
Showing posts from September, 2013

thinking of starting iphone repair, anyone a itech from want to share there experiances

im running side business repairing pc's , going i'm wanting move mobile phone repair, i've never done can't imagine it's hard mean smaller screws laptop , apparently lot more glue still lack confidence after hearing horror stories. reason i'm considering icracked apparently provide training , have lifetime warranty on parts , labor end doing once pass there certification courses while upfront costs parts might more i'm wondering if it's worth versus buying parts on aliexpress or ebay etc. , doing myself way on flip side imagine of experiance/training can done through ifixit videos , such free , difference in money more afordable parts might cover cost difference if few things end being doa etc. if people think it's more beneficial might give try eliminate of risks me when i'm first starting out thoughts? suggestions etc.   Forums

I think Im banned from Apple Support community...

for few weeks, when sign in apple id apple support community, error. try refresh, same, log out , in, same. different computer, same. happening else? have been able fix it?   attached files: screen shot 2015-08-31 @ 7.16.21 pm.png file size: 68 kb views: 399 it seems banned indeed. remember posted before error?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Buildings aren't 3D when using (3D) turn by turn directions?

i moved city has 3d maps enabled, doesn't display buildings in 3d unless it's in satellite mode. doesn't show buildings in 3d while using turn turn navigation. has feature been changed or removed since ios 9?   flyover not equal 3d-buildings in turn turn navigation. check availability (for ios8) here:   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 9 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

digidesign design Mbox2 problems!

my mbox2 doesn't work on el capitan since first public preview! there usb audio problems on el capitan? , if did find way fix them? right have mbox2 plugged in, lights dimmed.   i suggest post in "digital audio" forum here @ macrumors. might browse site well.   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Dying iMac?

i have imac g3 bondi blue won't boot up. had os 9.2 installed, won't see drive. trying boot today kept on locking on "welcome" screen, forcing reboot each time. won't see drive (question mark folder displayed) nor boot cd rom drive. don't hear either drive spin up. dunno what's going on it.   there chance optical drive shot age. hard drive died try holding option @ boot see if can cd or hd display.   Forums Macs PowerPC Macs iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Best graphic heavy games for iOS 8 on iPhone 5S

the title says all. looking graphic heavy games run on phone. upgraded iphone 5s , want use processor meant for.   these typically know "best" battery usage , phone heating havy games.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS Apps iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Resolved problems to put an image at the right spot

hi guys i'm using auto layout. put image inside uiimageview. imageview positioned using auto layout. long using natural image fine. of course when no image provided want add plus sign. plus sign gets stretched because imageview using scaletofill. decided put code inside viewdidlayoutsubviews(): code: self.wifeimageview.frame = cgrectmake(self.wifeimageview.frame.origin.x + self.wifeimageview.frame.height * 2/3, self.wifeimageview.frame.origin.y + self.wifeimageview.frame.height * 1/3 , self.wifeimageview.frame.height * 2/3, self.wifeimageview.frame.height * 2/3) } self.wifeimageview.contentmode = uiviewcontentmode.scaletofill self.wifeimageview.clipstobounds = true self.wifeimageview.image = uiimage(named: "plus") this code works fine. till rotate device. it's stretched on again. if use same technique inside didrotatefrominterfaceorientation(frominterfaceorientation: uiinter

Can't update second Pro to public beta...

so got mid-2014 retina 13" can't upgrade el capitan move stuff on 2011 pro running el capitan.   my iphone3g said: ↑ so got mid-2014 retina 13" can't upgrade el capitan move stuff on 2011 pro running el capitan. click expand... why can't you? what's preventing it?   Forums Macs macOS OS X El Capitan (10.11) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Early 2008 iMac - Upgrade RAM?

i have 2008 imac , wondering if provide insight/advice regarding whether worth time increasing ram. computer slow , see spinning pinwheel ... upgrading ram 6gb make of difference? primary use of computer: save pictures (photo library) browse internet/email stream netflix in office backup ipad/iphone appreciate input!   attached files: early 2008 imac specs.png file size: 55.2 kb views: 77 i recommend @ hard drive first. ssd upgrade best thing can speed old mac, 1 running yosemite on original hdd, cause lot of beachballs , slowdown.   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & Sys

Charging 2-3 USB devices with MacBook 2015

hi all, i'm proud owner of new macbook since couple of days , love beside 1 problem have. wanted check whether has solution that... know there 1 usb-c connection. have ordered apple adapter has usb-a, hdmi , usb-c connection. initial thought attach usb-a hub usb-a connection gives me 4 additional usb-a connections charge iphone, apple watch , e-cigarette while i'm working @ office desk...also used to on older macbook pro have 2 external hard drives connected doing backups. problem as connect more 1 device hub macbook complains many devices connected , energy consumption high (macbook connected socket) , result skips charging connected or throws out hard drives error. result i'm able charge 1 device @ time or have 1 hd connected backups...this makes usb-a hub useless , of course quite inconvenient when comes charging devices. same problem, usb-a hub working plan it, usb-a hub has minor quality? appreciated... stefan.  

