
Showing posts from March, 2015

PB 5 crashing during startup after updating from PB 1

hey guys! yesterday installed public beta of el cap on second mac. did going app store, purchases, , downloading file there. installed file, guess pb1?... now, today, tried updating pb5 because update showed up. went fine until computer restarted. now, every time mac tries boot up, shows apple logo on white background , on left whole amount of text saying don't understand , along lines of os x version not yet detected or something. after happened recovered backup (from morning before update) , tried to update again... failed again. knows whats going on? thanks!   seme332 said: ↑ hey guys! yesterday installed public beta of el cap on second mac. did going app store, purchases, , downloading file there. installed file, guess pb1?... now, today, tried updating pb5 because update showed up. went fine until computer restarted. now, every time mac tries b

Retina Macbook Pro Buying Advise

hello, looking buy retina macbook pro base model. should wait till sep 9 event see if there skylake related news?   macbook refresh isn't easiest thing guest. not typical yearly announce iphone. there dependent upon intel. can't remember them ever announcing macbook along iphone. other forum members maybe chime in. however, if skylake coming believe later in 2015. if simple refresh of current rmbp there won't of announcement. (most likely) @ point in cycle in position have no idea when skylake come. if wait 2-3 months , doesn't come nov-dec , thinking should here in feb-mar , if doesn't come apr-july...etc. macbook pro once latest refresh 6 months old refresh imminent. problem 1-8 months later when comes.   Forums Macs Buying Tips and Advice

cocoa - NSTextView and Terminal Escape Sequences

hi all, there knows how parse terminal escape sequence codes in string write textview? i'm having data that's full of: code: [?7l[h[2j[?25l[1;1h[37m[40m [2;1h [3;1h [4;1h [5;1h [6;1h [7;1h [8;1h [9;1h [10;1h [11;1h [12;1h [13;1h [14;1h [15;1h [16;1h [17;1h [18;1h [19;1h [20;1h [21;1h [22;1h [23;1h [?12l[?25h[1;1h i can't strip all, asume [1;1h [1000;1h line feeds... please help!   assuming line feeds suggests don't know input. find documentation , understand come , explain others can grasp source , format . right taking blind shot recognize it. lines remind me of vt terminal control codes. non-compatible uitextview.   Forums Macs Mac Programming iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Wa

New Steve Jobs movie TV Spot

enjoy   god looks lame. i'm sick of these deified/troubled genius films jobs. @ least pirates of silicon valley, made in 1999 when apple in 'who knows what'll happen' territory, didn't @ life/history rose-tinted glasses. , kutcher 1 exercise in pure cringe. if haven't seen it, here's clip. toes curl ...   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple, Inc and Tech Industry iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

rMBP & ext. monitor minimal cable clutter

2015 13" rmbp , possibly dell u2415 monitor. there options cable connections, since connecting , disconnecting rmbp daily? can respond using similar set-up? prefer having wired keyboard, connected usb on monitor. cable coming thunderbolt display take care of usb'd keyboard? also, if connect external speakers via monitor. possible me have 2 cable connections rmbp— power supply , via thunderbolt (or hdmi?) port? possibly consider dock, henge dock has gotten many critical reviews price in mind. vintage   what need thunderbolt 2 dock. aren't cheap give option have external hdd's keyboard mouse , monitor set thunderbolt cable connection rmbp. amazon possibly best bet have fair few...   Forums Ma

New spotlight not working

i tried doing search "weather singapore" or weather other location matter no results. there have enable?   file bug report. did on same issue last night. spotlight doesn't appear have weather , internet search etc. supposed to.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How do I force my music into iCloud Music?

i've got enabled not has cloud icon beside song name. been days , have few albums. did stop , start icloud music couple of times test things maybe has it? maybe should disable icloud music , delete music in apple music re-add?   patent10021 said: ↑ i've got enabled not has cloud icon beside song name. been days , have few albums. did stop , start icloud music couple of times test things maybe has it? maybe should disable icloud music , delete music in apple music re-add? click expand... there's think 3 cloud icons can appear next songs in itunes icloud music library. 1: cloud down arrow indicate in cloud don't yet have on computer. 2: dotted outline cloud indicate wasn't match when icloud music library did thing , require add iml. 3: cloud x inside indicate not eligible upload iml. (because 96 bitrate or lower and/or on 200mb

Buying Advice

in upcoming fall i'm looking make new purchase upgrade computer set up.. i'm running 2008 imac. looking buy new imac , possibly new ipad air. plan use imac edit videos, use photoshop , download files forums (.rar, .mp4, etc), gonna use ipad surf net, run game apps , listen music. question is.. can use ipad download files file host site? or better off getting macbook air?   axeldtf said: ↑ in upcoming fall i'm looking make new purchase upgrade computer set up.. i'm running 2008 imac. looking buy new imac , possibly new ipad air. plan use imac edit videos, use photoshop , download files forums (.rar, .mp4, etc), gonna use ipad surf net, run game apps , listen music. question is.. can use ipad download files file host site? or better off getting macbook air? click expand... assuming format compatible ipad of course there app that....  

'Hacking Team' Data Breach Confirms Firm's Ability to Infiltrate Jailbroken iPhones

cybersecurity firm hacking team experienced data breach earlier today, resulting in 400 gb of documents being leaked onto internet, reports   the guardian . documents confirm hacking team's ability infiltrate , monitor jailbroken iphones on behalf of government law enforcement agencies nsa, as noted by macworld . ​ quote much has been speculated before , after edward snowden's release of trove of national security agency (nsa) documents in 2013 capabilities of united states' agencies of allies , enemies. hacking team dump reveals quite bit more routine functions of third-party suppliers ecosystem, including enumerated capabilities. ios users should therefore take note long-running concern jailbroken iphones , ipads susceptible vulnerabilities include access so-called state actors appears confirmed data breach. click expand... hacking team's software need installed on jailbroken iphone, firm has ab

Apple beta development program expiry?

hello, have signed apple beta development program el capitan on macbook pro , mac mini. developer account expires in 20 days, still use apple development program once developer account has expired? many in advance   stuartrozier said: ↑ will still use apple development program once developer account has expired? click expand... apple has free developer program, you'll have access resources. you'll locked out of sections paying members only.   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iTunes Match: all my songs are apple lossless (ALAC)

all of songs in itunes in apple lossless format (alac). apple says if sign itunes match songs encoded in alac, wav, or aiff formats transcoded separate temporary aac 256 kbps file locally, before they're uploaded icloud. original files won't changed. that great, because want keep songs in alac format. have issues in above did not happen? worried itunes match make mistake of deleting 1 or more of alac songs. also, reading above statement apple it's saying after transcoding/creating separate file alac aac 256, apple use separate aac 256 file upload itunes match cloud. automatically delete aac 256 file?   your alac files not touched. won't see temporary aac file creates uploading.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services

Has my mid-2007 iMac been hacked?

just got out of bad relationship knows computers lot more do. being suspicious person am, discovered following in terminal history: code: /applications/akamai/netsession_mac_13d7a2d env_keep+="home mail" sudo -l lc_messages /library/dropboxhelpertools/dropbox_u501/dbfseventsd dscl.list/users dsl mv mm.vob /library/application\ support/apple/remote\ desktop/notify /volumes/users/mark/videos/realplayer\ downloads/0riginal_message /usr/bin/tail -n 10 /users/bayottere/.bash_history usr/bin/tail mv mm.vob .mm.vob echo /pictures/com.alice.mac.camerasecurity/ .bash_history /users/bayotter/.bash_history cat .bash_history ebkit2 ~/.macosx/environment.plist #!/bin/sh /mach_kernel ; exit; /mach_kernel ; exit; /sbin/dynamic_pager ; exit; /library/preferences/ ; exit; /library/messages/plugins/aim.imservice/contents/macos/aim ; exit; /library/messages/plugins/jabber.imservice/contents/macos/jabber ; exit; /bin/doma

Wrestling With Dad

normally, filed away under "home movies" family see; 1 doesn't see everyday, rite of passage. when make music video song off latest album called wrestle dad , , father reserved signer/songwriter neil finn (from crowded house ), you'd think rather awkward or bizarre/weird. instead, call hilarious wrestling video ever, or 1 of best father's day video you've ever seen. i'll let age take here, , enjoy! quote wrestling dad: neil , liam finn hilariously down in music video boisterous father-son wrestle isn't encounter every day, thankfully. it's not unheard of either, rite of passage. makes bizarre , hilarious music video, when father reserved kiwi songwriting star neil finn, manhandling talented son, liam, in latter's latest video clip. song aptly titled wrestle dad , liam finn's 2014 album t

Non-stop file permissions errors. Word crashing and losing entire documents. 10.10.3 / server 4.1

i'm throw in towel. trying run local network accounts 3 users. have new mac mini , recent imacs. updated latest patched everything. , ti doesn't work- constant hangs, crashes, 1 of case mangers lost entire document had been working on 4 hours. have tried everything- reinstall clean, wired networking- keep getting problems. @ end of rope here. tempted switch on linux server use file server , stop using apple servers together. appreciate opinions on following: 1. new 10.10.4 beta solving these kinds of issues people? 2. have idea if there on end causing problems, or current version of apple server , yosemite? 3. ti wise go prior, more stable version of mac os x on mac mini server if care local network accounts running smoothly? thank , input.   no 1 has had problem?   Forums Macs

MacBook Pro 15" 2015 mainly for Windows - which GPU to choose?

hi, being microsoft .net developer don't have think of os use still last 3 notebooks have been macbook pros running windows, because there wasn't real alternative. year though decided "real pc" 4 pc laptops later i've yet again came conclusion best pc laptop macbook pro 15" 2015. normally, version maxed out no matter costs year i'm having doubts, choice of gpu (graphics card). if gpu switching had worked fine under windows have been no brainer of know doesn't. have me thinking of if should 1 without amd gpu instead better battery times , hear opinions on skipping amd version if favor of non amd version. used mobile workstation don't plan gaming on it, gpu intensive stuff movies , light photoshopping. now, few questions: whats overall opinion on skipping amd version needs , go non-amd (intel iris pro version)? what chances of getting windows installation supports gpu switching? know there different "hacks&

OS X Share a good game

share game: war of beach. played prereleasing version. now, it's released today. it's boombeach, it's more convenient on mac. brings me enjoyment driving away boredom, come share you. took part in beta, have several promo codes paid game, if want, leave me message.   hmm, spread love through world killing enemy army. if war sweet , love. anyway, 10 dollar game in-app purchases not explained or detailed on mac app store page instant no me, when given base game free. there's exceptions every rule of course , me include expansion , dlc content aaa or highly regarded indie games perhaps. won't consider ios ports or games them. nice of offer though strikes me little odd on release day create account give away codes game in-app purchases. mean, still nice thing , happy beta tester , player of ga

Best Stock Market real info App?...

who can recommend best monitor , trade stock market informations apps?...thx...   thinkorswim app td ameritrade hands down best stock app ios mac os x. might need have ameritrade account, not sure. have one. if account required , don't want 1 there take @ stockidealpro. that's stock app well.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

38mm Sport battery issue....

hello need guys this. bought gf 38mm sport watch , batter life seems terrible. 100% charge , @ 48 mins of usage it's down 87%. starts day @ 6am , it's @ 10% @ 3pm. tips on this? she's tried turn something's off improve feel battery no strong supposed be. thank in advance input   how many cycles has done? 38 ss terrible first 2 days lasts day, if not two. might worth clearing out third party apps see if makes difference or watch factory reset.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Iphone 6 Wifi issue

so when leave wifi on , lock phone after couple of minutes unlock phone shows still connected wifi things won't refresh fb , instagram meaning theres mo internet. had toggle wifi have internet   i have issue time. have toggle wi-fi on , off in control center. started ios 8 , won't fixed until ios 9   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPad Share to Flickr broken on iPad

i've been trying use share flickr extension built ios 8 on ipad air 2, can't work. i've logged in (and out , in again) number of times , switched accounts, sharing flickr never on ipad. can't see existing groups. won't download. sharing other services, vimeo works fine. flickr app works fine, not flickr sharing built-into ios. sharing flickr works fine on iphone, it's not flickr account. can't figure out how fix this. ideas?   never mind figured out. turns out flickr app replaces built-in flickr share sheet own , wasn't working. deleting flickr app , reinstalling fixed problem.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch N

Issue and Question about Activity/Workout apps

my activity app on watch shows have 6 of 30 minutes of exercise today, yet went on 37 minute outdoor walk registered in workout app on watch. activity app on iphone shows 6 minute of exercise , shows have 37 minute walk workout. shouldn't exercise ring completed on watch? know why 37 minute walk not being counted towards daily exercise ring? in advance.   did use outdoor walk setting in workout app? if so, might try using other next time. had same experience. there lot of threads here discussing issues of workouts , activity. there doesn't seem rhyme or reason all.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iP

Gaming? ie. Steam, starcraft 2

wondering if tried install games? been while since i've played games since i've sold mbp 15" 2013   forgot add have 1.2 512gb rmb   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How to REALLY hide ALL file extensions in Yosemite?

there 2 options far have seen on internet , none of them job. first 1 unchecking box in finder settings, not work @ all, or @ least popular format mp4, mov, jpg, pdf...​ ​ second 1 real joke, can hide file extension of single file only, , not files has same extensions can done triggering ⌘i then:​ ​ though can select multiple files hide format @ same time, not useful @ since have every single time have new file. but there way hide file extensions using more advanced tools terminal? ​   so there no way of doing so??   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork

is a new ipod touch coming out because the current one is 4 years old it was released

is new ipod touch coming out because current 1 4 years old released iphone 5.   adolf said: ↑ is new ipod touch coming out because current 1 4 years old released iphone 5. click expand... the current 1 released september 2012, 2.5 years old, not 4 years old, , don't know if there new 1 coming...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPod touch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Usb hubs

will usb 3.0 hub work ok when plugged usb 2.0 computer? have mid 2012 mac pro desktop running latest os. need @ least 7 ports. have belkin 2.0 7 port hub, every seems drop out, , have reconnect a/c adapter bring online. seems when computer goes sleep no longer powers devices after waking up, till disconnect, , reconnect a/c adapter. weird.   nobody?   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless


what statuses , dates have shipped?   jrdn13crvr said: ↑ what statuses , dates have shipped? click expand... i have 38mm aluminum white sport band on order. ordered 5/1 available ship june 1-12 location: us latest 38mm white sport i've seen ship 1 ordered on 4/28, i'm closer june 1.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

MacBook Pro Boot Problems

i have macbook pro mid 2012 2.5 ghz core i5 running mountain lion had soda spilled on key board have no idea how or how long when try boot shows apple logo , shuts down if continually hold shift or control key boot 1 safe boot other normal boot. can perform functions when release key proceed shut down. stripped thing down cleaned mother board isopropyl , replaced key board , backlite new symptoms same. on appreciated have searched inside forum drawing blank. apple hardware test shows 4sns/1/40000000;vcoc-3.196???   it looks have failure 1 of system sensors either not being able detect voltage, or voltage not being regulated properly(voltage regulator on mobo). soda worst due how corrosive sodas are... involving component replacement, , thinking logic board(mobo).   Forums Macs N

‘Family Values’ GOP Lawmaker’s Racy Texts To Intern: ‘God I Want You Right Now’

why religious gop's want force faith on others can't ever seem live faith? seems if spent more time following faith force on others may more moral. quote ‘family values’ gop lawmaker’s racy texts intern: ‘god want right now’ (images) author: shannon barber may 14, 2015 12:31 am missouri speaker of house john diehl typical “family values” republican. rabidly anti-gay, , has been praised hate groups such family research council record of anti-gay lawmaking. well, seems credibility surrounding so-called family values out window man, , luck, political career gone right along it. see, of these hypocrites on right, speaker diehl engaging in *ahem* extracurricular activities didn’t want find out about, least of wife , 3 children. well, cat’s out of bag, supposed christian family has been caught exchanging sexually explicit text me

iphone help

i sent email through works exchange email using laptop contained small powerpoint file. ever since each time send email through iphone image of powerpoint file appears in email received recipient. file image cant opened , appears ghost image. how can stop happening each time send email. happens when send private email using aol on iphone.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Does anyone have the HDMI adapters in stock?

this one: says ships in 2-3 weeks. need 1 right away. know can one?   i bought mine @ apple store in toronto eaton centre. don't have on dispaly because "they don't have new macbook in stock" check in store if near 1   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

DC Rainmaker takes the Apple Watch to 40M (140')

dc rainmaker first reviews of watch today (he has lot go) , pressurizes in water on 40m (140'). beyond insane , proof watch , water not problem. swims laps 1000m (0.65 miles) in it. there no doubt [sarcasm] apple lying [/sarcasm] how watch handles water. dc rainmaker's watch tests   julien said: ↑ dc rainmaker first reviews of watch today (he has lot go) , pressurizes in water on 40m (140'). beyond insane , proof watch , water not problem. swims laps 1000m (0.65 miles) in it. there no doubt apple lying how watch handles water. dc rainmaker's watch tests click expand... proving watch more capable ipx7. meaning, if gets water damage, don't count on warranty covering it. (as they'll know exceeded it).   Forums Apple Watch

Apple Watch and T-Mobile Wi-Fi incoming calls

has on t-mobile noticed when have wi-fi calls activated (carrier name changed "t-mobile wi-fi") don't see incoming calls on watch?   mariojdo said: ↑ has on t-mobile noticed when have wi-fi calls activated (carrier name changed "t-mobile wi-fi") don't see incoming calls on watch? click expand... that confirmed. wi-fi calling , apple watch don't work together. note: wi-fi calling isn't supported on apple watch.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

No Desktop Save

system few days ago not allow "save as" desktop. when desktop selected in "where" window window returns wherever before making desktop selection. desktop selection not allowed.   each time i've had resolve saving issues occur on path available save, turned out general permissions issue. go utilities, disk utility, select macintosh hd(or name of startup volume, typically first indented listing in left column), , click repair disk permissions, after process completes, restart mac.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife

A lot of iOS users seem to think Android is Samsung

a lot of ios users know seem talking idea of trying android, ex-iphone user, i'm getting lot of questions. i'm noticing seems think samsung andoid. , buying samsung phone sure-fire way put off android , go straight iphone. when @ moto 1 x, confused. google need somehow better differenciate android , samsung.   not surprising. as mp3 players became proverbially called ipods. how vacuum cleaners still referred hoovers despite not being made hoover. @ point dominant makers product associated device , if market changes still referred that. samsung sells mist android phones others combined. google / stock android devices counts less 5% (around 3%) evident when @ take of new os's on android. lollipop stuck on less 5% more 9 months , creeping likes of samsung , other oem's release it. yes, @ point unlikely you'll ever disassociate samsung's touchwiz android. i

Fcp x?

anyone here trying editing on new macbook, base model? have 2012 15" rmbp, , a, thinking of replacing ipad air new macbook. however, justify it, need able video edit when on road. don't expect fast rmbp, manageable. i'm daily youtube vlogger, i'd need able edit 1080p videos youtube. have video of how new macbook handles it? said, not looking replace macbook pro, supplement it.   it's powerful 2014 air i7   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

io9 public beta

hi re: ios 9 public beta. made mistake of not doing itunes backup before upgrading ios9. know i'm silly i've not used itunes years , thought icloud backup okay. have 3 devices- iphone 6 running ios 9 public beta ipad mini running ios 9 public beta mac book pro '15 up-to-date yosemite iphone 6- calendar, contacts, reminders wont sync , empty- notes sync ipad mini- calendar, contacts, reminders & notes sync mac book pro- calendar, contacts & reminders sync- notes wont msecure sync on both ipad & iphone (all via icloud) have checked account. photos backed amazon drive ipad , iphone backups done itunes problems backing , deleting , iphone backups icloud. have tried standard switching off & on accounts etc , soft reset devices. question best waiting till ios9 released , cure problems 3 devices in sync? appreciate anyones advice on best way forward. thanks ps upgraded ios 9 because support

Buyer's Guide: Discounts on Retina MacBook, MacBook Air, Apple Accessories, and More

it's still school season, deals continue decent retailers attempt lure customers stores school supplies. first time, best buy offering discounts on retina macbook, dropping price $80. several models of macbook air available @ discount, @ lowest prices we've seen. apple's back school promotion still going on both in stores , online, apple offering free pair of beats solo2 headphones purchase of eligible mac. eligible macs include imac, macbook air, macbook pro, macbook, , mac pro. always, we've rounded discounts on useful apple accessories , we've found plenty of deals on apps , games week. ipad air 2 discounts on ipad air 2 mediocre week, may best hold off on purchasing. need new tablet immediately, however, there few minor deals. ​ b&h photo offering discount on some of ipad air 2 models , dropping prices $30 $75. discount, 64gb wi-fi ipad air 2 priced @ $569 . macmall offering many of same discounts, droppi

Apple TV Fell to Fourth Most Popular Streaming Media Device in U.S. in 2014

apple tv fourth popular streaming media device in united states in 2014, according new data compiled parks associates . sales of apple tv eclipsed sales of devices roku, google, , amazon. roku continues popular brand when comes streaming media devices, representing 34 percent of units sold, while google , chromecast responsible 23 percent of device sales. amazon's fire tv third popular choice, while apple came in fourth. in 2013, apple tv third popular streaming media device , in 2014, fell behind newly introduced fire tv , fire tv stick. ​ combined, streaming media devices apple, roku, google, , amazon responsible 86 percent of streaming media device sales u.s. broadband households. according data, 20 percent of u.s. households own 1 or more streaming media players. when comes ongoing usage, roku devices unsurprisingly @ top of list. 37 percent of households regularly use roku device, 19 percent use google chromecast, 17 percent use app

Mini to VGA for Projector

i'm using mini vga adaptor projector @ work , not push video. i've tried several resolutions , refresh rates not change. other people using laptop built in vga don't seem have issues getting on projector cant seem make work. work when plug vga monitor i'm pretty sure adaptor ok. did apple mini vga firmware update date.   can connect mini monitor (to test cables etc)? try different refresh rate.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

mac wont start, tried everything I could come up with

i tried: safe mode start: ends in blank white screen recovery mode: same white blank screen reset pram: still nothing fsck thing: here gets interesting: when fsck -fy says 'all systems ok, has been modified'. when again says 'all systems ok'. restart, again freezes, go fsck -fy says 'seems ok , has been modified' again i started in verbose mode , stopped here: got macbook pro begin 2011 please me!   have tried running hardware diagnostics test? mbp should have come 2 dvd's - os x , applications. insert applications dvd, reboot , hold "d" key boot hardware diagnostics. if doesn't work...time trip apple store.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro

Homeworld Remastered Released for Mac!

aspyr comes through again classic game release! saw on mac app store. haven't bothered check see if elsewhere.   not on steam yet, soon. note there no multiplayer @ (!) mas version.   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

What does the watch consider exercise?

that exercise ring mystery , seems have mind of own. example, yesterday went gym , did 45 minutes of weighs followed 35 minute run on treadmill using exercise app. exercise ring showed total of 24 minutes of exercise. while wouldn't expect pick weight session, did expect close time running. have tried on other days tightening watch band 1 hole (sport band) when exercise, , seem in registering exercise time more consistently. know exact criteria apple watch consider exercise? percentage of maximum heart rate amount of time before adds minute etc?   i don't know criteria suspect heart rate important factor. went round 8 acre maze yesterday taking our time, , didn't register exercise in 2 hours   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPho

Titanium 1.0Ghz DVI with Airport Extreme

so, belkin card showed today. turns out sent me revision 1315 , not 1112. that's ok revision works. of right son connected newer asus router (2.5/5ghz) provided free sprint using airport extreme. happy happy, joy joy!   what model card that?   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Fitbit Surge to Apple Watch

so i've been kicking around idea of moving away fitbit surge apple watch. transition surge? thoughts/opinions? how's accessing work out apps/selection compared surge (press button, swipe press button). largely dismissed need of getting notifications on watch when apple watch coming out, surge see use them.   maflynn said: ↑ so i've been kicking around idea of moving away fitbit surge apple watch. transition surge? thoughts/opinions? how's accessing work out apps/selection compared surge (press button, swipe press button). largely dismissed need of getting notifications on watch when apple watch coming out, surge see use them. click expand... i use both. fitness walking or running surge hard beat. tracks hr no matter , gps actual mapped runs. aw need moved wrist little , tightened results hr sensor. go applications, workout ,

Pixelmator 4bit color depth

does know if there way set color depth of image lower 8 bit in pixelmator? i've been looking morning , not see possible. if not, can recommend alternative (other photoshop). possibly affinity photo or other. in advance help!   not possible in pixelmator, affinity photo, acorn. try gimp:   Forums Special Interests Design and Graphics iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

I just want to move my Photos library!

i swear process couldn't harder. i've tried 8 times move macbook air's photos library wd nas system (a 4tb cloud device). i've got share created called photos , i'm trying drag , drop on there. best i'm getting 11.20gb out of 15gb before error 36. i'm in middle of third attempted fix issue -- found app deletes ds store files -- i'm still wary. i've still got figure out how 200gb of photos out of time machine backup of imac killed last night displayport cable inside. mean damn pictures , videos. since i'm going macbook air person unless lucky , figure out how fix imac, i've gotta photos library on external drive thing figured out. else have these types of issues? it's bitch moving huge files across wireless network connection. it's bad enough when it's on usb. if knows of set of reading on managing sorts of media externally using macbook air, i'd love know it. of tv comes in on apple tv boxes,