
Showing posts from May, 2013

Question about Sprint iPhones

hello - intend buy iphone 6 or maybe upcoming iphone 6s @ full price apple store sprint carrier. factory unlocked ? or have call guys @ sprint , unlocked. plan buy sprint compatible network providers in country. please let me know if has information on this.   last read, getting sprint unlock phone bought them difficult, can buy full retail price speint phone apple , use internationally without problem. should say, though, haven't read in while, , i'm not sprint customer.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Paul Harvey is better then Nostradamus

wow. in 1965 paul harvey made predictions impress nostradamus.   "nostradamus never made prediction wasn't unintelligible gibberish." -- paul harvey...good day   Forums Mac Community Politics, Religion, Social Issues iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Mac Pro 1,1 Upgrade for Lightroom

hello, all. 3 years ago upgraded quad-core mac pro 1,1 2.66 ghz octo-core setup (the 3.0 ghz quad-core xeons still stupid expensive then). great upgrade, , extended useful life of machine. lot of work in adobe lightroom (the newest cc/6 edition), , noticing lag in develop module, , general performance issues app. upgraded gpu 2 years ago gtx-570. have 24 gb's ram, , all-ssd configuration. upgrade paths left either newer gpu, or slight bump 3.0 ghz quad core xeons. given pcie version 1.1, don't see newer gpu making difference. matched pair of 3.0 ghz quad-core xeon 5365's can had on ebay $145--which bit less paid 5355's 3 years ago. cpu upgrade pointless, or might .340 ghz per core beneficial lightroom? input.   the ideal ssd pcie-ssd xp941s or sm951 either above 1000mb/sec in 8x slot, bootable of course, great lr library , other purposes. first , free i/o. fbdimms in 1,1

Airdrop or Bluetooth Issue?

hi, i've had issue airdrop since migrating 2008 imac 2013 imac. it's never worked me on 2013 imac, both ipad air 2 , iphone 5s have no problem airdropping between each other , other 2012/2013 imacs. wonder whether migrating 2008 imac has left bluetooth settings over? tried clean install of beta el capitan today , still no airdrop. there way hard reset bluetooth settings? i've reset pram, etc etc. no luck. system report shows somethings might problem: discoverable: off - should on? airdrop , system pref > bluetooth imac discoverable appreciated.   elektrizitat said: ↑ hi, i've had issue airdrop since migrating 2008 imac 2013 imac. it's never worked me on 2013 imac, both ipad air 2 , iphone 5s have no problem airdropping between each other , other 2012/2013 imacs. wonder whether migrating 2008 imac has left bluetooth settings

MBA Boot Failure

hello all! having trouble getting mba (13" 2014) boot. looking little reassurance not hard drive failure, because there's important info has not been backed (i know, know...) noticed system issues such sluggishness, failure load webpages , internet connectivity. mba automatically rebooted due system updates, not boot - progress bar stops in middle, , after 5 minutes, shut off. have tried booting fresh osx install on external drive, , computer repeatedly boot , shut off, never loading past login screen. worried information on ssd, because have been unable boot drive in target disk mode using other mac. when authenticate drive credentials, nothing happens , drive not mounted on desktop. have run disk utility , verified/repaired drive, , saying drive ok - gives me hope. fsck says drive ok. system not start in safe mode. diagnostic giving error code ppm002 - related system memory (ram?) issue? hardware still under 1-yr warranty - plann

Mail iCloud doe into work

guys, latest 2 dp betas, have problem icloud mail account - every other hour disconnected , cannot connect. shows error: ========= there may problem mail server or network. verify settings account “icloud” or try again. server returned error: connections host on default ports failed. ========== ideas happens ?   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

New TextEdit

hi, i'd know there anyway create text file on os x windows? or can make shortcut that?   seems no 1 know it.   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Lower cover of Mid 2010 White Macbook

the lower cover of mid 2010 white unibody macbook has gone out of shape , crumpled @ 1 of edges. 2 of screws missing. let me know how can replacement same.   there's replacement program that:   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Time Machine Recovery as good as Clean Install?

i switching macbooks , wondering if performance suffer if use time machine backup recreate current laptop on new one. or better clean install , copy things over?   personally if me i'd time machine on new one. way know data , settings there. rather copy pieces of data over, using hd new time machine on new mb , possible loosing data had thought of after formatted hd new time machine backup. although miss starting fresh when new device.   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

new MacBook enter/return key more recessed than any other key on keyboard

anyone seen issue new macbook keyboards keys? hope of quick fix or sad trip genius bar me...?   i had not noticed before post. checked , return key more recessed other keys. next time in apple store check see if common.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iMac Notes Crashing Constantly

i have late 2012 imac running yosemite. notes app not open. try , crashes. tells me reopen. try , opens split second, crashes again, asking me ignore, report or reopen. rinse , repeat. yes, know notes has big change coming july , fall. out there quick fix?   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can I just store photos on iCloud and not the iPhone?

i'm low on space on 16gb iphone 6. have entire photo library on icloud , have phone linked icloud photos , have optimise iphone storage setting enabled in icloud. photos still taking on 2gig of space. this: when take photo saved onto phone until gets copied onto icloud photos @ point deleted phone. possible or there way of getting photos less 2gig? when try delete phone photos warns me i'm deleting icloud version. being able manually delete photos on phone without deleting icloud version good. in advance tips   i saw posted somewhere else , did wife's iphone. click on pics , select icloud photo sharing . click on shared album , select new shared album. name new album. next ask if want share pics someone. if don't want share hit next leave blank. has option post comment. ignore , hit post. pics in cloud. each album can hold maximum of 5000 photos , videos combined. once hit lim

Path Of Exile ?? And more.

i told person on twitch tv play path of exile using mouth. wondering how game runs under parallels , or bootcamp before go ? while here more ken or no hands ken known on twitch tv, words......... --------------------------- name ken worrall, , i'm quadriplegic dependent on ventilator breath. i'm 48 years old , i've been paralyzed neck down 20 years.the device use gaming called jouse, functions mouse. --------------------------- if feel can give amazing man of support please go twitch tv , nohandsken , give little of support following him. time.   washac said: ↑ i told person on twitch tv play path of exile using mouth. wondering how game runs under parallels , or bootcamp before go ? while here more ken or no hands ken known on twitch tv, words......... --------------------------- name ken worrall,

SSD in MacBook or new rMBP?

i have "vintage" macbook that's few years old. main issues are: - fans quite noisy, rotating around 2000rpm when i'm using text editor, getting faster , noisier. - in hotter months, keyboard area uncomfortable work on. - platter disk spinning annoying when it's on lap , can feel when typing. therefore thinking of getting ssd, solve third problem, don't think solve heat or fan issues. maybe should mbp instead. - 13 rmpb silent when using text editor? understand fans need spin if i'm using handbrake or editing video, basic day-to-day tasks, should silent, fanless machine. - seems mbp has different cooling system air goes out of bottom vents. in hot summer weather, keyboard area remain cool? - find front edge digs arms, mbp still have sharp ones? know new macbook may more appropriate, want machine can edit 4k video, , can used acd (minidisplay). know skylake "just around corner", , great have latest ports (usb

Playlists duplicating

so i've been tinkering around apple music, seems ok far reason of playlists have duplicated twice, see attached image. know why these have duplicated? important or can delete them?   same here. delete them , 2 minutes later back.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Replace the 'Apple Connect' Tab with a 'Playlists' Tab in Apple Music

earlier today, apple launched anticipated apple music streaming service. iphone app includes dedicated tabs called "for you", "new", "radio", "connect", , "my music". first 2 tabs offer areas music discovery, while "radio" provides themed stations apple's own beats 1 radio. meanwhile, last tab, "my music" provides access rest of existing music catalog new songs might add apple music. "connect" tab, however, new service apple described place "musicians give fans closer @ work, inspirations, , world." similar social network, allows users "follow" favorite artists , see additional content. ​ if "connect" doesn't interest you, macrumors reader eric points out handy tip replace "connect" tab dedicated "playlists" tab describes "much more useful". under settings -> general -> restrictions,

iPhoto on Macbook Pro Question

i installed ilife 11 on macbook pro , when attempt open iphoto message says "in order open iphoto need update latest version". i've been holding off on doing software update since i'm still on mavericks , i'm on older mid 2009 macbook pro , not want update yosemite of yet. if software update choice update iphoto instead of yosemite? or iphoto need latest os version run?   iphoto known "photos" on ios, has been revamped. not sure if requires yosemite don't see why would.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Watch won't pair

i used watch iphone 6 , upgraded 6 plus. i'm trying pair new phone not having luck. help?   try rebooting 1 or other (or both). there has been couple of times when lost connection , no longer recognized iphone. rebooting fixed it.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iOS 8.4 Battery Percentage Fixed?

is bug battery percentage skips 59%, 53%, 29%, 26%, , 14% fixed in ios 8.4 beta?   nope not yet. it's still not fixed in ios 9 beta 2 yet!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

I got bored of waiting for a Sonos and Nest Apps did little digging on interweb , came following solutions: a) nest bought thessa app store has apple watch extension , notification centre widget. works not have access digital crown. assume come native apps. b) sonos part work around. installed airsonos onto raspberry pi , can airplay sonos speakers idevices. means can remote control iphone music app or play music watch both sonos 1. can use siri! sonos speakers lot more usefull £25 , few leads had lying around. i'm not sure if i'm allowed post "how to" airsonos. if mods it's ok ill post 1 or can google airsonos. had mix , match couple of guides working quite straight forward. hope helps people home automation going watches "killer app".   the problem nest program google has combined dropcam , not sure have aw app , doubt google wants too. have never invested in 4 nest t-stats , 3 dropcams

Higher battery drain with XenForo

dear mac rumors team, possible install default , less javascript bloated theme? since change vb xenforo, iphone gets quick pretty warm. in under 2 minutes, gets warm. after 15 minutes of facebook app (which battery hog) phone ice old. i'm reading lot on macrumors don't iphone 6 gets warm while reading on forum. i've tried several days disable javascript , phone ice cold, how should be. without javascript, forum not usable. , please don't give me advices reset settings or things that. it's macrumors forum happens. , if read lot on forum, you'll notice it. in advance.   odd, not experiencing on iphone 6 after longer times (more half hour example).   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System

Apple Music pays rights holders less than Spotify

apple pays less music rights holders spotify. yikes... quote spotify has signed share of dirty contracts, pay 70% of subscription revenue rights owners , including indie labels , artists. “we pay out 70% of our total revenue rights holders,” company flatly stated year. “we retain approximately 30%.” sheriff apple has different in mind. according contract details leaked morning digital music news, apple paying sharp discount of 58% on subscription revenues earned on apple music, including individual ($9.99/mo) , family ($14.99/mo) accounts. contract stipulates on free trial , comp accounts, rights owners receive 0% . apple music, announced on monday , officially launches on june 30th ios devices iphone, ipad, , mac. android next, , apple anticipates attracting 100 million paying subscribers . doesn’t include major labels (and associated publishers), signed own, first-run deals ahead of announcement of ‘apple musi

Metal in iOS 9 will bring smoother animations

"the apps in ios 9 take advantage of metal, making more efficient use of cpu , gpu deliver faster scrolling, smoother animation, , better overall performance. email, messages, web pages, , pdfs render faster. , multitasking features on ipad feel fluid , natural." looks a7 , a8 devices run better now!   and iphone 4s or 5/5c ? when scroll control center, in iphone 4s, it's not smooth except if enable contrast in settings. iphone 5c still laggy when send message, hope fixed.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Can I reverse the effects of iCloud in Photos?

last night decided subscribe 200gb/mo plan , use cloud photos reclaim space. began upload process on imac view photos across devices. since of photos merging in cloud "all photos" folder, finding may issue when looking through camera roll find pic need (as photos on imac separate ones on phone , more event based , looked at). happens when turn icloud off? photos go respective devices or have permanently merged albums? concern because if have of pics go full res on iphone (including ones imac), take way more space available. in advance!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPo

Looking for Pippin info.

i have controller looks called applejack controller. says pippin on top , atmark on bottom. connection port mac adb (same form factor s-video (4 pin) ). on pippin images 2 ports (adb) more flat connector. here confuses me. controller have? not have flat connector? controller for? correct in thinking not work on pippin console. there adapter make work? mac clone of controller?   it's controller mac. have write : have copy of floppy driver, if want   Forums Special Interests Apple Collectors iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife W

Upgrading my Mid 2010 Imac computer

i looking upgrade mid 2010 imac computer. add ssd drive in addition current mac hard drive. add ram installed 4gb. possible add updated wifi/bluetooth card in order airplay mirroring work? in information appreciated.   ifixit has good information figure out possible, , of tasks, ones feel comfortable doing (and tools need). ram upgrade trivial, adding second disk (ssd or hdd) is possible . not sure upgrading wireless capability, though. the guide has information on how old 1 out , replace it, issue here no whether can replace whether machine can use newer hardware required airplay mirroring.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud

Battery replacement for MBA 2012

hi everyone, replace battery? how cost, , how long took replacement (should mba stay overnight or 1-2 hours)? also, there need aware of before / after battery replacement? lot...   isamilis said: ↑ anyone replace battery? how cost, , how long took replacement (should mba stay overnight or 1-2 hours)? also, there need aware of before / after battery replacement? click expand... out of warranty replacement costs $129 (excluding taxes). how long need depend on how busy store take to. mac before taking in service. when back, turn on , start using it. link below should answer most, if not all, of battery/charging questions, including tips maximizing battery performance. if haven’t done so, highly recommend take time read it. apple notebook battery faq ​   Forums

Eurovision Song Contest 2015

i there @ contest, working journalist closer everything. year decided sit out , enjoying watching armchair. wondering if there other enthusiasts here.   yes, follow contest, @ spot, in armchair, time.   Forums Mac Community Current Events iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Slow Time Machine backups

i have macbook 2008 usb 2.0 . encrypted partition on external hdd , chose backup 200 gb of data. after 30-40 min noticed backed 22gb of data. thought because chose encrypt backup. canceled backup, ticked off "encrypt data" because partition encrypted anyways , re-did backup. same thing extremely slow. @ first started saying "decrypting" thought decrypting partition. backedup , took couple of hours "decrypt" again. opened disk utility , said partition still "encrypted" not sure time machine "decrypting". whole process took 6 hours!! normal? have carbon copy cloner , backed 55gb of data in 40min on encrypted partition on same hdd.   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desk

Affirmative Action results in hiring of firefighter who is afraid of fires

firefighters fear colleague routinely flees fires quote michael d. johnson won’t fight fires. instead, stays on sidelines engine company 257 colleagues rush burning buildings, fdny insiders told post. nicknamed “tragic johnson” rank , file, he’s managed evade smoke , flames several times since joining canarsie, brooklyn, firehouse last year, sources confirmed. “to have guy know afraid not going there when need him — it’s frightening,” said 1 fdny source. .... johnson, 41, former city emt earned 2 medals on job, among 282 “priority hires” — applicants passed on in 1999 or 2000 result of discrimination, federal judge ruled. click expand... another win reparations.   we it, don't black people. anyway, man engineer? guys supposed operate trucks in order water fire, go in unless backup needed.  

WiFi card

hi, bought old mac book pro off ebay had issues. 1 of them wifi signal kept dropping. ive opened , noticed black wire didn't have gold connection. normal or need 1 somewhere? regards mike   attached files: 20150518_143138.jpg file size: 1.2 mb views: 11 Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Harvard Accused of Bias Against Asian-Americans

Image quote the complaint, filed coalition of 64 organizations, says university has set quotas keep numbers of asian-american students lower quality of applications merits. cites third-party academic research on sat exam showing asian-americans have score on average 140 points higher white students, 270 points higher hispanic students , 450 points higher african-american students equal chances of gaining admission harvard. exam scored on 2400-point scale. click expand... man, asian-american slave owners should remember need pay reparations slavery.   smellysox8 said: ↑ click expand... are saying sat scores should sole determinant of college admissions? if sa

New rMB wifi problems?

has heard wifi issues new retina macbooks? here's problem experience: i'm online, using internet connection, , of sudden, can't websites load, if i'm streaming stops, , see skype , dropbox menu bar icons indicate offline. wifi icon still shows strong connection. can resolve turning wifi off, , on. every 10 minutes have go again! happens on home network i'm connected airport extreme in bridge mode using 802.11n. @ work have exact same model airport extreme on exact same firmware , don't have problem. i'm using brand new retina macbook. did not have problem on old macbook air. don't have problem on wife's 2011 macbook air. don't have problem on iphone or ipad. have assume it's macbook problem, can't figure out why happens when i'm @ home. i've searched around , can't find in various forums. wondering if else here has heard similar.  

