
Showing posts from February, 2011

iPhone 6 no longer charge via USB IOS9

hi! wonder if can please? iphone 6 has stopped charging via usb computers car! it's stopped of sudden. works fine via power outlet. working week ago doesn't, changed cables, changed usb ports buts it's same. tried restoring,reset, running battery down,etc. oh , have ios9. thank you!   have verified usb outlet in car has power? car have usb ports or ac outlet. got volt meter?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Message freezing

my friend has iphone 5s cracked screen (probably not related). sees in notifications has messages (some texts, imessages) when opens messages, entire screen goes white. can not send messages using siri. asks message sent displays there problem. can not go genius bar until saturday , asked help. got nothing. appreciated.   tell him try restore , setup new see if it's software bug.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iphone 6 plus/itunes freeze

hey everyone, new member here , new iphone 6 plus user! issue is: whenever download music apple music whether iphone 6 plus or macbook air. freezes both devices when connect usb cable sync. far i've tried: shutting phone down, hard reset, restore, erase data & reinstall os x make sure not computer that's problem. problem persist. have solution?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Best display to pair with a 5k iMac

i have 27" imac 2 displays (thunderbolt display , aoc 27" display) upgrade 5k imac - , wondering if has recommendations additional displays? ideally want total of 3 displays due work do. i'm thinking of getting rid of thunderbolt display doesn't cope light coming thru window (would please release new iteration apple!!) mucho appreciated   most of times type/size/brand of display dependent kind of work 're doing. office or graphics/photo use? @ 27" again or larger? price?   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Moving from Spotify to Apple Music

i've tried darnedest this work no luck posted few issues , responded others , have been ignored. else have luck this?   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Late 2013 iMac SSD upgrade

hi! have late 2013 imac has factory installed 256gb ssd .. find running out of space now, confused ssd work on it? have read there pcie now, unsure whether need standard sata or pcie , unsure models / makes work? appreciate given.   nobody?   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPad & Magellan GPS

query possibility of doing updates our magellan gps or task desktop pc or laptop only..   if need download software/update update magellan gps, need computer.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

To those of you with personal websites

na   for professional website, information on there pretty spot on. thing irking me redirects in background information. redesign help, if make responsive.   Forums Special Interests Web Design and Development iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone Downgrading to iOS 8.4

i installed ios 9 testing employer. set 2 step verification during initial setup of ios 9. after testing, reverted 8.4 backup find not log icloud account without verification code, no longer sends phone because not ios 9. have tried: reverting ios 9 backup ( wants find iphone turned off, dont have access because cannot log in icloud access settings). downloading , installing ios 9 ipsw, fails. trying iforgot remove or recover, (the verification code/call never comes) any ideas helpful. thanks!   trey schuyler said: ↑ i installed ios 9 testing employer. set 2 step verification during initial setup of ios 9. after testing, reverted 8.4 backup find not log icloud account without verification code, no longer sends phone because not ios 9. have tried: reverting ios 9 backup ( wants find iphone turned off, dont have access because cannot log in icloud

Compatible Door Locks?

i'm excited prospect of picking watch given glowing reviews of how water resistance holding under real world applications. however, i'm interested in can external devices. pay given. want tap things tim cook throwing on @ end there before release ... starting car, unlocking doors, etc. i'm pretty sure have buy new car existing security system work watch , car door locks, less starter (but knows maybe add on bluetooth module mimic key fob radio codes it, though suspect security protocol aspect thwart unless designed car maker). should able buy watch compatible door lock now. you'd think. however, i'm having hard time finding one. has started using watches door lock, , if so, how performing, , brands using with?   this article may of interest:   Forum

Problem unzipping Files on OS X

hi, hoping file issue we’re experiencing on mac. of our customers have reported unzipping issues our files, seems affect macs. problem occurs our larger downloads (5gb plus). in order cater both mac , pc users remove mac files on pc (windows 7 professional), zip file on pc , upload them our amazon s3 server. smaller files don’t seem cause issues, larger file show following error on mac: unable expand “” “download location” (error 1 - operation not permitted) strangely error seems occur when using in-built unzipping software, if file being unzipped ‘unarchiver’ works fine. have been told caused zipping file on pc, , while have found software removes mac files zipped file on mac itself, hoping opinion on this. thanks!   if using built in windows zip app win zip (albeit stripped down , not bells , whistles of full version) , may want see if have issues in stripped down form

upgrade or replace iPod Classic?

i have 7g ipod classic , wondering future. yes works, needs upgraded. there 3 options examining. 1) send third party replace hdd ssd/cf. (ebay has couple of those) 2) open , replace hdd ssd/cf myself. 3) new ipod touch (128gb) or iphone 6/6+ (128gb). advice appreciated.   how storage u looking have on it?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPod iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

wifi not working??

i have iphone 5 unlimited data wherever go. resently after resetting phone think that's when problem started. phone opperates when i'm @ home , connected wifi. when im out have no internet connection , cannot use apps. tried looking in settings see if turned off , , i'm not sure . help!!!?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPad Auto Fill In

does private browser mode remember auto fill in password? every time use private browser remember password every websites go too.   the private setting has nothing remembering passwords. more protecting browsing history.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Accessibility; using bluetooth number pad as switch control

hi. name jim. looking operate , move around ipad using blue tooth number pad (belkin) switch control, , use separate bluetooth logitech keyboard cover input text. have set number pad switch control - works great - problem overrides logitech keyboard , cannot input text @ same time switch control. there way can around problem , have both devices work intended. i'm looking use ipad in way have cerebral palsy , difficult me accurately touch screen.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

El Capitan Startvolume – disk full, with logfiles

i've noticed strange issue 10.11 dp2 test volume. i'm running on partition ~130gb part of samsung 1tb ssd on owc mount pro @ sata ii, in cmp 5,1. 2 days ago installed osx 5.0 server 15s2157i beta2 test, filesharing activated. whole installation apps , prefs migrated tm backup of yosemite around 40gb (i did full tm backup of el cap partition yesterday), ~80gb free. morning when woke machine sleep saw warning message "disk full" , indeed, 40mb left. thought might temporary stuff cache files reboot didn't help, although still working. i've shutdown open apps , started drive (have plenty systems available in bootscreen, yosemite, mavericks, snowleo) , downloaded omnidisksweeper. detected 2 places w/ 80gb full of logfiles, see screenies attached, in - private/var/log/asl - library/server/logs ideas cause this? delete them if el cap starts filling partition again, how stop this? suggestions appreciated.

iTunes (UK) gift card discount

hi folks, not sure if correct forum, feel free move if need be. paypal uk running 1 of promos on itunes gift cards @ moment. 20% off. best have seen 25%, buy @ 20% too. expires 21/06/15. wish publicised more, stumbled on totally accident. know way notified when paypal put itunes promo? link:-   cheers heads £100 purchased shortly   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

When can we expect DP2?

does remember yosemite dp release dates? know expect time differences between releases. thanks!   os x yosemite saw new developer preview every other week remember.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New York and Connecticut Officials Investigate Apple Music for Possible Antitrust Violations

​ government officials in new york , connecticut investigating deals apple , major record companies established apple music determine whether there antitrust violations, reports the new york times . eric t. schneiderman , george jepsen, attorneys general in 2 states, suspicious apple tried convince record labels abandon free, ad-supported music services offered spotify , youtube. quote the attorneys general wanted know whether apple pressured music labels -- or whether labels conspired apple , 1 -- withdraw support popular "freemium" services offered companies spotify in favor of apple's paid music subscriptions. click expand... spotify offers freemium ad-supported music tier lets listeners access music @ no cost, provided listen ads. apple music not include free tier on-demand listening spotify, instead requiring users pay $9.99 per month individual plan or $14.99 per month family plan. apple does, however

4K monitor with mid-2012 MBA Core i7

i buy asus pb287q 4k monitor work (coding , writing papers etc) , use @ 1/2 resolution, i.e., 1920 x 1080 (my eyes not great 30 year old.. can't native 4k). plan upgrade 2015 mba in 3 - 4 months now, hear can run monitor @ 60 hz , 1920 x 1080. however, have mid-2012 mba core i7 running yosemite. can use mba power 4k display few months? can run @ 1920 x 1080 , 60 hz? thanks!   roninpawnee said: ↑ i buy asus pb287q 4k monitor work (coding , writing papers etc) , use @ 1/2 resolution, i.e., 1920 x 1080 (my eyes not great 30 year old.. can't native 4k). plan upgrade 2015 mba in 3 - 4 months now, hear can run monitor @ 60 hz , 1920 x 1080. however, have mid-2012 mba core i7 running yosemite. can use mba power 4k display few months? can run @ 1920 x 1080 , 60 hz? thanks! click expand... yes, mba can put out 1920x1080 signal need. monitor sc

Should I wait for the store to carry them?

should wait store carry apple watches (reportedly in next couple weeks) 1 or should got ahead , order it? i'm looking @ sg bsb 42mm - went store , tried on ss 42mm bsb , sg, liked sg lot better. ss seemed flashy me, i'm going pass on now. suggest? i'm sure sg 1 of popular ones store may not have once start carrying them, although live in place wouldn't think of them popular. wondering, people have ordered model in last couple days what's shipping status at?   mackneezie said: ↑ should wait store carry apple watches (reportedly in next couple weeks) 1 or should got ahead , order it? i'm looking @ sg bsb 42mm - went store , tried on ss 42mm bsb , sg, liked sg lot better. ss seemed flashy me, i'm going pass on now. suggest? i'm sure sg 1 of popular ones store may not have once start carrying them, although live in place woul

Will iPhone 6plus support slide over?

can @ wwdc or ios 9 beta confirm? sick of switching apps reply apps etc   you should have bought ipad.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Effective Power on Apple Watch

anyone know when bug fixed? or @ least anyway avoid watch being bricked?   what bug?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

OS X Server - is my hardware good enough?

i've read apple specs appreciate real world advice on how hardware perform current home office setup follows: 2 employees using 2010 macpro. 2.8 ghz quad-core intel xeon. 16gb ram. hdd raid backup + usb drive time machine - used adobe products. large photoshop files. 2009 mac mini. 2ghz intel 2 core duo - 4gb ram. ssd - used word processing (pages). icloud backup ipad 3 - used entertainment occassionally working home word processing (pages) icloud backup internet connection slow , cannot improved. approx 1.5mb upload speed, 3mb download objective is: create 1 central point files accessible 2 employees onsite remote-working freelancers (freelancers using mac , windows) files removable storage take offsite - security speed thinking of replacing ipad laptop home working, installing os x server onto mini, connecting removable usb drive mini time machine backup. concerns how fast setup be. working on macpro has higher spec mini presumably

Horizontal Scrolling in Calendar with Normal Mouse

i have standard 3-button mouse. hate how buttons next today button go week instead of 1 day in week view. mouse doesn't have horizontal scroll feature , shift-scroll doesn't work horizontal scroll. have tried use usb overdrive set keyboard shortcut horizontal scroll doesn't work either. ideas on how horizontal scroll working? alternatively, know how permanently show horizontal scrollbar?   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Milanese versus Sport band

just personal opinions... today received black sport band, , liked way felt considering having daily band, milanese being nicer occasions. 1 thing didn't first off in comparing 2 milanese incredibly adjustable, adjust tad day went on if needed. still liked sport band, though - is, until wore work out. sweatier , more uncomfortable wearing milanese when working out, surprised me. else find true? keeping sport band because think better suited camping , summer activities, don't think i'll wearing every day. easy switch between two, yes, don't want have swapping bands every day. 2 cents.   sweat doesn't ruin finish of milanese?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Noteboo

Turning your iPhone into a thermal camera

the seek device 1 option providing thermal images. works android phones.   is thermal camera   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Since updating from 10.6.8, I can no longer charge iPhone while Mac is in sleep mode?

i went 10.6.8 10.8.5. have found useful on occasions iphone 5 (running 6.1.4) have charge connected macbook pro in bag. in snow leopard, connect , still charge while computer in sleep mode. now, when put computer sleep, stops charging. why that? there anyway fix or changed under mountain lion?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How to downgrade from 10.10.4 to 10.10.3?

i have been installing beta updates few weird things have happened , no longer wanting install beta versions. , because i'm having problems have 10.10.3 on machine. can done?   ej8 said: ↑ i have been installing beta updates few weird things have happened , no longer wanting install beta versions. , because i'm having problems have 10.10.3 on machine. can done? click expand... i did last week booting os x recovery. erased 10.10.4 partition , performed clean install of 10.10.3. me, worked nicely that's because comfortable data backed securely on nas , didn't mind reinstalling apps.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Softw

Do you lose a large of disk space after using the new Photos app?

after upgrading latest 10.10.3, new photos app becomes default app photo management. when open new photos app, tells me choose photo library, chose iphoto library. importing photos or did other long time wait. @ last, finished ready , can see photos in new photos app. things seem good. when go finder , find there 2 libraries (iphoto library , photos library) in pictures. photos library bigger iphoto library. in case, iphoto library 9gb, photos library 12gb. means costs 12gb disk space photos? unreasonable. have encountered same problem? how out of situation? advice.   no, don't lose diskspace (or not as think anyway) check site explanation of how works   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac

Bootcamp windows 8 won't recognize mouse+keyboard (new macbook)

hey guys. trying download windows 8 bootcamp. worked fine, creating iso image window's cd, installing necessary files or drivers usb, partitioning hard disk. when bootcamp finished, macbook restarted , opened windows 8 installation. however, once started, window's installation menu small,when asked choose language, can't move mouse or press it's stuck there. tried restart macbook , opened windows again , still stuck on installation menu (you can see attached image). strangest thing when tried use bootcamp in macbook pro (mid 2012) , followed exact same steps, able use keyboard , mouse during windows installation. ever encountered before?any advices? thank   attached files: screen shot 2015-05-10 @ 16.30.27.png file size: 1.1 mb views: 24 Forums

Single guys: How many have you picked girls up since getting the watch?

shocked hasn't been discussed. , no isn't going best troll reply. or saying been 1000 women since receiving watch. seriously, how many of have went out in public , used watch conversation starter? noticed myself wearing smaller 38mm in public. women stop me ask if wearing "watch". surprised how works in public. of course aren't going cause wearing it. once stop you, , start talking you. rest you. it's not miracle worker lol.   tbh can see watch having opposite effect haha.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Predict the Iphone 6s!

hey guys, let's see if can correctly predict changes apple making next gen iphone 6s , 6s+ , luck here's mine: processor/ram: -40% increase in cpu -50% increase in gpu -25% more energy efficient - 2 gb of faster ram - m9 processor, more energy efficient, can track pressure battery: (6s) -1 hour of safari/video - 300h standby - rest isn't important me lol camera: - 12mpx camera - improved low light - improved autofocus - ois iphone 6s - 1080p 240fps - 480 frames per second iphone 6s+? force touch: - new dimension of gaming, works on 6s , 6s+   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Softwar

iMessages don't send, have to force as text messages

i have imessage turned on, don't have carrier data because i'm on wifi. used have carrier data , worked perfectly. on wifi, try imessage ipad of know has imessage turned on, , status bar loads end , not send , 5 minutes later "message failed send" popup. when not on wifi, texts attempt go through imessages, don't , have force through actual text message. when within wifi, messages sent texts, send again imessages. it's infuriating have iphone 5 latest ios.   i used work @ job imessage pics/video wouldn't come through due wifi network setup/ restrictions wife had send pics through mms instead of imessages. sounds case either or friend.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone

iPad Mini on 8.4

what chances of buying new ipad mini on 8.4?   i've got 1 1st gen 16gb run's ok, not great honest   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Athelas Font Missing, anyone else?

apple introduced excellent serif fonts, including complete , wonderful athelas. since public beta 1 i've had problems although font file installed installer (check modified date), font book fails show , in betas no app use it. in pb5 can use in apps scrivener, still fails show in font book (all fonts section), libreoffice, textedit (unless have preexisting document athelas or athelas somehow in recent fonts section). screenshot shows 15a262e missing athelas in font book installed athelas.ttc in /library/fonts/ other users please check if can see athelas in font book "all fonts" list?   not listed on mine.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad

10.10.4 & 10.10.5 odder & odder

i upgraded 10.4 , noticed little delays between clicking on email , highlight coming little delay before email opened. odd! 10.5 upgrade noticeably slower @ doing same thing , little delays seem appearing in other apps. odd? 10.5 button in safari has decided not work , must re-enter url of previous page it; work round odd odder? thoughts - how let apple know? (if think necessary) regards sharkey   i´m not sure if related noticed clear finder slow down in 10.10.4. takes longer 10.10.3 (opening folders, copying external hard drives, sorting folders etc...) problem remains in 10.10.5 , techtool pro did´t find problems drives. installed clean 10.10.5 external usb3 hard drive using internet recovery , problem manifest there well. suspect apple broke in 10.10.4 slows finder down. reported problem using apple feedback . might want check drives disk utility, techtool pro or drive genious?

How to Recover Files, Contacts, Calendars and Reminders in iCloud

when ios 8 released, there an icloud drive bug caused many users lose of documents stored in icloud drive. apple fixed issue, there still rare problems pop can cause icloud content erased, either through user error or through bugs in operating system. following ios 8 icloud drive deletion snafu, apple quietly introduced tools recover deleted files icloud, , more recently, added way recover contacts, calendars, , reminders, giving users way restore lost content. little known feature, it's know if run issue wipes out content on ios device. first step log icloud on web. these recovery tools available through not present in icloud settings app on ios 8 or within dedicated icloud drive app that's available in ios 9. to log visit in web browser of choice, such safari or chrome. enter apple id , password. if have two-factor authentication turned on, you'll need trusted device generate code

Apple Joins NFC Forum to Work on Developing Future NFC Specifications

​ apple week joined nfc forum sponsor member, earning place on nfc forum board of directors, reports nfc world . near field communication (nfc) forum group works develop nfc specifications ensure interoperability between different devices , services. team encourages companies develop products using nfc forum specifications , make sure products nfc capabilities comply specifications. quote "the top tier of nfc forum membership, sponsor membership, entitles organisation seat on nfc forum board of directors, association's governing body," nfc forum director paula hunter says. "we delighted welcome apple our board of directors nfc forum sponsor member." click expand... joining nfc forum board of directors on apple's behalf aon mujtaba, serves director of wireless systems engineering @ apple. according linkedin profile, mujtaba leads iphone systems engineering team , specializes in wireless sy

Apple Music and non-iOS iPods?

so gone on vacation, quite awhile , wondering if happened fact can't sync apple music our ipods. checking. helpful.   nothing, can't use except on ios idevices. not change because part of licensing agreement record labels.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

WiFi channel disappears when I tried to connect to a 5Ghz WiFi

i have retina macbook pro 13" 11,1 model. found can't connect friend wifi 5ghz. network tried take @ , found weird. 1. @ first mbp can see 5ghz wifi network when try connect it, failed , after mbp can't see network again. 2. have remove configuration in "/library/preferences/system configuration" folder restart. after restarting mbp can see network failed connect , can't see again. 3. took @ system information. in wifi section saw supported channels data. 3.1 before try connect 5ghz network , while mbp can see network supported channel listed 165 (which channel wifi using) 3.2 after try connect , failed, 165 channel disappear supported channel list hardware issue or software , how can fix it? machine information - retina macbook pro 13" 11,1 model - os x el capitan beta 4 - note issue occurred since yosemite 10.10.3 macbook pro retina display, os x yosemite (10.10.4)  

Setting up new SSD in Mac Pro

howdy fellas, might stupid question i'm gonna ask anyways: once i've selected 1 partiton partition sub menu, chosen gui table, given name , clicked apply, still have klick on partition , erase? mike   atticmike said: ↑ howdy fellas, might stupid question i'm gonna ask anyways: once i've selected 1 partiton partition sub menu, chosen gui table, given name , clicked apply, still have klick on partition , erase? mike click expand... nope, you're go. once you've hit apply create partition it's clean.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple M

Password problem

my son gave me iphone6 (i'm pretty sure, may 5) , when try install app have use cramped little keyboard @ bottom. first of all, there way can make go landscape keyboard use sending messages? second, if stuck little keyboard, there way in iphone allow me see whole password in characters converts dots when user enters password? thank can offer.   elder79 said: ↑ my son gave me iphone6 (i'm pretty sure, may 5) , when try install app have use cramped little keyboard @ bottom. first of all, there way can make go landscape keyboard use sending messages? second, if stuck little keyboard, there way in iphone allow me see whole password in characters converts dots when user enters password? thank can offer. click expand... i not aware of way make display rotate when password prompt onscreen, nor see in accessibility settings. and, no, there no way ha

iPhone 6 Plus doesn't feel too big now

the iphone 6 plus felt huge when going upgrade iphone 5. ended going 6. nice upgrade without being big. looking @ 6 plus while in apple store week. doesn't feel big anymore. think might go larger size when it's time 7 next year.   i feel same way. took words right out of mouth, , unsanitary.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Music on Apple Watch showing songs not on my iPhone?!?

hello all. trying out apple music , liking it! have gotten icloud music library organized; there 1 problem; on apple watch, in artists section of music app, showing artists not on apple watch. past purchases not downloaded on iphone. why showing this? can help? thanks!   i'm having exact same issue... has figured out?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Humidity/Fog under screen *Update*

i noticed iphone 6 plus has looks foggy spot, similar happens cars windshield. under screen, ideas on how fix this?   zaft said: ↑ i noticed iphone 6 plus has looks foggy spot, similar happens cars windshield. under screen, ideas on how fix this? click expand... make appointment genius bar @ apple store , go in... still within year maybe they'll give replacement...   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Backing up and storage advice please

i looking plug holes in system. have 2009 macbook (white unibody), iphone 6, , ipad3, , mrs. edj has iphone 6+ , newer ipad mini generation or 2 back. maybe first 1 retina screen? devices , macbook running current publicly released os/ios , apple applications updated. anyhow, i-devices via wifi when plugged in nightly recharge. them macbook via itunes. macbook uses 2 things time machine: airport time capsule, , every week or 2 external hdd via usb-a. store entire iphotos/photos , itunes library on separate external hdd plug in via usb-a when want access applications. every 6-12 months use ccc (carbon copy cloner) clone macbook's drive, have not done since swapped out ssd few months ago. don't think need concerned time machine external hdd taking dump because use airport time capsule via wifi. worried losing iphoto/photos/itunes external hdd because if takes dump on me have no up. can clone external hdd in case (i have spare original ma

The Problem With Mobile Sites Nowadays

the thing is. half of time, requesting desktop site on safari doesn't anything. doesn't work. , have complied list of of worst mobile sites on net. www probably worst of list. once brought site, can't sign in. many of basic functions of website gone. without sign in, there's no profile update. can't edit of tracks, or see of songs on playlist. forget uploading soundcloud, won't able here either. app doesn't perform these tasks. left on soundcloud stream random music. why none of these websites allow open desktop mode? understand time magazine think knows how websites draw in on website clicks, proceed show slideshows little text of information. of these websites don't have reader mode. safari app can't it. wasn't this. among other bad sites are more come.   i couldn't figure out

Iphone 6 planned obsolescence

how's everyone's battery doing on iphone 6? mine got around 8-9 hours of usage when bought in october.. how bad is..   im sure not battery degrading. many apps dragging on cpu , gps , on , on have downloaded since new. pretty typical apps try , make priority on device memory, cpu , gps. before know it, phone doing 1000 things in background without knowledge. need go through privacy settings of apps , make sure not set use gps ready you. reset devices scratch atleast once year , "trim fat" if will. dump pics , vids , reinstall apps cant live without. windows pc ritual have done years, , never failed me in apple world. devices run smooth , fast, compared wifes iphone seems laggy 200 mindless apps installed along gigs of pics , videos doing nothing. thats opinion.   Forums iPhone,

need help with the battery

hi have mid 2010 macbook pro 13in , year ago had service battery indicator on battery menu. , have same message again , battery feels braining faster once couple of months ago. here shots took see if should go , fixed. please let me know , write thanks.   well... battery has lost 1/4 of design capacity... think 2010 macbooks rated 1000 charge cycles.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Will this video card work with my Mac Pro? - GTX750

will card (linked) work mac pro? , also, able flashed boot screens? have mac pro3,1. better gt120, correct? thanks -canadamaple   my main thing, i'd modernize mac pro few upgrades, want compatible metal, don't want spend more 200$ cad on video card. don't game, thats not issue here.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless