
Showing posts from July, 2014

Apple Keynote - September 9th **QUESTION**

hi guys! know might weird, watch keynote when home work without knowing has released. want surprise myself , not have spoilers lol. there link can save can go when home , watch without knowing heck happend yet?   just check macrumors front page. have time-stamped transcript of happened. @ least they've gone in past.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Advice for web design config

hello , don't know do, i'll try explain problem : love mobility ! managed work 11-inch macbook air (keyboard + mouse) , external display, learning , start webdesign. begin have advanced level , lot of customers, felt problems: among other screen size: 11 inch on travel small !!!!! , slight lack of performance when start wanting advanced design (especially lots of browser open tabs , software simultaneously mamp, affinity designer, affinity photo, sketch etc ...) had big crush on new retina macbook, 12 inches gives me little more screen comfort on move (retina + 12 inches) , lack of ports not bother me. performance, lag when open lots of browser tabs , other software. (and want learn swift therefore xcode, , i've heard compile time take me time each change). thought these configurations: - rmacbook + mac mini (with portability , el capitan tell myself maybe catch hang of performance + xcode server) - rmacbook + 5k imac (portability +

Buying 2nd hand - how to check works with my carrier

am thinking on swopping 6 used 6 plus supposedly unlocked there quick way check work carrier's sim ie can put sim in try without doing erasing/ restoring etc need done if deal ?   yeah, should able put sim in , try out.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Keyboard and mouse become unresponsive after ~24 hours

hi all, have late 2013 model 21.5" imac running yosemite version 10.10.5. issue after display goes sleep (i have set not let computer enter full sleep mode because run programs overnight), keyboard , mouse stop working. first noticed problem while running cpu-intensive script (using 8 virtual cores week), it's since happened multiple times when had nothing open overnight other firefox. happened safari , few other low-intensity things open (mail, ichat, etc). few other things might worth noting. keyboard mac usb keyboard, older computer (this one: ) , mouse microsoft optical mouse, although it's happened mouse , keyboard (although same model of keyboard). mouse plugged keyboard, plugged computer, happened mouse plugged directly computer. tips welcome, reading! -rich   Forums

iTunes: Transferred Music Library and Lost Playlists?

i moved music library mbp new mac mini. connected computers firewire cable , started mbp in target mode. copied itunes music folder itunes media folder on mini. however, seem have lost playlists. understand playlists "tags" on music files -- there no separate playlist files copy over. there way playlists back? (i lost play counts , of tagging modifications made seem have reverted original tags.)   hrothgar said: ↑ i moved music library mbp new mac mini. connected computers firewire cable , started mbp in target mode. copied itunes music folder itunes media folder on mini. however, seem have lost playlists. understand playlists "tags" on music files -- there no separate playlist files copy over. there way playlists back? (i lost play counts , of tagging modifications made seem have reverted original tags.) click expand... di

My music library on iPhone and iPad is broken

this day morning, try centralise messed itunes library metadata, , sync them iphone. after completing changing, plug in iphone, , start syncing. completes "as expected" 97 items fail sync. don't care much, , move music app. guess find? none of music listed in music app, nor in cloud (purchased songs). after switching mobile network, purchased songs (not of them because of these purchased in store). , itunes shows me 55 gb of "others", entire music library, plus else, 3gb. can't believe such massive metadata break entire library. fortunately disable apple music, or mess. use ios 9 beta 5 on iphone , ipad post here. plus run fifth beta of el capitan.   had same thing happen me. had use iexplorer , manually delete music off phone remove other. won't let me sync audiobooks or epubs without automatically going other storage.  

Latest Public Beta & Apple Watch

did notice when when upgraded phone latest ios 9 public beta lost connection apple watch? had put watch factory settings set again , wondering if due update or problems watch.   shaun.p said: ↑ did notice when when upgraded phone latest ios 9 public beta lost connection apple watch? had put watch factory settings set again , wondering if due update or problems watch. click expand... i lost connection restarted watch , still no connection, after restarted iphone 5 connected again. hope helps   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applicati

Not getting PB 3

hello, have ios 9 beta on ipod touch 5, cannot update. have tried uninstalling , reinstalling beta profile, still doesn't show update. can update?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Chuck Schumer's NICS reform bill

comedian amy schumer has teamed up distant relative charles schumer (d-ny) publicize latter's latest gun control bill. "on monday, schumers outlined three-part gun-control plan, according senator’s office. new legislation uses carrots-and-sticks strategy states submit key records national instant criminal background check system. states give paperwork financial rewards, while states don’t face penalties. 2 schumers pressed justice department write report , make recommendations on how states handle involuntary mental health commitment. , duo pushed congress fund mental-health , substance-abuse programs, noting senate republican budget proposal slices $159 million substance abuse , mental health services administration." bill's text isn't yet far can find, has been pushing bills reform nics time now, presume 1 similar. right now, states doing terrible job of making sure nics database has complete , up-to-date information on convicte

Windows only macbook pro 2015

hi, purchasing new laptop , love new 15" macbook pro. home computer , work computers both pc because of software use daily. (revit) find aesthetically apple products far superior windows based laptops , desktops love have macbook pro , run windows on it. have had few imac's in past love osx dont want have deal 2 o/s systems different programs, file managing , other annoyances come using 2 o/s daily, when 80% of time spent on work pc or home pc. know can run bootcamp or vm use revit on macbook pro since never use osx prefer remove mac os , install windows 8.1 or windows 10 natively. have read many issues driver updates caused bootcamp , performance loss via use of vm's such parallels not want deal with, because revit extremely resource intense program, can not afford take performance loss or have driver issues. research did't turn whole lot, few people have done mixed success, people suggest bootcamp has issues revit , graphic driver u

Question : What happens when Windows 10 is not activated?

i use windows strictly gaming platform in boot camp on imac. planning of using insider program windows 10 preview going forward, been using since 2 month. today kind of got screwed, because decided clean install of final build thinking preview license still work if still subscribed insider program in windows 10. , i've learn doing clean install final build have lost way of activating preview copy of windows 10 forever insider program. (normally simple update install have worked normally). anyway, i'm considering option. , i'm thinking myself : well, happen if don't activate windows 10 ? know windows 7 had notification system designed annoying after 30 days, understand there personalization , options aren't available. while ago, , can't find useful information on windows website (honestly, microsoft websites products such mess...) so, have information ?   after mont

iOS9 Bluetooth Keyboard Functionality Requests Thread

ok have been testing added bluetooth keyboard functionality in ios9 , it's start, there still lots missing! please add feature requests below , i'll best add them list... system wide more scrolling (arrow keys) in apps, such as; photos calendar itunes app store music ibooks icloud drive facetime (call list) etc third party api simple keyboard functionality such scrolling (pages, lists , content areas), "enter" , "esc" key navigation , shortcuts. list , content navigation arrow keys scroll (up/down) list "enter" select content, "esc" return list arrows scroll content when content area selected (examples below) homescreen arrows (left/right) scroll springboard pages arrows (up/down) access spotlight search notification center shortcut notification center scrolling arrow keys control center shortcut control center area specific shortcuts such bluetooth, wifi, airplane mode etc ap

Possible to exchange 38mm for 42mm?

i understand can return watch if i'm not happy it. thought 30 days looks might 14 in uk. anyway, policy if want exchange rather return it? got 38mm on sat , feels small, can barely type in passcode without hitting wrong numbers. have pretend want return 38mm, refund , buy 42mm scratch or can go store tell them got wrong size , want 42mm , they'll happily exchange , charge me difference etc?   justjax said: ↑ i understand can return watch if i'm not happy it. thought 30 days looks might 14 in uk. anyway, policy if want exchange rather return it? got 38mm on sat , feels small, can barely type in passcode without hitting wrong numbers. have pretend want return 38mm, refund , buy 42mm scratch or can go store tell them got wrong size , want 42mm , they'll happily exchange , charge me difference etc? click expand... go apple store. tell them

Trimming videos on Photos App

hi, far known, trimming video on photos app on mac not remove portion of videos trimmed (you can revert trim original). there way "trim original video" on iphone, i.e. trimmed portion of video deleted , final video? asking question because trimming videos on mac causing issue icloud photo library. videos trim on mac not load without internet on iphone because iphone has download trimming timestamp every time try play video. thank you!   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Notescroll - a Free iOS note-taking app syncing with Dropbox & Box, Fast and Easy to Use

notescroll - instantly capture ideas , read them easily appstore link (app preview provided): notescroll fast , easy use note-taking app syncing dropbox , box. has clean , simplistic interface brings way browsing notes ibook, containing table of contents , page numbers. notescroll launch app without waiting. can start typing launch app , tap "+" icon. note autosaved while typing. collection of notes grows, can still read , edit them , rapidly. since notescroll keeps them organized book, can swipe through notes pages in book or use auto-refreshed table of content instantly access specific note precisely. single tap part need revise while viewing, enter edit mode part staying same place waiting revision. makes editing long notes smooth , efficient experience in notescroll, never lost focus on part interested , not waste second relocating articles after navigations. syncing

Apple lightning dock

is worth spending kind of money on apple lightning dock? difference between apple , after market dock?   i think it's way overpriced. apple products overpriced 1 takes cake. twelve south makes dock.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

GBA Emulator on iOS 9

is possible?   yes. (download gba4ios source code, compile using xcode 7, install on device.)   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Browse songs by artist

has found way browse songs of particular artist have in library? pick artist , show me list of songs artist not broken down album first.   anybody?   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

2015 MBA 11" powerful enough?

hey guys. have 1440p monitor. thinking of hooking macmini media duties. 1080p mkv's , online video streaming. considering getting ipad travelling ( emails, web watch film) however, kill 2 birds 1 stone , use base 2015 11" ( or 2014 model) media duties connected screen , lightweight device travel. powerful enough play large mkvs , web streaming? cable need 1440p resolution. thunderbolt dual dvi? in advance input.   it should powerfull enough. mini-displayport cable.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Air iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Anyone else seeing this?

since jailbroke both ipad , iphone on 8.3, i'm being asked sign icloud, after reboot or device has been in standby while. else have happening them? not big deal, annoying.   did downgrade ios 9 beta? having issue while on ios 9 not on 8.3 jailbroken theres still substantial of icloud space that's being used yet have deleted backups. noticed on ios 9 of sudden 4gb of icloud space being used no evidence of what's using up.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless leak

#269 seems el capitan has error allocates on 30 gb of physical , virtual ram process handles icloud transmissions sending memory critical usage. fix kill process using activity monitor...heres catch..i have every single time wake up. such killer bug needs fixed before full release. else have issue?   how ram mac have?   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Accessory Charger is the Chrome Version

a few folks noticed magnetic chargers come watches different between sport , watch versions. sport white plastic. watch version has chrome body , white plastic contacts watch. received charger ordered apple, , chrome/plastic version watch version.   exxxviii said: ↑ a few folks noticed magnetic chargers come watches different between sport , watch versions. sport white plastic. watch version has chrome body , white plastic contacts watch. received charger ordered apple, , chrome/plastic version watch version. click expand... yeah noticed same thing. got black sport watch came plastic charger. additional 1 bought had chrome finish. think normal, maybe additional cables come chrome plastic finish.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Acc

Safari switch tab gesture

this stumbled upon few minutes ago. unaware of gesture allows switch tabs in safari.. until now. know can pinch tab in safari zoom out , see open tabs. however, if pinch enough can see edges of adjacent tabs, can hold pinch there, before full zoom out, , swipe sideways move next tab. i'm unsure of ios version first allowed running ios 8.3 on ipad air 2 , gesture works switch tabs.   worked me. interesting.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Manifesting your Dreams

people note down dreams more achieve them. dream notes first step think dreams. here write dream. can take pictures , attach dream in dream notes. dream without target date never becomes reality. ensure set feasible target date dreams become goal. can optionally reward achieving of dreams. dream notes , can make vision come life. download on macappstore : wish dream comes true ! happy dreaming   thanks information on app. download it. seems motivational app dream notes. keeps on track too.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iP

Opinion: I think the watch will be Apple's FASTEST product to mature

i think watch, apple realizing need let go of reigns sooner later. means giving developers immediate access entire watch in order succeed. think, product fastest gain new features vs other products. reason thinking because apple knows wearing watch novelty. , know unlike phone, people can leave watches @ home , ok it. need make watch smarter fitness tracker , better overall piece of must have.. thoughts?   your ability predict has happened excellent. real comparison iphone , lengthy native app delay. watch has beat million percent.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Much improved

this developer build , feels more stable 10.10.4. extremely responsive , feels fantastic use os x again   can post computer specs here, please? gpu(s) info.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone 5S poll - iOS update

there still iphone 5s phones out there running 7.1.2. updated ios 8.1.3 7.1.2 on 5s, how feel update?   the 5s 1 of few devices run ios 8 excellently. there still issues though.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 8 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Space grey mini with white logitech keyboard

hello have photo of white logitech keyboard (ultrathin, new version) space grey ipad mini? friend of mine selling white version cheap have space gray ipad.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Watch Turning Off

hello, wife has apple watch sport (black band) 38mm. started wearing last week. there have been 2 times @ watch , 'dead.' can start touching button next crown, grayed apple logo comes first. other day, noticed battery percent 10% when started (it had not been charged). wondering if others experiencing this, normal (an auto off feature??) or else? in advance jeff   that's not normal @ all. shouldn't randomly shutting down.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Is it possible to prompt for iTunes library?

i picked western digital mycloud external drive. far, i’ve been happy drive. have itunes library stored on , access mac. ability store subset of library locally. believe means require 2 music libraries , need hold down option when starting itunes. wondering if there’s way automatically start itunes , prompted library. if means starting script rather actual itunes application directly, fine. wondering if has done similar or knows how this?   if hold down option key open itunes prompt either choose existing library or create new one.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV

iPhone Lockglyph

please help!! know folder on ifile of lockglyph tweak on iphone 6+? want install themes can't find folder in ifile.   joseph34 said: ↑ please help!! know folder on ifile of lockglyph tweak on iphone 6+? want install themes can't find folder in ifile. click expand... library/application support/lockglyphs/themes   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Windows 10 bootcamp for gaming

hello! "early" experience directx 12 on windows 10 bootcamp gaming ? microsoft says performance improvements new games. ;-) thanks f.   fabric17 said: ↑ hello! "early" experience directx 12 on windows 10 bootcamp gaming ? microsoft says performance improvements new games. ;-) thanks f. click expand... don't think see dx12 until final release   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

My Mac Pro 2008 is dead

hello folks, mac pro 3,1 2008 (2x 3.2 quad core) died, there no sign of life, no lights, no sound... dead! fine day before before switched off , went bed. next day when pushed power button nothing happened. tried few more times no success. next i've checked ac cord , did work on mac pro 1,1, ac cord ok. summarise: 1. smc reset didn't work 2. removed (hdd, graphics, ram, memory riser....) , again, no success. 3. checked diagnostic leds, , none of them light when press diagnose button, power , without power. trying figure out if psu or motherboard died. wondering if has had similar issue , how sorted. ideas or tips welcome. in advance.   my mac pro dead bring nearer apple store   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro

How to view adult content on Apple Watch

nsfw comedy video:   lol!!!!   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Safari URL bar hides

is there way keep safari url bar on when scrolling? comes pain, particually when reading long articles, must scroll way thr top enter new url, or controls.   not i'm aware of. can jump top tapping top bar/clock.   Forums Archive Archives of Old Posts iPad Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

rBMP 13" Early 2015 Battery Life Qs.

hi; have got rmbp 13 inch 2015 base model. understanding is/was battery life on new machines suppose around 10 hours, @ least. however, machine consumes around average 10% per 30 minutes, lasting more or less 5 hours. happening when usage @ minimum (i.e. using apple's pages). presently use rbmp typing only, followed browsing, , watching movies. 3rd party apps on rmbp skype & vlc . no add-ons safari either; though, did update 8.0.6 , keeps showing in list of apps may using significant energy , than. but issue has been there before safari's latest update. anyway, anyone has bought similar machine (& knowledgable) can kindly inform me: 1. how avg. battery life get?, during minimum usage? 2. amount of 'time-remaining' battery icon shows @ full 100% charge? didn't notice if had better battery life before updated os 10.10.3 . so, can't if result of yosemite's update. did reset pram , smc well. prior rese

Store stock in France

i'm quite disapointed see rmb in stock before getting demivered apple. knows find in france please share here! ps french guys: fnac perform 15euros per 100euros cash on fnac card may 13th 17th... better appleoncampus!   tutux said: ↑ i'm quite disapointed see rmb in stock before getting demivered apple. knows find in france please share here! ps french guys: fnac perform 15euros per 100euros cash on fnac card may 13th 17th... better appleoncampus! click expand... apple store cap3000: purchased 2 days ago 1.2ghz 512ssd sg. , no, 15€/100€ not better aoc: got mine 1582€ instead of 1799€ when fnac 1679€. aoc can between -9 -15%. -12% available in french universities.   Forums Macs Notebooks

The whole 8GB crap...

i getting 5c soon. (8gb of course) , ive come realize 8gb never enough space ios device. , makes me wonder, why apple make people suffer 8gb? hate much? mean, way see it, 8gb option should've been abolished discontinuation of 4th gen touch. why not make 16gb bottom line? shoot, 32gb respectable considering going on 100gb mark nowadays. know time come when 6s comes out, , 5s (possibly) budget iphone. cripple phone 8gb? weird issue (and im sure alot of other people) have iphone 6 capacities. why no 32gb? it's weird me jump straight 16gb 32.   hurry, someone, picture of "dead horse" being beaten!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone

All day appointments

how day appointments show on watch faces. seems though appointments specific start times show? figure out? see doing next day in evening. erice   they appear show in calendar itself. might have tap on 'face' calendar @ 'real thing' see day events. dunno if that's design or bug. expect since shows 1 thing on face calendar, there's no way show day , next event.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Carrier return the note 5 and got nexus 6

hi after owning note 5 ok phone not idea of waiting moths , moths android upgrades return , got nexus 6 , march happyer no more waiting moths , moth android upgrade at&t nexus 6 verison did not come at&t blot ware did have upgrade android 5.0 android 5.1.1 when got home march more happyer phone note 5 , best of nexus 6 1st ones new android 6 note 5 have took @ lest year   big change, other post glowing on note "and best of nexus 6 1st ones new android 6 note 5 have took @ lest year" samsung or att has said this? doubt   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple W

External hard drive enclosure - fan control

hi all, have external hard drive enclosure (thunderbay 4 mini) has it's own fan spins constantly, when computer sleeps or when eject enclosure. ideas why might case? there way control power sent mac pro without pulling thunderbolt cable altogether? way spin down fan pull cable or turn off @ wall! cheers   apparently model doesn't use variable speed fan, more hooked directly power meaning have no control on other if plugged in or not.   Forums Macs Desktops Mac Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Music not working with latest iTunes update...

hello everyone, posted on apple communities no 1 answered question. guys can me! updated itunes yesterday latest version of itunes since asked me update in order use apple music... problem whenever click on 90-day trial (under apple music @ bottom) (since can't find way access apple music... ) pop window keeps coming asking me update! not sure doing wrong or if kind of bug? have apple music on iphone , works perfectly, not sure what's going on imac. it's new imac both ios , itunes updated latest versions. thank in advance! driving me insane! ps: sorry english not first language!   update... apple music started working today! cant search artists, whenever type artist name on search bar, radio stations come :/ veru frustrating... @ least can access apple music guess   Forums Apple and Apple Servic

A thin case for the Air 2 like shumuri/caudabe?

i have shumuri slim case on iphone 6. love thin, , love feeling of material. besides of cheap slippery tpu cases, can' t find such case air2. air 1 there belkin sheer sheald , caudabe shell. knows case air2?   i had belkin snap shield on old ipad 3. it's not thin liked feel of material lot. unfortunately there no snap shield air 2 belkin anymore. since i'm thinking of buying air 2 myself interested in alternative too. recommendations welcome!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

3LG 4UM95C-P - HDMI, Displayport or Thunderbolt

hello, bought 34um95c-p, thinking 34um95-p, have included thunderbolt ports had not made wrong purchase. doh! have decide whether should return can run through macbook pro retina display via thunderbolt. curious advantages doing so? alternatively, can keep display , run off hdmi port, or use thunderbolt displayport converter. if either of these outputs, lose? been reviewing threads can't seem find other hdmi supports 50hz , not 60hz thunderbolt or displayport. if return have cover shipping , $30 upgrade thunderbolt version (hopefully not restocking fee). thoughts?   right now, since housesitting , work home, connecting macbook pro 27 inch samsung monitor via thunderbolt hdmi cable , have no issues. can buy 1 of connect monitor via thunderbolt port.   Forums Macs N

Missing photos after 8.4 update

so i've noticed today after updating iphone 8.4 i've lost hundreds if not thousands of photos on phone...... they've gone off icloud. understandbly i'm furious. has else had experience of before ring apple , explode? i've lost photos travels on japan & china, rubs salt wound.   clearly travel photos weren't deemed important enough apple decided clear space . ok me totally being smartass. in seriousness furious , had infruiating issue happen icloud photo library. decided jump in day 1 , not did pictures know deleted magically re appear in collection of sudden out of order. on top of had tons of pictures blank spaces presume actual picture used be. thankfully dropbox has in proper chronological order still , use flickr, 1 drive & google photos now. between cloud issues photos & music , odd issues imessage i'm starting lose faith in apple when comes stuff.

Trying to install OSX onto new 3TB HD in mid-2010 27" iMac

hi, hoping can help. i'm not @ familiar installing new hard drives , osx, , i'm trying mid-2010 27" imac in use. machine terribly slow, upgraded 4gb of ram 16gb. while helped speed, became obvious hd failing , test confirmed so. installed new 3tb hd (from stock 1tb) , need install clean copy of osx onto new drive. that's things foggy. lost original install discs. apple tech told brother needed buy snow leopard (after checking serial number), did. boot imac, holding down "alt" (it's not mac keyboard...a cheap replacement , screen showing disc icon "mac os x install dvd". once click icon, drive spins second, , white screen of death apple logo in middle of it, , nothing happens. i've tried little reading, on head. have usb 2.0 sata/ide hd adaptor connected via usb, can still boot old hd, external, it's laggy. brother has been huge in getting of done , has done of work

Apple watch respring/soft reboot cycle?

anyone have issue watch resprings/reboots bunch of times randomly? mine did other day few times in hour or two. ill feel tap/vibe , down see resprung randomly. stopped doing , hasnt come since.   hey, i've had issue randomly crashes multiple times. watch turned off , had restart it. didn't find solution. 2 weeks ago reinstalled ios on iphone (dfu, no restore backup) , wiped watch. issue doesn't appear longer (and won't happen in future). reinstalling ios key. (resetting watch doesn't help)   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

late 2012 imac sound in win 10?

can't seem sound working in win 10. know tricks since bootcamp drivers don't have win 10 drivers? bluetooth, keyboard , mouse work, not other bluetooth devices. forcing bluetooth driver in kills keyboard reason. assume bootcamp drivers update once win 10 released, wondering if had workaround? thx   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Efficient way for Photos library

hi, have macbook pro 256 gb, newest model. photos library 200 gb, keep on mac. consists of 100 gb photos, 100 gb videos. best way expand? can split photos library easy? have qnap nas, takes away portability. open split photos library, 1 photos, 1 videos, although don't it. advice? thank you.   nobody?   Forums Macs macOS OS X Yosemite (10.10) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPad starts then stops

may have dropped ipad or knocked it. now, can swipe open screen unresponsive. cannot enter anything. lcd digitiser? there way of testing or repairing it?   they can repaired have careful repaired. might worth hunting down repair places or check apple. if dropped did damage something, unfortunately. cost estimates , go there.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPad iPad Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple Seeds Sixth OS X 10.10.4 Yosemite Beta to Developers and Public Beta Testers

​ apple today seeded sixth beta of os x 10.10.4 developers , public beta testers, approximately 1 week after releasing the fifth os x 10.10.4 beta , 2 months after releasing first os x 10.10.4 beta . os x 10.10.4 has been in testing since mid-april, following april release of os x 10.10.3 , included new photos os x app. new beta, build 14e36b, can downloaded through software update mechanism in mac app store or through mac developer center. os x 10.10.3 brought several consumer-facing changes including new photos os x app, redesigned emoji picker, , diversified emoji, os x 10.10.4 appears under-the-hood update brings performance enhancements , bug fixes. far, os x 10.10.4 betas have not included outward facing design changes or feature additions, fourth beta introduced significant behind-the-scenes update may improve networking performance users have experienced issues os x yosemite. discoveryd, problematic networking process has been li