Here's the trick for "Activate on Wrist Raise"

not sure if has been covered here found "activate on wrist raise" behavior not 100% reliable until realized algorithm looking arm horizontal before doing wrist turn towards you. if forearm @ angle doesn't trigger. make sure forearm horizontal before turn wrist , 100% reliable. takes 10 minutes refine action , becomes habit after that. try it.   elaborate.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Resolved Does the Apple Watch need wifi?

i've been reading apple watch. don't know if overlooked it, can't seem find documentation on this. apple watch require wi-fi connection in order function properly? moving , without internet connection while. able enjoy of features of apple watch without having use wi-fi connection?   i not have 1 understand needs bluetooth pair phone. however, wifi allows further away phone beyond bluetooth range. hence if going without wifi while keep phone , watch not far apart.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Info on water damage without AppleCare+

does know rules if water damage inside watch? how tell if manufacture fault or took in pool? surely of these displays not glued on not water resistant should covered regular warranty.... how able determine between two? contemplating wearing in pool swimming 3ft deep.... if had applecare+ push pay damage fee. "apple watch splash , water resistant not waterproof. can, example, wear , use apple watch during exercise, in rain, , while washing hands. submerging apple watch, however, not recommended. apple watch has water resistance rating of ipx7 under iec standard 60529. leather bands not water resistant." if you're worried warranty, follow apple's recommendation , don't submerge it. don't know why you'd want wear while swimming anyways.   Forums

Resolved GIF Avatars Disabled?

have avatar gif's been disabled? tried change mine , static. also, seem remember seeing them quite can't remember last time have now. have these been disabled?   i don't think new forum software allows gif avatars.   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Browser choice - sync with Android

hi all, i'm using safari browser, given fact current phone works android can't sync tabs it. what's best, lightest , efficient browser both laptop , smartphone allow tab syncing in opinion? know chrome classic choice, i've heard bad things browser - linked battery drain , overheating. what's take on this?   i've been long-time chrome user not pleased battery drain , resources taken it. switched opera (windows/osx/android) , has been terrific across platforms.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Hot corners

yo! on old mac used able go top left corner , application windows shrink , see them @ same time. on new mac, shows 1 application @ time , have tab through them 1 one. there way of being able former, or once, has mac got worse @ something?!! thanks t   ah! see f3 that. there way of making hot-corner that. it's have ten years of repetitive syndrome doing hot-corner , can't break habit!!!!   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Wrong Apple Music Songs

i have been trying download album regional @ best twenty 1 pilots , have had many issues. album had copy write issues not available sale anymore, have cd copy of it. problem many of songs rerecorded , released on different album, apple music recognizes songs updated versions. songs download fine on mac, once download them on iphone downloads wrong versions of songs onto phone. there known fix this?   short answer, no. long answer, before match songs, can try rename them doesn't match. live albums example, add gibberish text title doesn't match against in , uploads. used work, after rename them back, i've noticed still tries match anyway, if you've uploaded it. try itunes match - messed library, itm matches songs audio fingerprinting service too, it's not randomly trying match metadata.   Forums

Autoplay Samsung Ad with Sound?

visiting site morning, hit autoplay samsung ad sound! felt clicked facebook. understand site ad based... it. totally samsung paying more feature ads here opposed or something... that's fine me. autoplay video on side? that's annoying, understand too.... sound on? that's new low macrumors... what's that?   we don't allow auto-play ads. can post screenshot if see again? thanks arn   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iCloud Music Library - Questions

i have enabled icloud music library on devices , did scan etc.. strange thing none of tracks burnt cds or other sources appear on iphone? had reason believe drm version of itunes match? there no button in itunes scan/update library remember itunes match. know if missing or need subscribe itunes match? in advance help..   darkknight14 said: ↑ i have enabled icloud music library on devices , did scan etc.. strange thing none of tracks burnt cds or other sources appear on iphone? had reason believe drm version of itunes match? there no button in itunes scan/update library remember itunes match. know if missing or need subscribe itunes match? in advance help.. click expand... tracks imported cd should appear in library. use itunes match match these , access them through icloud library.   Forums

12" Macbook review, after having used every single laptop in Apple's lineup since 2006

i've had 15" 1st gen mbp, 1st gen 13" mba, 2nd gen 13" mbp, 2nd gen 13" mba, 15" rmbp, 11" mba ,13" rmbp , got 12" rmb, in order. recent ones maxed out models spec-wise, exception of new rmb, thought i'd end wardrobing couple of weeks , return it. after testing time though, changed mind. ultra-portable mac experience wanted, never quite got delivered 11" mba. being on go, wanted 11" mba, in experience, though small, still weighted more have liked, screen resolution out of 2006 made eyes cringe constantly, enormous bezels unsightly @ best, , small trackpad constrained. 16:9 aspect ration wasn't great either, extremely little vertical screen real estate. things put together, made real step in terms of productivity, 15" rmbp using @ time. compromised in portability, , got 13" rmbp couple of months later, best of both worlds, though heavier , bulkier have liked. 12" rmb, on

General What theme is this?

hi love know theme if had idea.   from same guy gave us, "soft remix 3". it's wip.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPod touch with Cellular

i guess should ecstatic ipod touch received hardware update @ all, can't feel disappointed apple still denying ipod touch wi-fi + cellular option. think such configuration hugely popular among kids , adults, segment (if any) makes phone calls.   nutmac said: ↑ i guess should ecstatic ipod touch received hardware update @ all, can't feel disappointed apple still denying ipod touch wi-fi + cellular option. think such configuration hugely popular among kids , adults, segment (if any) makes phone calls. click expand... what , others want wanting cheaper iphone. nothing wrong wanting that, that's not going happen... , unrealistic hope for. of course popular. shift sales iphone , ipod touch. when 1 examines differences between iphone , ipod touch w/cellular option comes down different in price between 2 devices.  

Stop YouTube From Exiting Full Screen Mode

been having weird issue when watching yt videos full screen. @ points, browser (firefox) exit full screen mode - annoying. know why happening , how stop it?   yep. scan system adware medic .   Forums Macs Mac Basics and Help iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Battery discharging quickly

hi, have macbook pro 13in 2011 model. couple months battery life had been bad, around 2 hours of normal usage. decided new battery laptop (cost me $130 @ apple store). anticipated new battery life performance when got laptop back, @ 50% estimated 2 hours left. suppose low? coconut battery says battery has 0 cycles (duh) , discharge rate 13.2 watts. thing high on energy usage safari right type forum post.   new batteries come partially charged minimize wear , maximize shelf life.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

multiple hard drives help

trying build external hard drive rack. did take old desktop power supply, jumped , , used power 4 hard drives. installed fan , led remind me on. have adaptor plugs in data port , usb on other end. problem have plug 1 hard drive @ time. there cable plug 4 hard drives 1 usb ? fan out usb ?   why not use external usb hub? drives getting sufficient power, might able use bus-powered hub, self-powered hub still better.   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

NSSlider Cocoa development question

hi, all, software developer tried learn cocoa programming. trying implement nsslider ticks , labels. task place labels aligned ticks. unfortunately looks have create labels hand cocoa not provide way create labels nsslider. have nsslider window parent of labels nsslider manage positioning/sizing of labels. easiest way of doing so? everywhere labels made children of dialog.panel nsslider located. makes have more work. possible i'd do? in compliance cocoa ui guidelines? have change z-order of windows , bring labels top in order them visible? if yes, how?   looking @ docs, reference nsslider says ui implemented nsslidercell. did @ class? there options in default implementation. if don't implementation, reference docs nsslidercell tells methods override if want sublcass , create modified one.   Forums

Has FaceBook Gotten Rid of Location Check-Ins?

okay, clarify, don't mean checking in nearby locations rather, when want post on facebook not shown automatically city i'm in. example, whenever want post update, tells on right corner city i'm in, such 'los angeles, ca' or 'spring valley, nv' not shown option @ when wanting post update , want see if facebook has gotten rid of option or if perhaps taken away ios phones or if i'm missing something. want city i'm in show up, without having check in nearby business. missing here? thank you!   Forums Mac Community Community Discussion iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Controlling the Apple TV

how controll apple tv watch? app have download?   remote app apple   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

My iPhone 5s doesn't show up in iTunes.

hey, want update iphone 5s running 8.1.1 8.4 doesn't show in itunes. have tried , don't know problem is. other iphones shows normal on same computer. ideas? edit: iphone jailbroken if matters.   mac or pc? mounting computer?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone Pop-Up Bug

i jailbroke iphone 5s , installing old tweaks used use , got pop saying: "http/ warning ios - crash report due third party hidden malicious applications. ios on mobile device has crashed. contact support immediate fix 1-855-337-8035 (toll free) protect mobile device date..!" it's scam want know how rid of it, i'm not sure if i'll have remove tweaks or un-jailbreak re-jailbreak it's annoying having constant pop-ups on cydia every second. edit: forgot mention can't search permanently stays up. in advance!   usually these due cracked sources , cracked tweaks.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes