
Showing posts from September, 2011

PDF Expert 6 - Sign Documents, Fill Forms and Annotate PDFs

description : create, read or annotate pdf documents or convert documents pdf on iphone or ipad. permits mark documents highlights , handwriting, insert text, stamps, pictures or signature , share documents others through email or fax. can open various file formats such ms office, power point, iwork, text files, images etc , allows these files desktop computers through wifi or usb. users can download documents directly email attachments, dropbox, google docs or other applications using “open in". features : ========== highlight text : mark important things in books, journals or documents want review. draw finger : use make handwritten notes or highlight text in scanned books. add comments or notes : add comments or typed notes document. insert pictures : can take pictures camera or import photo library , insert them in pdf document. sign & send : easiest way sign , send documents. few clicks : - can open documents

Cannot Upload to iCloud Drive

cross-posting el capitan , ios9 forums, issue exists in both. having bizarre problem icloud drive... downloads work, unable upload files, whether dragging onto icloud drive folder in finder on el capitan, or saving app pages or numbers in el capitan (pb4) or on iphone/ipad (ios9 pb4). looks it's trying, "thermometer" indicator sporadically moves forward, goes back, on , over. tried signing out/in of icloud, did not (the icloud drive folder repopulated icloud files, again, unable upload). however, behavior seems occur when i'm on wifi / ethernet... if disable wifi on phone test file upload through lte. thinking perhaps isp (charter cable) maybe blocking port or something, stopped @ several places today had public wifi (confirmed @ least 2 of ones tried did not have not charter ips), , same problem occurred. home, found if connect through vpn (which don't use... trialing it), upload successful. found upload through web

iOS 8.4 Audio Levels

was there change in ios 8.4 (or 8.3 maybe) volume control...specifically regarding bluetooth? bluetooth volume out level used separate audio/video volume. have jailbreak tweak (volume mixer) shows 5 volume levels: ringtone audio/video (speaker) phone call (receiver) bt headphones bt headset a2dp audio loudness used controlled #5. #5 has no control on bluetooth music , it's controlled #2, same built-in speaker , regular 3.5mm plug in audio jack. #5 seems have no effect. haven't tried #4 on anything.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Here's one way the Swiss watch makers plan to handle the Apple Watch.

according "the next web news" swiss watchmaker nico gerard planning come out watch incorporates apple watch. watch, called pinnacle, has nico gerard watch on 1 side , apple watch on other. this 1 way face challenge of competition, incorporate products own. have wait 10 12 months lay hands on 1 of these beauties, give time save enough one, $9,300.00 dollars , can preorder $200.00. can see at:   i've seen people wear apple watch on 1 arm , mechanical on's twist on that- watch both mechanical , and apple watch...the edition actually. can yours $112,000. better hurry though, they're making 88 of them.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch

Send as - Exchange group in Mail

hi, not sure if new, discovered if change outgoing mail server icloud, save setting, you'll able add send alias in mail. (see screenshots). @ least worked exchange online accounts, send permission enabled.(distribution group, or shared mailbox) after added alias, make sure change outgoing mail server "exchange".   attached files: screen shot 2015-07-30 @ 11.48.15.png file size: 67.3 kb views: 290 screen shot 2015-07-30 @ 11.48.51.png file size: 62.5 kb views: 279 wsc9005 said: ↑ hi, not sure if new, discovered if change outgoing mail server icloud, save setting, you'll able add send alias in mai

Mac Book Pro Retina 15 Hard Case ?

hello all, bought mac book pro retina 15 , after 3 months noticed scratch on corner. wondering case useful ? pro vs cons ? i've heard can weaken hinges , scratch body if debris stuck in between. advice, worth or not worth it? thx   a case? keeps metal fromt denting obviouslty   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Add to Playlist option sometimes not there (Apple Music)

hi, why add playlist option not listed when listening on radio? missing something? thanks shawn   i find it's not there in parts when searching etc. have go track page option appear. it's inconsistent.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Which is faster? Time Capsule via Wifi or Lacie via USB 3

wondering faster way regular time machine backups ... time capsule (airport extreme) via wireless ac, or lacie external hdd (7200 rpm) via usb 3.0/thunderbolt?   the external hdd quite deal faster.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

AFNetworking - GET request - Request.BODY

as per docs of afnetworking serializes uses query string parameters get, head, , delete requests, or otherwise url-form-encodes http message bodies. using afhttpsessionmanager to request. pass in dictionary parameters and code: [managerget:mad:"/getstuff"parameters:dict success:^(nsurlsessiondatatask *task, id responseobject) { } so understand there no way send input in request.body when make request? input uses query string parameters. right?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Programming iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Refurb retina MacBook availability.

have new retina macbooks hit apple refurbished store yet? if not how long take judging other product releases?   i'm not sure. i'm thinking of returning 1.1 buy 1.3 refurbished, hope soon. 5k imacs in refurb store after 3 months last year. march 2015 mbas in store , have been while. however, there no 2015 mbps either it's hard say. might want hold off on rmbs considering apple *still* hasn't caught on initial purchases. it's apple. knows.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Adding the Forcetouch trackpad to older models?

might sound stupid question, know if can replace standard touch pad new forcetouch pad? means ripping machine apart. trackpad needs replacing anyway thought ask question.   cattywampus_ said: ↑ might sound stupid question, know if can replace standard touch pad new forcetouch pad? means ripping machine apart. trackpad needs replacing anyway thought ask question. click expand... you can't.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple product resellers

i don't know if it's appropriate ask here; if not, i'm happy delete thread , place in right forum have question different sellers of macbook airs - i've read lot best buy here, , of course, apple itself, adorama , b&h? former, received notice price macbook air purchased apple refurb store know can return if need be, haven't read them here, though know reputable seller. thoughts or personal experiences? missing - how can prices better i've seen before? many thanks, always.   i have been purchasing b&h photo 15 years , have spent 5 digits professional video, still photography , computers. terrific, , it's real store. if ever in new york city area, worth visit, there isn't place - huge. everytime friend eu visits, go b&h - has shopping list of things buy friends home. bought 2 recent macs there - new 2012 mini $5 more refurb apple's site went it. got

Question about shared albums and new phones

when upgrade new iphone in fall, i'd start fresh , set new phone new phone rather restoring backup. i've read lot software glitches accumulate on years that's reason i'm leaning towards starting scratch. however, have 10 or shared albums each 1000 photos/videos of son. i'd preserve don't keep full resolution photos on phone; clear them off every month leaving shared albums. these albums shared half dozen or family members. so, possible re-add these shared albums after setting new phone? , i'm asking in forum since i'll on ios 9 when this. also, fwiw, i'm on windows. in advance.   sukach said: ↑ when upgrade new iphone in fall, i'd start fresh , set new phone new phone rather restoring backup. i've read lot software glitches accumulate on years that's reason i'm leaning towards starting scratch. how

Apple Just Told Me It's Normal For My Macbook Pro Retina To Underperform, And Completely Safe For My

my computer, 2013 mbpr 15" 2.3ghz, has had persistent issue undervolting cpu , gpu when temperatures hit between 95° , 100° c. , as normal, , expected of motherboard when determining temps of components high, remain unsatisfied cannot saturate cpu , gpu while retaining clock speeds advertised apple itself. so, having had similar issue previous macbook pro, , having fixed replacing thermal paste myself, brought computer in apple store done. dismissed uninformed , paranoid under argument there no issue. “genius”, admitting not understanding issue presenting, ran diagnostics available him, told him computer running fine. computer not malfunctioning. of course isn’t — system throttling internals ensure doesn’t malfunction. , throttling core function of machine. nothing “wrong” machine because logic board scales voltage prevent being wrong. in other words, computer designed underperform due quality of cooling system available it. when escalated issue

Clone 2009 imac to 2013

hi, use 2 27" imacs exact same information (different locations). 2013 not starting, i'm going clone 2009. i've done before, don't remember how. biggest issue is: cable should use? mini display port or thunderbolt? maybe both work?   thunderbolt.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Safari sharing still not fixed!

since beta 1 has been bothering me enormously. when wake email myself articles read offline on train on way work nice thing reading mode on ios 9 possibility of personalization: once share , tap mail, link, when share without being on reading mode: if here report @ apple developers forum, great! bunch! ps. wonder if choice on part remove content when sharing, doesn't matter if reading mode on or off, i'm curious guys input on well.   i jack's account said: ↑ since beta 1 has been bothering me enormously. when wake email myself articles read offline on train on way work nice thing reading mode on ios 9 possibility of personalization: view attachment 563511 once share , tap mail, link, when share without being on reading mode: view attachment 563510 if here report @ apple developers forum, great!

Bus stops in Apple Maps

noticed bus stops have been included in apple maps in uk (at least london - may have been there ages i've noticed. seeing in other parts of uk?   they have been adding them while   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Get new rMBP 15" and problem with iStat Menus

is there having same problem in combination of new rmbp 15" , istat menus? screen shot, istat pro can not detect thermal sensors. has been working previous 2012 mba 13", problem when i've migrated.   i don't come answers, ask them directly   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Will 4k blu rays read on a Current internal Pc BDRom

im in market of buying bdrom mac pro , wondering if current bdrom hardware able read shiny new 4k disc coming soon?   i don't think able areal density higher. current blurays 25gb per layer, , uhdbd reported 33gb per layer.   Forums Special Interests Digital Video iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Interesting Article

has read this? it's worth set aside little coffee time read that. review (or rather first impression , overview) pretty details not much. found fascinating siri 2.0, other stuffs new improvements on existing apps pretty cool.   good stuff. forgot how awesome ios 9 due rather long , cluttered wwdc (it sandwiched between os x, watchos, , apple music). looking, favorite particularly ipad. apple cares ipad again giving exclusive features make sense on larger screen.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications

Imac wont wake up from sleep?

over last few days, put imac sleep in evening. when try , wake keyboard or mouse, no longer wakes up. have press power button wake it, bar appears @ bottom of screen loading, while can see background. have late 2013 27 inch imac. maybe nothing worry feedback great. thanks.   ive got late 2013 21inch imac keyboard , mouse disconnect whatever reason when sleeps , don't reconnect when trying wake up. batteries brand new dave   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Delete Key in Mail?

hello, i'm 1 of odd full size keyboard users. noticed backspace deletes mail expected delete key gives me error alert sound. else having issue or know if key mapping can reverted? thanks!   cybermartyr said: ↑ hello, i'm 1 of odd full size keyboard users. noticed backspace deletes mail expected delete key gives me error alert sound. else having issue or know if key mapping can reverted? thanks! click expand... the same me here. , used key. not mention cmd-shift-k (select messages in conversation) function seems gone. in previous versions not working still in menu. it's gone.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iP

San francisco typeface

i typeface, haven't seen apple watch yet in person first time seeing in beta in both ios9 , el capitan , although subtle looks nice. favorite feature of both updates.   couldn't agree more. it's sophisticated font   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Image licensing question

hi all, newbie ios developer, have basic question image licensing in apps. i'm looking @ application called "who's player??" (only example; not promoting in way). see here: . when use app, see heaps of pictures of football players. there no mention of image sources anywhere in app. there many games in-app purchases (with high-quality images), , make of own. have these developers purchased images used in app? can see potentially cost thousands. please give clarification this, appreciated! in advance.   thenewbiedeveloper said: ↑ there many games in-app purchases (with high-quality images), , make of own. have these developers purchased images used in app? can see potentially cost thousands. please give clarification this, appreciated! in advance. click expand...

Why does my Mac asks me to log in twice?

i got mbp 2015 , some times when enter login credentials, progress bar loading of yosemite gets half black screen apple logo , have enter credentials again. second login screen different blurred background pic not chosen desktop pic standard yosemite desktop pic. noted keyboard set , not uk (i have uk model), it's personal settings not loaded. after login works correctly. read somewhere double login because of filevault in case happens randomly, not time. clue?   it sounds mbp crashing after enter creds , rebooting safemode or of sort.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applicat

Price hike at ETSY?

hi all, i've been browsing leather bands @ , have found few love, i've hold off until receive watch. , besides, i'm expecting leather , metal bands monowear. anyways, 1 thing have noticed in last week massive price hike ?? couple of weeks ago find straps apple watch adapters average price of £30 £40 ($45-$60) today checked again , straps aren't below £70 mark ($106). including same designers (e.g. jonesintokyoleather, pionier1956, blackforestatelier). has notice this?   good them, free market @ work!   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Battle of the (Mac)Books

so, 15" macbook updated today. got little bump, not bump looking for. would've moved on broadwell chip, no. no broadwell. has lead me decision. going buy new computer until 15" comes out, , use web browsing. while use using current upgraded macbook pro 2011. shouldn't clutter or installs. here computers considering. have budget of around $1450, isn't concrete. @ cheapest have macbook, idea of having new , special, don’t 1 usb-c port livable. slimness awesome , super portable , cool! 130$ cheaper next contender. lack of power worry me. in middle have macbook air. @ $1449 little bit more expensive macbook has lot more power. matches thin macbook’s 8gb, cpu better. air has 2.2ghz dual core i7, thin macbook has 1.1 ghz dual core m. think thin macbook have far lesser life-span when compared others. finally, have 13-inch macbook pro retina display. coming in @ $1499 more expensive others, has amazing power. 2.7ghz dual core i5 cp

Installed 10.10.4 seems to be smokin

i installed 10.10.4 , man seems faster..opening programs...browsing..everything seems faster..   msbeezy said: ↑ i installed 10.10.4 , man seems faster..opening programs...browsing..everything seems faster.. click expand... plus 1 on that! installed , went "normal".   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Do you think the iPhone 6s will have the same design?

i want buy case in advance 6s purchase october since found great sale on amazon. don't want find out iphone 6s undergo slight redesign. aware past s models same design, knows. ideas?   musicenthusiast said: ↑ i want buy case in advance 6s purchase october since found great sale on amazon. don't want find out iphone 6s undergo slight redesign. aware past s models same design, knows. ideas? click expand... 95% exact same casing.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

840 EVO firmware update using Fusion drive

i'm using seagate 1tb hd , samsung 840 evo 256 gb ssd, both internal, i've combined 1 fusion drive. has been working fine. computer 2011 imac mountain lion 10.8.5. want update 840 evo firmware while exists in computer via terminal. know need create bootable cd or usb first. question has updated ssd while being used fusion drive? possible upgrade ssd in current fusion state? or necessary "dismantle" fusion drive, lose data, update ssd, recreate fusion drive, , use time machine backup restore drive. thank help!   problem resolved added samsung's magician software imac's bootcamp , upgraded ssd firmware easily. easy solutions.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Softwar

Best Third Party Apple Watch Apps?

which third party apps use on apple watch? find myself sticking uber, citymapper , onefootball. keen hear suggestions and/or recommendations.   ipaine said: ↑ which third party apps use on apple watch? find myself sticking uber, citymapper , onefootball. keen hear suggestions and/or recommendations. click expand... i use pandora radio quite bit, hooks notifications , thats it. lol   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Retiring the iMac...

i have 4 year old imac , and shifting rmbp desk duty have macbook. don't want spend fortune on 4k display , i'm wondering whether others in forum have done same thing , can offer advice on best display purchase (at least 24", not tb display because it's 4 year old setup, too). suggestions? here thread discussing couple dell models many users seem like.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Pay with Apple Watch question

i didn't see apple pay forum, figured post here. if enter debit card apple pay, safe use online? buy things amazon? know it's frowed upon pay online using debit card because it's direct line bank account, apple pay safe pay online items?   amazon safe kind of card. wouldn't paranoid. use debit card.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

HELP!!! BIG ISSUE TO FIX - Microsoft Office 2011 HELP!!

hello guys yesterday sitting , writing final exam in microsoft office word 2011, when writting part in document 1 second another, switched between chinese signs/words , between writing language in document (danish) , numbers. have attached picture nice topic, can see have happened in document. can recognize or have single clue - said, i'm sitting , writing final exam, pleased , happy if know do. im on 10 pages writing, there lot catch up, if document/file going lost. picture shows how looks on screen in document... how remove these chinese words , in written language - danish.   attached files: skærmbillede 2015-04-30 kl. 21.49.50.png file size: 68.1 kb views: 37 have tried selecting text , changing font?   Fo

Newcomer bring surprise fix for old rom problems at !

a guy named florian appeared on there , announced had made discoveries in 5870 efi. when apple 5870 came out, placing apple rom or efi on pc card got nothing. (nada) netkas able fix efi work pc 5870s. sadly, boot screen on vga connected lower dvi port. first batch of test roms, florian has been able boot screens on dvi !!! yes, have been nice few years better late never. , going try dp , hdmi ports showing boot screens. make 5770 , 5870 better options, 1,1 , 2,1 run on oss don't need boot.efi fix. , gratifying instead of endless outstretched "gimme, gimme" hands, have had show offer , make step forward. great news running flashed 5870 tired of needing vga display see boot screens. go "port mapping" thread , update 5870 dvi boot screen. if doesn't post fixes 5770, will. info lead more , better amd options. anyhow, great news people on budget. downer flashed 5770 , 5870 of them never work apple led

Will animated wallpapers be iPhone 6s exclusive?

do guys think animated wallpapers exclusive new iphones? never thought until read articles saying it's "another difference between new iphone , previous one". think kind of dumb, since 6's hardware sure capable enough handle 2011 android devices handled. it's showcase rumored oled display using white background koi fish doesn't showcase oled display. ( know there other black ones). think ?   if screen oled, can see being exclusive feature. if oled display not showcase white background, there has white animated wallpapers go white-faced iphones.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Co

Mother of all Android TV boxes! Tegra x1

i don't know why device not getting press deserves. got 1 199 , came 30 dollars worth of play store money , got around getting , running. thing blows doors off cheap china android sticks can off ebay , fastest hardware out right , don't think next years chips catch in terms of gaming , gpu power has. there absolutely zero,i mean 0 lag or studder.i tried hardest push thing , laughs @ ever through @ it. got , running , first thing did unlock bootloader , install cm rom , got rid of oem firmware.i install emulaters during week , guys. think thing has 300 gpu cores , 4k ready beast gaming. give base line on how powerful gpu gs6 scores 28fps manhattan gfx bench , thing scores 65fps.i hit 111fps trex , a9 rumored numbers 66fps trex , 35% faster numbers current a8!   grkm3 said: ↑ i don't know why device not getting press deserves. got 1 199 , ca

After a few minutes others can't hear me well

the problem seems have started week ago, regardless of whether initiate call or i'm 1 receiving call. problem after 2-4 minutes whomever i'm talking starts complaining i'm breaking or can't hear me well. i've tried inside apt outside (neither place has been problem before). breaking may vary in duration, know sure @ times clears , sounds normal, gets bad again shortly after. when call quality bad if take phone away ear , @ cell signal strength @ full (5 dots) or under (4 dots). have tried: rebooting phone. holding different. moved locations in apt , gone outside. ideas? iphone 6.   reset network settings? perhaps reset settings? maybe restore? using case or that?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iP

Large swaths of forum are missing when not logged in

this site looks when i'm not logged in. works fine after logging in. tried on chromium, firefox, , xombrero , problem exists on of browsers.   attached files: 2015-07-31-160926_1600x900_scrot.png file size: 143.3 kb views: 79 sorry. fixed it.   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Key combination to force CLEAN shutdown/restart ?

i don't think there's key combination force clean shutdown or restart without questions asked.   cube said: ↑ i don't think there's key combination force clean shutdown or restart without questions asked. click expand... ctrl-cmd-eject restart no questions. add opt shutdown (ctrl-opt-cmd-eject)   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Color pixel with tap recognizer

hello need ios app. how can background color of image (that insert in uiimageview) tap. create tap gesture recognizer not know how read background color tap. try part of code found on stackoverflow: in viewdidload: code: uitapgesturerecognizer * taprecognizer = [[uitapgesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self action:@selector(tapgesture:)]; [self.view addgesturerecognizer:taprecognizer]; and define: code: - (void)tapgesture:(uitapgesturerecognizer *)recognizer { cgpoint point1 = [recognizer locationinview:recognizer.view]; uigraphicsbeginimagecontext(recognizer.view.bounds.size); cgcontextref context = uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext(); [recognizer.view.layer renderincontext:context]; int bpr = (int)cgbitmapcontextgetbytesperrow(context); unsigned char data = cgbitmapcontextgetdata(context); if (data != null) { int offset = bpr*round(point1.y) + 4*round(point1.x); i

Best Video Editing app other than iMovie?

so i'm indie mac/ ios developer , i'm looking perfect video editing software create videos promote apps. imovie isn't cutting me anymore. final cut pro little out of price range currently, i'm looking cheaper alternatives. cheap alternatives make videos made professionals? near or under $30 nice.   first...there never "best". second, limiting price range under $30 not better imovie. having finished video high school reunion, fcpx best choice given editing capabilities, including ability include "b roll" footage, etc.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Appl

Advice on New Phone

hi all! in advance advice. i'm in situation need purchase new phone , service. company supplies phone , service, , i'll changing jobs i'm on own. here's question, if i'm going activate new line of service now, recommend phone? here's mean: don't want go out , purchase new iphone 6 since we'll see new iphone in coming months. it's looking need "temporary" (but permanent phone number) can leverage carrier discounts new iphone later year. think?   old flip phone around home? or perhaps buying cheap 1 full price off contract perhaps ? thats did   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes App

Iphone 5 security Flaw

after giving apple opportunity rectify issue , replace handset both in store , multiple emails, have posted online. see attached link. security flaw regardless of turning mobile hotspot feature off, phone still broadcasts network , can remotely "activated" phone(iphone 6) without password. genius bar attendant advised had never seen issue before , suggested check bank account suspicious transactions.... note: iphone 6 brand new , never connected device before. if business, replace phone , send phone engineers further testing......   is video?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple

Help: Easiest way to download youtube video

hi everyone, i'm hoping find here, tomorrow take little vacation, it's 5 hour drive our destination long 2 y/o daughter...she likes cartoons , great if download of favourite cartoons on ipad mini...only problem have no idea on how or best , easiest way download cartoons , save them ipad. tried looking online of stuff found adds or had download , install sketchy before mess ipad hoping fine people point me in wright direction. appreciated!   i have used successfully.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Deskt

iMac 5k Windows Res / Gaming issues

hello. there updates 5k resolution support r290/r295x in windows? (8.1, 10). also, have question gaming. several games, while i'm in mac (like civ v) tells me, 1440p native resolution, , 5k resolution isn't available. there solution staff this? also, simcity on mac tells me, max resolution 1080p looking advice.   kurinzo said: ↑ hello. there updates 5k resolution support r290/r295x in windows? (8.1, 10). also, have question gaming. several games, while i'm in mac (like civ v) tells me, 1440p native resolution, , 5k resolution isn't available. there solution staff this? also, simcity on mac tells me, max resolution 1080p looking advice. click expand... playing games @ 5k unrealistic, gtx 980 have trouble @ resolution.   Forums Macs