
Showing posts from June, 2012

Who has used or owned a wireless HD??

i don't know wireless external hard drives looking answers has had experience them. 1) overall experience?? 2) use bluetooth or wifi?? if uses wifi, create it's own, or use existing wifi? 3) use external hd itunes media folder movies, tv shows, etc. stream them wireless hd if had plugged in via usb? lag issues?? 4) although runs on battery, can still plug in via usb mac should battery ever run out when on go?   i have used corsair voyager air couple years. has own power supply, , car adapter, , can charge , transfer data usb. uses wifi only, sets own wireless network pass though network (connected internet). can wirelessly stream 5 hd movies simultaneously. slow part pass through if need use it. ios aps pretty once learn how use them. believe can use hardwired via ethernet.   Forums Macs

£150 off Moto X 2014 on UK Motomaker

so moto have uk offer on moto maker £150 off motox 2014 use uksummersale1 @ cheque out. brings 16gb in little £240 ... £40-50 more new moto g 16gb of course clearing stock new moto x style - @ £240 or £290 (32gb) it's great handset still.   how cheaper than new x be?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

MacBook Pro w/Retina loads Images very slowly.

hello. bought 13" macbook pro retina (2014 model) , noticing images/pictures on facebook take forever load, if not load @ all. on wifi (which runs mobile device) , use safari. normal? happen other retina users? because retina computer pictures load slowly? thanks.   probably because osx yosemite sucks , laggy mess because apple can't optimize worth damn. happen on chrome or firefox? hows signal strength? try speedtest yet?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Is Apple's crash precipitating a recession?

shares down 3% today. think we're due world recession end of 2016. wonder if apple's weakness harbinger of things come. i've been long apple since 2010, want price go up. over, or should patient? , else thinks we're due big dip? thoughts welcome.   people make money when apple's stock goes down. after stock price reaches point, same people start buying , price go up. if long, hold (don't sell on dip people ).   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone 4s no reception at times

my wife's iphone 4s on ios 8.4 , o2 germany last 2 weeks mobile acts weird . phone shows singal (2-3 bars) phone isn't reachable when calls on same network , have network. on iphone 5s on ios 8.4 defect hardware?   if resetting networks settings not work , no carrier updates idea try youre sim in phone process of elimination rule out phone or sim may @ fault.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

autolayout uiscrollview problem

hi @ all, have little problem autolayout, have custom uiview view, 1 of view called view_a, need add n scrollview in same position, 1 upon other, scrollview have content view inside n subview, write code: code: - (void) initproducts { (int i=0; i<_collezioni.count;i++) { page *collezione = [_collezioniobjectatindex:i]; uiscrollview *scrollview = [[uiscrollviewalloc] init]; [scrollview settag:100 + collezione._id]; [_productsviewaddsubview:scrollview]; uiview *scrollviewcontent = [[uiviewalloc] init]; [scrollviewcontent setbackgroundcolor:[uicolorredcolor]]; [scrollview addsubview:scrollviewcontent]; scrollview.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = no; scrollviewcontent.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = no; id views = @{ @"scrollview": scrollview, @"scrollviewcontent": sc

Mac Pro 1,1 need help

so bought not functional mac pro 1,1 @ $50 try revive fun. did not came gpu, , had constant white light while turned on. no chime. when press diag button, trickle , efi gd lights not gpu. wondering if put unsupported gpu, hd 5450, working mac have image displayed or have gpu light on? when took apart clean, found out heat sink compound under mch heat sink has dried up. due long term usage mch have been overheated , died? or has encountered similar problem before?   get copy of sevice manual (scribd or , start troubleshooting. there many possibilites of dead parts inside computer. ensure replacement ones 100% confirmed working (and compatible, e.g quad rank memory won't work in 1,1 - 3,1). iirc gpu present diode light efi card. 5450 isn't choice because won't work in os x without editing amd drivers.   Forums

"The Snake" passes away

ken stabler, starred @ alabama , oakland raiders passed away. fine quarterback.   rip. football wise, yes "fine". not great.   Forums Mac Community Current Events iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Dang The SS Scuffs Way To Easy

so went sport had month , never had scuff/scratch on new ss have had 2 weeks , have 2 scuffs on stainless steel case (the side aims towards me. careful 1 sport morning noticed 2nd scuff. ugh!! not know if having mark bad quick. have been cautious watch , cant figure out marks coming love watch dont me wrong, never realized how easy scuff up.   yes does, extremely easy , did not anticipate little scratches , marks keep appearing on once beautiful finish . had watch since beginning of may , ended putting small plastic case spiegel bought on amazon. looks of watch gone. case looks stupid , cheap . had no alternative . im bit disappointed this. since not cheap. know can buffered , polished , might wait when times comes re sell on ebay once newer version comes , not fragile .   Forums Apple Watch

iPhone 6 Plus, Severe Battery Drain

hoping can here--this kind of two-fold problem concerning 6 plus , apple watch. posted in previous thread on reddit other day, , had not received information back. here is: last 2 days i've noticed dramatic dips in battery life both apple watch , iphone 6 plus. hoping other people have encountered on last few days, , shed light on how remedied. iphone has been off charger since 8am , 59%, retain upwards of 80%--and higher--charge since receiving , utilizing apple watch on course of day. apple watch has had casual use each day, , have close 60% of battery 7-8pm, sitting here 31% batter @ 4:19 est. confused why both devices have decided take dip. suggestions great. in advance.   have tried obvious , rebooted both devices? have added new software before started happening? have unpaired , repaired watch. has running use battery this.  

Does Gen 2 need physical design changes?

personally feel watch struggling 2 reasons, 1) design not suiting many, being thick , not available in circular option or additional chassis colours @ affordable prices , 2) os , ui being pretty disappointing @ launch, lack of killer apps boot. issue feel if apple fix latter, public won't regain interest in watch unless accompanied physical design change. until fear public see same "first gen" watch , feeling of under-deliverance comes it. yet it's apparently rumored gen 2 feature exact same physical design. not slimmer, no new shapes, maybe new finishes @ higher price points. don't think enough , i'm wondering if apple lose ground competitor if takes until gen 3 see design changes/additions.   it's not struggling. it's not selling in giant iphone-6-style numbers because a) it's expensive , b) doesn't fill particular need - it's have tinker make w

Two current Apple IDs, need to combine everything into one..

so i've been using apple's services degree since before first iphone. original apple id .mac address , it's account i've used on itunes/app/mac app store ever since--is tied every apps, music, video, or mac software i've ever purchased. unfortunately, of cloud services tied second apple id created release of mobileme (ugh.. ), has either .me or .icloud address. bookmarks, icloud drive, reminders, backups, keychain, , photos tied address. problem kids getting older, i'd have them each use own apple ids own content , thus, set family sharing. problem using either account causes headaches of different variety. use .me account , doesn't include of content bought date. don't know how considering it's been 8 years, it's pretty significant chunk of change. if use older .mac address, have content nothing else, including keychain, backups, , photos. advice on best way handle this? i'm guessing choice if want save

Turn off Sound on iPhone Camera

how turn off sound on iphone camera? thanks!   is phone on silent , still makes noise?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Anybody using the Google USB-C charger?

as per title, wondering if 1 has tried usb-c charger google? it's £50 google directly , comes cable. apple 1 £39, have buy usb-c cable separately (unless carry original 1 around, don't feel doing) , £25. apple charger 29w , google charger 60w. assume it's going charge rmb faster?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Strange buzzing sound under the power button

hi guys, since today macbook pro (retina, 15-inch, late 2013) making strange buzzing sound every few seconds. goes in same interval. 4 seconds silence, 1 second buzzing. video of location , sound: tried diagnostics , brings this: there may issue fan. ppf004 / ppf003 fan? , how severe problem?   sebastian132 said: ↑ hi guys, since today macbook pro (retina, 15-inch, late 2013) making strange buzzing sound every few seconds. goes in same interval. 4 seconds silence, 1 second buzzing. video of location , sound: tried diagnostics , brings this: there may issue fan. ppf004 / ppf003 fan? , how severe problem? click expand... new info: according smcfancontrol right fan not working. 0 rpm.   Forums Macs

Using this Youtube video method to fix a scratch on the apple watch glass...consequences?

came across youtube video below repair scratch on watch crystal...would procedure work on apple watch? think destroy touchscreen capabilities of apple watch or have negative consequence. thoughts?   might work on sport can not see average person doing great results.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Adding storage to iphone 6 plus

hi all, wanted advice on how increase storage 6plus 64gb. watch lot of movies on go using avplayerhd , vlc. due size of files end having delete , add files on regular basis. can recommend way add additional storage? not keen on wireless storage devices, prefer plugs in directly iphone. have been looking @ scandisk ixpand flash drive , leef ibridge. keen know if uses , impressions are. know if there device can use allow me transfer/view these files via vlc or avplayerhd. thanks s   sounds there might few different options:   Forums iPhone

Snoring app

can please develop app snorers? app should able detect vibrations snorer , give prominent haptic stir snorer change sleeping position.   ianfann said: ↑ can please develop app snorers? app should able detect vibrations snorer , give prominent haptic stir snorer change sleeping position. click expand... i don't think prominent haptic strong enough awaken someone... better have phone alarm go off annoying partner. how determine snore vs partners snore? if sleep arm under pillow or blankets? how mic pick sound?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Ap

Glancing at your Watch, people feel like you're rushing them

the international sign of disinterest or being in rush looking @ watch. helping dad out @ business, , while had turned customer grab off shelf naturally glanced @ watch when felt tap , customer said "are go on lunch?". @ first confused why ask , said no, after few seconds realized society still needs time adjust smartwatches , fact looking @ watch no longer means checking time. never having owned watch before apple watch, escapes me when down @ it. i'll need more vigilant checking watch in front of people don't know doesn't perceived rude. society need time adjust body language perceptions new technology.   no different looking through phone while talking you.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software i

Should I build credit with Apple Barclay?

i have 0 credit, , want build it. want macbook pro. can pay full right now, thought kill 2 birds 1 stone if go apple financing. think? wait, can approved 0 credit? , think apple make colored macbook pro's anytime soon?   xiant said: ↑ i have 0 credit, , want build it. want macbook pro. can pay full right now, thought kill 2 birds 1 stone if go apple financing. think? wait, can approved 0 credit? , think apple make colored macbook pro's anytime soon? click expand... i don't think right place ask credit. go myficoforums or somewhere else dedicated topic. being said, 0 credit, aren't approved barclaycard. if student, can student card , if not, find secured card. credit limit not enough buy mbp.   Forums Macs No

Confusion about wifi functionality of the Apple Watch

apple has said little how apple watch leverages wifi, it's been bit of guessing game. assumed if apple watch , iphone on *same* wifi network, apple watch use wifi connect iphone , functional. *awesome*, once got home drop iphone , use watch anywhere in house take calls, read emails, interact apps, etc. however, don't think apple watch , iphone talk each other @ on wifi. instead, iphone shares known wifi network info watch ahead of time, , watch connects wifi perform basic functions directly via internet. understanding correctly? if so, hope update allow full functionality when watch , iphone on same wifi network (similar ipad's ability make , receive calls if it's on same network phone).   watch , iphone communicate on same wifi network if move out of bluetooth range. continue function though still connected via bluetooth. describe - iphone on charger , wear wa

Ideas to soften edges of MBP for my baby?

my 9-month old has decided can jump , fall on 2013 mbp. i’m bit concerned because sides , corners bit sharp/hard, if hits it, problem. have ideas softening edges/sides? type of adhesive, etc.? thanks.   i'd keep computer out of reach, otherwise risk injury , possibly damaged computer.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Watch Shipping Speed

sorry if has been asked ... but, there general consensus on shipping method apple using watch hands of customers? on night? 2 day? 4-7 day? or if have watch , once see "shipped" status -how long before got watch? thanks!   it's next day air   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Weight lifters having this problem?

so wearing watch , found out weight lifting gloves don't fit on glove. find way around doesn't involve taking off watch? brand gloves have work around problem?   attached files: img_5664.jpg file size: 1.4 mb views: 179 i have exact gloves , watch sits next gloves. doesn't slip gloves you.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Regarding Size and Perspective

it's been interesting read comments on 38mm watch. alot of people think looks ok on else, lot of guys see on own wrist , think it's small. theory watch looks smaller when see angle. if down @ wrist, don't see head-on. however, other people (and watch "selfies") tend seen "head-on". perspective, watch sits in middle of wrist , can judged little better. looks larger angle. in short, way see above, different how other people see across room. conversely, same principle @ work larger 42mm on smaller wrists. user think looks ok on wrist other people across room see big. here attempt illustrate different perspective 38mm watch on 165mm wrist.   attached files: image.jpg file size: 592 kb views: 67 i think guys tend think larger is.

App specific password?!

i took delivery of new 5k imac 2 weeks ago. set new, signed icloud , set. mail inbox loaded, imessage logged in , picked history, facetime etc. expected. yes needed 2 step verification once. today took delivery of new rmb. restored time capsule backup of macbook air on 10.10.3. asked me log icloud etc - did. but, asked me set app specific passwords bunch of native apple apps (ft, imessage etc.) plus screwed keychain access on iphone , ipad. wtf!? asked 2 step verification, did, nothing address problem. insists on app specific passwords. again, 2 weeks ago didn't need it. seems random? got ideas?   nobody? guys no 1 have color on this? ended setting app specific passwords since seemed have no choice. rebooted (two days later) , asking me set app specific passwords again   Forums Apple an

Problems restoring from El Cap backup

hello guys. know i've made huge mistake before here is. installed el capitan beta needed use program doesn't work el cap. dumb am, totally forgot turn off or change hard drive backups in time machine during time @ el capitan beta. did clean install on yosemite, can't use backup since newer version of osx. there way solve or doomed download of things again? hate myself not thinking before installed beta.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Stopping iPhoto

on last system upgrade (to yosemite) photos replaced iphoto (and better). whenever wife or plug our iphones our imac, iphotos launches (and takes time so!). how can stop , forget iphoto, , photos launch when wanted, not every time? use lightroom allows me import directly iphone, wife needs photos. many suggestions!   uninstall iphoto?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Pedometer for iPhone 5c

hi, wondering if recommend pedometer app mom's iphone 5c? tried installing 1 have used on iphone 6 on it, find uses m7 , m8 co-processor iphone 5s, 6 , 6 plus. in advance.   can't help. got same question. i'm on iphone 4. tried pedometer app runtastic seems eat lot of battery power when phone's sitting idle on desk. (phone lost 6% charge within 10min, not doing else having pedometer app running in background). girl-friend's on galaxy s3 mini , has app hardly has impact on battery life. app not available iphone. surely there iphone works & doesn't drain battery. (i prefer not having turn app on , off each time walk around...)   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple

OS X WoW performance on the rMB?

the title says all. how world of warcraft fare on 12-inch macbook? i'm not expecting 60fps on ultra settings; i've played wow on 2012 13-inch mba, , didn't feel missing out on because i'm not hardcore player sticks raid schedules. low settings didn't bother me well, demands wow aren't high. thing bothersome fan spinning @ max.   it not gaming @ all, not wow.   Forums Special Interests Mac and PC Games iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

I want to revert to Yosemite

is possible revert yosemite out backup? have been having major issues el capitan since installing beta. computer running if had xp , 1gb of ram. (i have late 2013 27" imac 16gb of ram) before ask, yes, did make before installing el capitan. once realized how terrible beta started restore yosemite up. unfortunately, roomy knocked drive off of desk destroying everything. i'm musician, lost lot of sentimental stuff. want move on , able load webpage in under minute again. great if didn't lose audio after 2 hours of use...   i don't think can without proper backup. best can try install yosemite in partition, , try migration assistance. tbo, never try migrate newer system older system. sure can't restore system setting method, may able recover user data. or, install yosemite in new partition, , manually move files in, remove el capitan partition.  

iMac G4 identifies as 6.3

my aquired 15" 1 ghz imac g4 fp usb2.0 identifies himself powermac 6,3 document found online says should bew 6,1. other parameters documented , imac works should, curious "anomaly".   eugen mezei said: ↑ my aquired 15" 1 ghz imac g4 fp usb2.0 identifies himself powermac 6,3 document found online says should bew 6,1. other parameters documented , imac works should, curious "anomaly". click expand... maybe overlap in production 1.25ghz models? says model introduced in 2003 serial says mac made in 2004. quote model introduced: 2003 serial number: w840214yqb3 number of lookups done last 30 days: 2 limited 10 lookups per 30 days. nice name: machine model: powermac6,3 please visit our facebook page family name: vraag model number: m9285 group1: imac group2: g4 generat

512 flash vs 1tb flash, would 1tb make a faster Mac?

im buy 5k 27 inch imac, ill use music production , downloading/streaming videos/music. iv selected specifications best possible, leaves internal storage, want flash storage, iv got 512 vs 1tb, gonna pick 1tb thought relief save £400! can buy 2tb hard drive storage £75!, if internal 1tb makes actual running , browsing of mac faster in general think it'd worth it. if me thatd great guys, thanks!   i think idea of saving money correct. if bit faster technically, doubt or notice difference. nice cheap (but good) external ssd, put in external case , have super fast external storage, super fast internal storage, , $$$ in pocket!   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Noteb

Goldie Gems: Testers wanted

hey everyone, here @ gamealloy excited release new addictive game, called goldie gems. new game concept unique game play , game mechanics, , polished effects , stunning graphics feels rather exclusive. stay ahead of friends! time have before else does! need test on iphone , ipad , give feedback how it, if there issues etc. if interested send me apple id, add list , download free through testflight app - official way of testing apps through itunes. send me private message here or drop email , invitation email should arrive soon. questions, ask! t.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Anyone having problems with Apple Music & other Apple Services today? (July 21)

anyone having problems accessing apple music today desktop itunes? seems stuck @ "accessing itunes store...". can't play beats one.   yes, can't make new songs available offline , beats 1 not working either. im on ios 9 beta 3 in norway.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Force Click- Firefox

is there way force touch working firefox or work safari?   i think you'll have wait mozilla add forcetouch support. far know forcetouch open want use it. could, likely, wrong have absolutely no evidence point maybe there's forcetouch add-on out there?   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

All iPads 12" Macbook is the Ipad Pro

hi thought think device ended being last years new, super slim macbook rumours alleged ipad pro came from? people seeing parts , cases new macbook think new macbook - tiny amount of ports , no separate power supply port. add there seem have been no hardware leaks since macbook released, reports seem asian supply sources , ming-chi kuo hardly reliable sources. tl r there no ipad pro; rumours started people seeing new macbook.   at 1 point, yes. ios 9 - must happening. isn't there code larger screen in it? besides, surprised if apple stands , let's microsoft perfect surface line (although in mind, microsoft becoming new apple..). believe atleast release built in stylus...even answer pen on surface. seems minimum need do, push ipad line forward.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Can I lose AT&T unlimited changing text plam?

hi, have 200 text plan $5 at&t unlimited plan. need change text plan 1 month to(i think) unlimited text plan. can lose unlimited data plan if change text message plan? thanks.   i don't think can go once change it. it's going off old unlimited data plan , switching 3gb data plan. can't go unlimited. how keep under 200 texts month? that's crazy   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

"Apple Music songs cannot be copied to an iPhone"

on new apple music learning curve. finding of steps need working on devices, baffled error message when added playlist iphone , started syncing in itunes. songs transferred ok except couple had added since starting apple music. why tracks download way not transfer iphone?   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

rMB backup for iMac 4K

i have imac 4k , use photography. bought rmb principally substitute ipad air 2 found keyboard setup , working photos remotely less optimal. love rmb , going sell ipad. took bunch of pictures @ 50th wedding anniversary canon 5d mark iii , sucked them apple photos (former aperture user). did simple editing there , employed photoshop elements first time using clone tools make unattractive objects disappear. found trackpad silky smooth, no lag @ all. blowing photo adjust on way smaller screen. anyway went imac , photos crashed. see new photos made cloud, relief, have unusable photos app on main machine. think took lightning hit. keychain crashed. lots of problems. found rmb able substitute @ least short term. don't hook anything, using souped ipad. happy it. not going keyboard thing love it, know others don't. wanted post fast enough photography work (have 45k full resolution pictures in icloud photo library). of hesitancy getting mac

How Do I Delete Radio Stations?

i want delete old stations don't listen anymore can't seem find edit or delete options version of apple music. opened itunes on pc same problem. can help?   been looking day well. can't find way save stations in previous radio. in played list happens when fall off end of list @ point.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Problem with main system language

hello guys! problem after restoring mac's drive factory settings , installing new os keeps giving me german main language in os x utilities (cmd + r). can change in file > change language, after restart german again. , still example app store in german. have no idea why. macbook air mid 2011' is. know how change os x utilities language english , forget german?   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Mac storage, Fat32 & NTFS

i getting mac book pro 13' inch retina display 256 gb next week. 1 of friends has mac said storage device need formatted fat32 support mac. want know whether internal storage using fat32 file system, if how make ntfs. , how make other storage devices usb's, external hard drives uses ntfs file systems work on mac. please   mac uses hfs+ can read of windows formats fine. can deal ntfs not without few tweaks. don't need preparation. maybe not use ntfs external storage.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 9 beta 2 performance and battery thread!

please share experiences latest beta guys!   how many of these need?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Office online

today reading on google search , found interesting. did not know office online. decided try out own document made 2011 office mac. format bad news not working h me re edit on again. question has used service? free microsoft id.   i use on machines i've not installed office. i've not had issues, though use excel.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Having issues with MacBook Air after update.

hello everyone, did update on macbook air came out not long ago. what's happening it's slowing system down after download. when ever tried open safari it's taking such long time now. before update not @ all. having same issues me? way have yosemite on macbook air.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Safari randomly opens tab in new window

i don't know if mac pro issue since safari browser have problem figure can't hurt ask. use lot of browsers , have lot of tabs open in each of them. safari every , none of other browsers do. when switch between tabs or click somewhere in tab safari randomly open tab in new window. absolutely positive did not hit purposely open tab in new window. drives me bananas when happens can't find solution when search online. thoughts? help? advice?   the only time i've ever had happen when click open in new window.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLif

Spec help! rMBP 15

i switching first mbp , want know if suit needs. saw 2012 model on ebay maxd out under $1000 in great condition. (so note specs 2012 versions) 2.3ghz quad core 16gb ram 256 sata ssd want low/moderate video editing in final cut (will decent rendering times?) light gaming, , college. me?   looks pretty sound deal me - want budget fast external disk array though if plan on video editing machine - bottleneck given rest of specs.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New MBP 15" issue with Linksys/Cisco E3000

anyone have suggestion? first time macbook user. can connect guest account on our linksys/cisco e3000 router, if try connect connect regular, non-guest, id, won't give me access. says invalid password if try create connection, though 100% sure password correct. if let run wireless diagnosis, says lan connectivity failure. "you connected wi-fi network cannot communicate wireless router." has listed conflicting security types. "you connected wi-fi network same name nearby wi-fi network different security type". thoughts on going wrong? other pcs/ipads/apple tv can connect router , work fine.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple

Honestly, one of my favorite things to do with the apple watch is

send poop emojis gf while i'm in bathroom. entertaining...   eifer said: ↑ send poop emojis gf while i'm in bathroom. entertaining... click expand...   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How are bands shipped?

if order band shipped next day watches?   ups, not next day.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Iphone 6, Wi-fi Calling Battery Drain

when @ work noticed iphone battery has not done well. feels little bit warm. @ home, , anywhere else battery seems fine ... more normal expected, suppose. disabled wi-fi calling (for apple watch), , low , behold ... battery doing better @ work. seeing double digit drops when wi-fi calling enabled, not anymore. coincidence? think not. has else noticed wi-fi calling causing excessive battery drain? not matters wi-fi calling needs turned off apple watch, bit stumped why wi-fi calling causes issues @ work, not @ home ... ? thoughts?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Notes app?

is there notes app on apple watch? nice have notes app thats connected iphone one....   evernote good, , syncs everything.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

More life for MacPro early 2008

hi, i'm trying squeak couple more years out of 2008 macpro. i've read grab 1 of these technology/adptadrv/ , this or this , slot in 1 of bays know it's not going have best performance (i.e. sata 3 sata 3 drive) i'm assuming work , improvement clean install of yosemite? sounds right? thanks andrew   if can afford it, might experience better performance doing did on 3,1: bought sonnet tempo pro pcie card , 2 480gb ssd's , set them raid0 boot drive , applications. alone cut startup time around 1.5 minutes under 30 seconds. system responds quicker , applications snappy. not sure, don't think you'll big speed boost ssds in drive bay

cMP Xeon vs current rMBP benchmarks

i tempted buy classic mac pro quad core xeon, 32gb ram , ssd instead of nmbp both use workstation run dual 4k monitors , instead of separate nas 4 6tb wd red drives, i'd have them instead cmp. wondering how performance compared have now? 13 rmbp 2013? way have baseline on expect. don't intensive, other wanting power 2 4k monitors writing code , reading papers (latex, pdfs, etc)... don't game , maybe i'll compile odd program on computer requires power goes uni's supercomputer. thanks!   for cpu benchmarks, here go: maxed out mac pro 4,1/5,1 1 cpu link: note macbook pro throttle down while doing heavy tasks long time, benchmarks not show. mac pro not. neither benchmarks showing graphics card support, e.g. cuda, opencl etc.. pci express ssd (ssubx) 1500 mb/s read/wri

Is this a feature or a glitch?

on both macs have weird glitch. download progress bar in dock never disappears. have on both macs, both on latest version of yosemite. @ least, think it's glitch. maybe it's supposed there. thoughts? don't recall being there in previous versions of os x.   attached files: schermafbeelding 2015-05-11 om 20.01.44.png file size: 36.5 kb views: 266 have rebooted system ? happen me, after rebooting disappeared   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional

Light Brown leather loop watch band arrived today.

i have stainless steel 42 mm apple watch, milanese loop. ordered light brown leather loop watchband pre-order on 4/10 , arrived. milanese loop super sharp , eye-catching. however, found uncomfortable. not uncomfortable means, i'm not used having metal band. arm hair got caught somehow in loop , caused little pinch. leather loop right color me, , extremely comfortable. leather feels light on skin. magnets offer fit precise milanese loop. think i'll using primary watch band. although might find odd, use milanese loop when i'm doing activities cause scratches, because metal won't scratched whereas leather could.   looks good! i'm happy you. means we're closer getting bands sent them. either in lawyers office or you've got high end furniture , rugs. lol   Forums Apple