (you may need flush caches - icleaner pro can you). you'll need ifile or way filesystem.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Pleased With AM Sound Quality With New IPod Touch

started listening earlier yesterday after picked new ipod touch nearby apple store. have been using pair of sony xba-h1s , while have no idea dac in device can report imho sound quality good. please give apple music whirl @ earliest convenience when new ipod touch , let know think. also, never needed raise volume more half way. happy listening.   at first thought meant radio quality.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPod touch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Downloading songs from Apple Music for offline use - painfully slow

perhaps not best way things....i had restore phone after failed ios9 upgrade attempt (it disabled cell service) staying on ios8 - erased music. figured fire apple music app , select songs/albums want have offline use - i'm going area next week no cell service. went down list of albums , songs , selected 3,000 songs offline use. boy mistake. it's been running 15 hours far , has downloaded 900 songs. normal behavior? guess better bet hook phone computer , transfer playlist of songs stored on computer over.   wow, worse thought. figured out can cancel scrolling wall way bottom of list (real fun when have 2k+ songs queued)....get bottom of list, press cancel button.....all downloads disappear save between 3-5...keep getting pop ups "unable download song - insert random song here" - of sudden, songs in download queue again rinse , repeat on , over way going

Apple Releases Supplemental Update for OS X El Capitan Beta to Address App Crashes

apple today released os x el capitan beta supplemental update, release notes indicating "fixes issue may cause 32-bit apps quit unexpectedly." ​ update appearing users on both third developer beta , seeded on wednesday, , public beta released yesterday. start of public beta testing, wider audience has access os x el capitan, planned full public release in fall, presumably around october timeframe apple has used os x updates past several years. article link: apple releases supplemental update os x el capitan beta address app crashes   i hoping fix outlook crashing, not.   Forums News and Article Discussion Mac Blog Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Comput

SubtleLock not working for me on 8.4?

hi guys, seem 1 having problem trying download subtlelock. tells me ios version not supported app can't seem download. @ all?   i have installed , working give installation warning tho isnt suitable still lets me install it.... iin big boss repo version 1.1-1 if helps   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 8.4 music app album sorting

prior ios 8.4, when looked @ albums tab in music app, albums sorted alphabetically name. if select 'albums' dropdown list sorted alphabetically on album artist. why? don't care album artist is, if want @ albums. also, if want @ artists, there entry can group artists. question have, there can remove 'recently added' section. think eats real-estate. feel previous music app more customizable one.   added thread , realized there setting have sorted album title. bad. still have other question, added   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod

question about buying iphone off ebay

if buy iphone off ebay seller bought 2 year contract, there risk that? thx   i think alot ebay seller sold under contract iphone , , people still ,,,because when purchase iphone pay iphone , contract carrier ,,,,   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Screen with cable (bricked?)

any 1 ever had screen? after updating watchos beta 2 watch don't turn on. when put on charger screen appear...   attached files: img_4341.jpg file size: 618.3 kb views: 195 sorry loss.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Sprint iphone 3 to straight talk

my cousin has sprint iphone 3 ios 7.2.1 mother single mom struggling finances, wants on straight talk, iphone has no sim card slot. a1349 model. jailbroke it. still lost next. please me. others have said have done must possible. thank you!!!!   a few things. first iphone sprint got 4s , extension 4. there has never been iphone 3. there iphone 3g (because had 3g) at&t @ time. fact phone has no sim slot tells me it's iphone 4. sprint iphone 4 sprint iphone model not have sim slot - therefore if has no sim slot, , it's sprint model iphone 4. uses internal sim-like circuitry , circuitry locked sprint. route taking (jailbreak, unlock) implies have read , seeking software unlock. well, software unlock days died 4 or years ago. advent of $1 unlocks , free unlocking carriers development ceased. phone on 7.1.2. so, if still find (a software unlock) version of ios new use it. in short

iCloud photos

my mac , iphone not syncing pictures via photos through icloud. thoughts?'s   make sure photostream turned on everywhere. should see photos on mac photos, or iphoto.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Explicit Music not syncing to iPhone

hi, installed ios 9 few minutes , realised can't sync itunes music explicit tag on it. there's no restrictions enabled on device. bug , know of solution? update: fixed turning restrictions on, selecting allow explicit music turning off   if find bug, don't forget report to:   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Shock! NAACP Leader Is White!

quote rachel dolezal...[is] president of naacp local chapter. public records, including dolezal's own birth certificate, list biological parents ruthanne , lawrence dolezal of montana. dolezals told kxly thursday rachel biological daughter , both white . on naacp spokane facebook page, picture posted earlier year showing dolezal , african-american man. [identified] dolezal's father. kxly4's jeff humphrey asked dolezal claim wednesday afternoon. "ma'am, wondering if dad african-american man," humphrey asked. "i don't understand question," dolezal answered. "i did tell [that man in picture] dad." "are parents white?" humphrey asked. @ point, dolezal removed microphone, ended interview , walked away. click expand... i'm ashamed @ late date still judge people color of skin.