Watch doesn't read Heart rate

this working fine until unpaired , repaired problem. can't believe though had thing changed. seems read every ten minutes or believe it's suppose if manually never reads , says try again. wear way have nothing changed there. cleaned sensors on back. no help. have v tac racing heart condition check hr quite often. appreciated.   does work workout app?   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

share connected drive when asleep ?

hello, was wondering if way of sharing connected usb drive, on network, if mac asleep. or if not, if way make visible, atleast when want access it, request wake mac, can access drive on network ? many in advance, stuart   if check wake network access box, network request should wake machine , allow access. beyond that, no drive not visible when machine asleep.   attached files: screen shot 2015-08-06 @ 8.19.10 am.png file size: 83.8 kb views: 23 Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Musi

Does WhatsApp work on the original iphone4 or just iphone4s?

anyone out there know if whatsapp call feature works on original iphone4 running ios 7.1 or option on original iphone 4s? cannot work. according whatsapp website supposed able use whatsapp call feature speak other whatsapp users in contacts. have heard. i) phone may need jailbroken. true? not seem true have non jailbroken iphone 4s running ios7.1 and running ios 8 can use both make whatsapp calls. ii)that can use installing whatsapp beta. - whatsapp beta developed whatsapp company. - tried installing whatsapp beta straight onto iphone 4s using link. downloaded got message. unable install. there further guidance installing whatsapp on iphone 4s using ios7.1? iii) needs activated. , needs achieved has whatsapp call feature, calling phone. have tried did not work. please advise. not udp or router issue have tested iphone 4s & iphone 5 & both work fine call feature on wirelss connection.  

iCloud Music Library songs - airplay not working

i have found of songs owned not airplaying. playing apple music playlist through iphone apple tv. every song seemed work, except song purchased , part of icloud music library. when song came appeared playing (time counted up) there no sound projected. has had problem? known issue?   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Buy a replacement iPhone 6 or 4s now?

my iphone 6 plus bricked , thinking buying phone until repaired (takes around 2 months, expat in third world country). have offer of buying new iphone 6 plus regular price or cheaper 4s (one third of price of iphone 6 plus: 300 usd). ... , new iphone 6s coming in 2 months.   iphone 4s if being used 2 months   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Windows 8 on MacBook Pro late 2012

hi guys, today installed windows 8 on macbook pro 13 inch late 2012. have no sound , @ least not through speakers. connected dre beats wireless via bluetooth , have sound. have sound through speakers? sorry bad english . greetings. robert   paperchaser said: ↑ hi guys, today installed windows 8 on macbook pro 13 inch late 2012. have no sound , @ least not through speakers. connected dre beats wireless via bluetooth , have sound. have sound through speakers? sorry bad english . greetings. robert click expand... if did uefi install, sound won't work (largely due cirrus controller), because uefi installs of windows doesn't play earlier haswell (yours ivy bridge).   Forums Macs Windows, Linux & Others on the Mac

Apple Music Is On, But I Can't Stream...

i think i'm technology (especially apple technology/services), apple music confusing heck out of me. went itunes > preferences on imac , turned on apple music. signed trial. every song try , play in itunes store plays preview. of playlists duplicated 4 times. not able stream albums/songs in itunes store on our macs?   sounds in itunes store , not apple music service. try selecting tab or new , play there.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Fix for iCloud Music Library debacle?

so stupidly hit okay on using icloud music library , music messed , has incorrect art/etc. i've done fix go older version of library, doesn't matter, damage done. in thread pointed out, itunes went in , edited metadata on every single song file. fix go in manually , fix yourself? , if do, happen? itunes overwrite did next day? what's best way handle broken library? (and remember, i've restored older version, , many of songs still messed up).   just thought of - doing time machine restore on music folder fix it?   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPo

SCOTUS decision questionable offshoot

iblazed said: ↑ and once again, bigotry rears ugly head. heterosexual couples routinely have anal sex well. there's nothing disturbing or destructive it. on it. click expand... yes not unprotected sex mult partners. know adult bookstores catering gay acts. want hide it. parking lot of adult bookstore on way home packed. lots of disgusting going on there. how come there no book stores holes in walls hetero couples. maybe prefer keep @ home.   bigindallas said: ↑ yes not unprotected sex mult partners. click expand... oh yeah, goodness knows straight people don't ever have unprotected sex multiple partners! often, wonder if live on same planet rest of us.   Forums Mac Community

What's best way to follow news on iPhone?

i read news 50-75 various sources of subjects have interest in. cannot figure out best solution me on iphone. various rss or twitter better solution getting in 1 place , not missing on go? thank you!   xystence said: ↑ i read news 50-75 various sources of subjects have interest in. cannot figure out best solution me on iphone. various rss or twitter better solution getting in 1 place , not missing on go? thank you! click expand... have seen upcoming news app in ios 9? sounds need.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applicat

How much cheaper will Apple Watch 2 be?

i think can agree apple watch priced rather aggressively. based on history 1 assume price drop expected when aw2 announced. guesses? i'm saying @ least $50 across board on sport/watch - knows edition *whoops misspelled title, idea on how can edit that? mods can please change "chearer" " cheaper" please. thx.   history tells apple follow same pricing structure, drop price of older version (aw 1). thinking other day wouldnt surprised if apple did sort of promotion in future -- "buy new iphone , aw sport $199." see them trying pair 2 devices single purchase. kinda school specials got free (or discounted) ipod touch buying new mac during school season.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System

Ship times on a maxed out 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display

yesterday @ 4pm eastern time ordered rmbp options , expedited shipping. delivery info have is: available ship: 3-5 business days delivers: 26 jun, 2015 - 29 jun, 2015 2-3 business days ​ i'm going away on 29th i'd prefer machine delivered on 26th. what's likelihood happen? apple use shipping now? i'm thinking may need put hold on delivery day. hope options i've chosen might impact me favorably , it's available ship before weekend, suspect there little can , apple estimate accurate. can't wait machine it'll huge upgrade on trusty 2011 macbook air. tia -brian   delivery time estimate. can earlier, no guarantee. should have given more time before ordering, or wait until got back. may have contact carrier , see if can put hold on item day.   Forums Macs

Refurbished Apple Watch?

do guys think these come available eventually? find watch expensive get, i'm hoping pick cheaper refurbished model when i'm in in november.   eventually, it's going long time.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Check out my iPhone 6 mini :)

hey guys got iphone 6 mini , looks cool. check out ...   ??? mean iphone 6? there's 6 , 6 plus. there no 6 mini.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Now is the time for a native Google contacts app for iOS

we have photos app, calendar, mms , phone (hangouts), maps , gps, music player, email, browser, , google now/voice search app , reminders. need google sanction contacts app. ideal app 1 tie other apps together. should let open phone numbers, addresses, email, birthdays, sms/mms, , urls google's own apps. there no need apple add default apps if google opens apps in ecosystem. contacts app should sync android starred or favorite contacts. should have google contact groups , accept import , export of contacts using vcf files (that includes contact picture in vcf file). should able send these vcf files using hangouts or gmail/inbox. need google make happen. pretty use google apps anyway on iphone 6+ , android nexus 6.   pointless since can add gmail under accounts , tell sync contacts. no need standalone contacts app because of this. calendar same way although new google calendar app beca

Powerful Image Editing App 'Pixelmator' Expands to the iPhone

in october, popular mac image editing app pixelmator brought ios in form of ipad app , , of today, ios app being expanded iphone . pixelmator ios universal app, giving iphone users way edit images pixelmator 's powerful image editing tools first time. iphone support important step in pixelmator 's evolution , let company reach wider customer base. many people, iphone has largely replaced point , shoot cameras. image sharing site flickr, example, lists apple's iphones top 3 popular cameras. there wealth of image editing apps available iphone, pixelmator sets apart solid set of tools packaged in accessible interface , icloud interconnectivity pixelmator mac app. ​ pixelmator iphone offers same tools available in ipad app, have used previous version of app familiar capabilities. on iphone, pixelmator 's photo editing tools useful, letting users adjust colors, fix lighting, add filters, crop, straighten, , distort photographs

21:9 Displays and SplitScreen (2 displays in 1) issue (34um95)

hi all, got delivered lg 34um95 use 2014 macbook air. first, it's piece of wonder! don't regret @ dell u2415s. having single screen no bezels in middle amazing! issue. running splitscreen applications on macs? lg has splitscreen application supposedly makes monitor behave 2 or more different monitors mac. doesn't seem work me. i've been using app sizeup long while, , splitsreen seems same thing. resize apps size. hoping using "full screen" version of apps/browser/etc , being able display 2 of them side side on monitor. can relate? have ideas if there other software out there that?   i'm interested in well. coincidentally, hunting new monitor yesterday , model intrigued me of professional work. i'm in pro apps 10 hours day , loved idea of upgrading dual monitors (acd 20 , 30) replacing them 1 seamless monitor split screens. ultrawide

Upgrading 5K iMac memory

can point me towards decently priced kit upgrading 27" 5k imac 32 gb ram?,-27-inch,-late-2014),-27-inch,-late-2014)   Forums Macs Desktops iMac iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How do the guys at the Genius Bar check our MacBooks' hardware?

hello, time ago brought mid-2014 13" mbp apple store repair, , saw guy @ genius bar check hardware holding key (combination) @ startup of machine. thinking apple diagnostics (or apple hardware test older macbooks). when tried start machine apple diagnostics (by holding d key), realized not same (the interface not same). checked start keyboard combinations here: seems none of them has function. have idea that? (would useful buy second-hand machines ) in advance!   ehku said: ↑ hello, time ago brought mid-2014 13" mbp apple store repair, , saw guy @ genius bar check hardware holding key (combination) @ startup of machine. thinking apple diagnostics (or apple hardware test older macbooks). when tried start machine apple diagnostics (by holding d key), realized not same (the interface not sam

Mid 2011 Thunderbolt port issue

hi all, worked great until friday. turned off , on , no longer work have thunderbolt display. 2011 i7 mini. thunderbolt display , 2 external thunderbolt hdd lacie not work on mini. thunderbolt display work fine on friends 2012 mini. took friends monoprice monitor. using displayport thunderbolt adapter. works fine on mini. not understand why 1 work , not other if works fine on machine. ugh   take mini friend's. -your- mini work display?   Forums Macs Desktops Mac mini iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone 3GS stalled on "Activating Your iPhone" screen

my sister had phone (sim unlocked) , thought of backing photos, videos , factory reset phone while upgrading latest firmware. problem 3gs won't passed "activating iphone" , have tried install itunes 9.1.0 won't downgrade or whatever. hope fixable because phone working before , had knew happen wouldn't have done it.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhoto for Yosemite

i upgraded yosemite , without asking, removed iphoto , replaced brain damaged photos. want reinstall iphoto 11 , cannot find link upload anywhere. chance 1 exists?   rashley said: ↑ i upgraded yosemite , without asking, removed iphoto , replaced brain damaged photos. want reinstall iphoto 11 , cannot find link upload anywhere. chance 1 exists? click expand... downgrade 10.10.2.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

38 vs 42

i wanted see people thought differences between 38 watch compared 42. besides obvious screen size difference how harder screen read result of size? how difference battery life? other major difference? me disappointment 38 has no leather loop band available. that's favorite band not available use watch i'm getting. move 42 watch big , covers whole wrist, it's not comfortable. if family has both watches, differences have noticed? better or worse.   solarguy17 said: ↑ i wanted see people thought differences between 38 watch compared 42. besides obvious screen size difference how harder screen read result of size? how difference battery life? other major difference? me disappointment 38 has no leather loop band available. that's favorite band not available use watch i'm getting. move 42 watch big , covers whol

Skylake rMBPs before or after Christmas?

fellow mac gamblers, please estimate whether next-gen rmbp released before christmas (in 2015) or after (2016). context: in desperate need of new machine (my 2008 mb) dying, yet if skylake-based series 4-5 months out, perhaps (perhaps!) might able postpone purchase , live on cheap mac mini meanwhile. buy new machine every 5 years on average, , iris 6100 graphics in current rmbp not inspire perfect confidence.   i'm thinking quad-core broadwell rmbp 15" wwdc, , skylake next year.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Activity App and Health

sorry if has been discussed. have been using apple watch , have allowed track activity. while exploring activity app noticed move submenu shows active calories , resting calories. when open health app, shows active calories, says there no data resting calories. ideas?   applegeek01 said: ↑ sorry if has been discussed. have been using apple watch , have allowed track activity. while exploring activity app noticed move submenu shows active calories , resting calories. when open health app, shows active calories, says there no data resting calories. ideas? click expand... doesn't update it. yeh change on time losing , gaining weight going relatively static week in , out.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Apps

Facebook "Matching Off"???

all of sudden i'm getting when attempting update status. why? 6 plus unplugged , bluetooth off (i.e. not connected speaker).   did give fb permission access microphone? double check under settings-privacy-microphone   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

My rMBP sometimes insanely overheats when in sleep mode

hello, how you? have late-2013 retina macbook pro 15" dgpu. use everyday @ home, office , college, , when i'm switching places, close lid , put computer in backpack. notebook never overheat when i'm using it, feels cold touch, , also, in cases when out of backpack, cooler. however, 4 times since got computer on january 2014, when going macbook out of backpack, really, really, really hot! mean, hot hurt fingers out , place in desk. every time ocorred waited until cool down use it, i'm worried maybe device damaged sometime. there should before closing lid (besides closing apps)? there setting can configure avoid it? thank much. best wishes.   hfoletto said: ↑ is there should before closing lid (besides closing apps)? click expand... shut down 'reopen windows when logging in' disabled , rather putting in sleep mode.

Can't copy an internet recorded mp3 to iTunes with iCloud Music Library turned on

i turned on icloud music library download songs apple music on iphone offline listening keep burning through data. use audio hijack on mac record daily radio program enjoy mp3 file, , copy iphone through itunes later listening. found icloud music library enabled itunes prevents me copying recorded mp3 iphone. if turn off icloud music library, can copy mp3 iphone, of downloaded apple music songs deleted, , have download them again, , of course, i'm prevented copying subsequently recorded radio programs iphone. i'd keep icloud music library enabled , still able copy recorded radio program iphone. there way this, or going have choose more important me?   pipper99 said: ↑ i'd keep icloud music library enabled , still able copy recorded radio program iphone. there way this, or going have choose more important me? click expand... icml should upload

Message/Instagram/Twitter only show a couple photos from All Photos

hello guys, there's wrong iphone 6 (ios 8.4), before start, give info: use icloud photo library "optimize iphone storage" option selected. seems working correctly. can see photos on iphone, ipad, macbook (using photos) , on .. take new picture, able see picture on other devices. great! problem: went camping past weekend. on monday, decided start "instagram" photos... couldn't see photos there. "all photos" album had few pictures (30/40) instead of 1810-ish. on top of that, photos old. tried twitter... same thing. ruled out instagram cause of problem. tried apple's own message app , same thing happened (as can see photos above). difference between message app , twitter/instagram once selected "photo library", able access photos. photos app (everything looks here): message app should display latest photos, that's not case, although got "better" on past 24h:

Question Re Calibration/Running Discrepancy

when run i've been using outdoor run feature on watch along starting ismooth run on phone. pace shown on watch , app noticeably different. yesterday brought garmin forerunner 15 along well. garmin , app differed 2 seconds 3 mile run. apple watch off minute. periodically during run, i'd @ each , never same , far apart. @ point, need unpair , recalibrate or can done without unpairing? hate unpair fear have set apple pay again. oh, distance off .10 of mile.   no matter there differences between different devices. run/walk surge on other wrist , , apple watch seldom agrees.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applicati

500 gb Samsung 840 EVO firmware, rev D

when first installed unit in 2010 mbp last year did firmware update extocb6q. recall had download the samsung file, rename .iso file .dmg file , burn image on cd-rom. firmware updated no issues. now, see firmware available go extodb6q version. update recommended? assume functionally same process, download, rename .dmg, burn, reboot optical drive?   johnh57 said: ↑ is update recommended? click expand... did read documentation firmware update? should find list of fixes or improvements part of documentation.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional A

MacBook 5.2 Early 2009. SSD Upgrade.

hi all. want upgrade macbook ssd.. whitch ssd model? thx   i've had experiences crucial ssds. tried toshiba q series pro in macbook , ran @ sata 1 speeds. highly recommend stay away these.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Why is there not a specific watchOS folder?

i curious. stay date found in watchos 2 beta. however, of posts relegated few posts. why there not separate category watchos 2 there ios 9?   mod note: we try open subforums when there many posts topic , existing subforums overloaded posts on other topic. far there hasn't been enough movement in watchos 2 open new subforum. b   Forums Mac Community Site and Forum Feedback iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Backup POP email messages? (Need answer quick)

my aun't has 2 pop email accounts set on iphone. bring apple store service, , have feeling replace it. want make sure can restore of email messages new phone. know icloud backs email account info not actual messages. both of accounts set never delete messages server, show on new phone once restore icloud? there 3rd party way backup actual messages?   whatever email still on server load on whatever device add pop account to. depending on account through should able log account through web page , verify what's still there. pop accounts i've had in past, there server side settings altered purge email after given amount of days. checking through web interface best way verify what's still there.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone

Is Siri really that stupid?

siri play queen, 1 bites dust. apple music plays 1 bites dust cast of glee . try again.... siri, play 1 bites dust queen . siri says "sorry don't understand". talk frustrating.   yes, siri indeed stupid. long time (basically since siri first introduced), have been trying siri play album "so" peter gabriel. usually, ended playing "souled out" tower of power instead (sometimes can see how correctly understands "so", decides not follow orders anyway). tried , ended compilation album called "soul", not bad, a) not quite gabriel's "so" , b) not im library. siri idiot when comes music. "cool" thing works eddy cue showed @ last keynote.   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, i

Why you should wait for the iOS 9 public beta??

ios 9 supports lot of devices run system differently, each device has own specs , own power doesn't run same on every device, if have little old device confused whether update or not, trying software best method know whether device capable of running os or not, did big mistake upgrading ios 8, , late downgrade apple stops signing old software after the new update released. stuck ios 8, turn on ios 9, apple gave developers , non developers ability try ios 9 before released, first, identify bugs (as developer), second, know whether device have problems running it. so, before update try public beta first.   george waseem said: ↑ apple gave developers , non developers ability try ios 9 before released, first, identify bugs (as developer), second, know whether device have problems running it. click expand... apple doesn't care how works on device. want k

iPhone Not Seeing Apple Watch...

i'm having issues iphone seeing apple watch. updated ios 9 beta 2, , apple watch os beta 2. wanted downgrade phone 8.4 , failed because apple quit signing 8.3 had restore iphone new phone, install new again, , when fire watch app, it's acting have pair on again. don't see watch period. now, i'm no developer, downloaded betas put out public might've been mistake on end. realize can apple store , pay have flashed 1.0.1 i'd rather not. watch works, watch, nothing else @ moment. has disconnected icon @ top. think somewhere along way of downgrading, , not being able restore backup had installed because on 8.3 hiccup came play. might on crap end of stick here, , might ok. might have wait until official watch os comes out, , see if @ point can install , maybe watch reset phone can see it. since there no other way watch it's original settings (other having pay, , lord knows how cost) can start on again i'm not sure do. of think if

Anyone elses heart rate monitor absolute trash?

bought apple watch because gadgets, because wanted improve fitness. problem main fitness feature, heart-rate monitor never works. whenever go gym says "cannot read, try again." i'll keep pressing , won't read properly. when manage read heart rate, give me half real rate. ex: if heart rate 120 show 60. extremely frustrating. weird thing used work , buggy, time passes gotten more , more buggy point of being unusable. not sure if has summer heat, if that's case, apple should've tested better. thinking selling if doesn't improve software update.   sounds it's defective.....mine works fine....why not take apple instead of posting on forum it? it's not working it's supposed to...what of these posts watch being negative , first generation os being buggy....don't it.....return it....simple that.   Forums

Nationwide (UK building society) CEO tries applepay coming!   would explain why "unable set apple pay" appears (previously view terms , conditions re: santander). wonder if nationwide 'ready go' come july 1?   Forums Apple and Apple Services Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud, Apple Services iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How long until we see new bands?

most of on forum have purchased bands. i've purchased white , black sport bands. however, there's no more colours like. therefore, when think we'll see new bands options? perhaps in september we'll see ones shown @ milan conference?   thedeviceuser said: ↑ most of on forum have purchased bands. i've purchased white , black sport bands. however, there's no more colours like. therefore, when think we'll see new bands options? perhaps in september we'll see ones shown @ milan conference? click expand... for sure christmas.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple

How to open files regardless of required version?

so downloaded application relatively sure able run fine on 10.7.5 (my version of osx), when try open it, message pops saying requires @ least version 10.8.5. doesn't open , crash, window finder icon pops saying that. feel there must flag somewhere in code or dictating minimum version required. question is: there way ignore flag , open application regardless of minimum required version?   Forums Macs macOS Older OS X Versions Mac OS X Lion (10.7) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless